Volume 11 translations are out desu.
Hataraku Maou-sama 11
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Is this yuri NTR?
S2 when?
where's the link?
>mfw Emi bitchslapped her mom
Are the official translations actually good?
They wrote Emi when it should have been Chiho on the back cover of volume 3, but other than that I haven't seen any problems. Definitely better than the fan translations.
Sounds good.
Might catch up eventually then.
Emi a shit.
Worse than Kirino.
Fuck off anime-only fag.
She kind of has it coming.
The anime covered the first 2 volumes right?
Yep, it's up to 15 now.
I see, thanks
Godamn Emi bitchslapped her good.
Look up mittens-220.
Along with Chiho tearing into Maou, everyone getting wrecked this volume.
At least we get some good stuff from it.
I'm not complaining, Maou was being needlessly obtuse and deserved getting told off, and Lailah, I mean after Emi got to earth or at least started looking after Alas=Ramus could have stopped by and said "hi."
1 more volume. We're almost there.
anime became shit quickly. Is the same with the novels?
Depends on which part of the anime you thought was shit.
>Hell is on the moon
Haha, what
Chii-chan's Chii-chans!
Well the earth's moon is where it's tree of life is. So its not out of nowhere,
They're a lot more naturally written than the fan translations, which is very important in comedy.
Satan and Alsiel sealed the contract out of the spur of the moment. They were dazed out for a while but they were barely able to recover and think about their situation critically.
The building was old and their landlord was someone who couldn’t possibly be a human. However, the two youths were unemployed and they had no address. By the rules of this world, would there be another place that would accept someone as suspicious as them? Looking at the situation like that, they needed to be grateful about having a roof over their heads.
The two of them vowed to live quietly and pay the rent on time, so that they wouldn’t need to see their landlord’s face ever again.
“In this world, there seems to be a proverb that says ‘one must endure unspeakable hardships for the sake of vengeance’[9]. This must be one of those cases.”
Their bodies were injured because of their fight with the Hero, their magical energies were spent, and they were swept up by the gate’s flow and deposited in a world that they’ve never heard of. Even someone like the Demon Lord Satan was losing his powers after using the hypnotic spell twice. Satan experienced tiredness like he’d never felt before.
To heal his wounded body and heart, the Demon Lord Satan slept for three days straight.
Sleeping for three days straight with his injured body without eating or drinking caused Satan to suffer from malnutrition and had to be rushed to hospital. He couldn’t even stand up straight because he was dehydrated and was lacking in vitamins.
To save his pale and dying master who was staring blankly with unfocused eyes, Alsiel had to request help from their landlord Shiba after just three days of moving in. Because they didn’t have a clue as to how medical attention worked in this world.
They had signed the contract, completely unable to mount any sort of protest. The two of them stood there, their minds blank, waiting to regain their composure so they could reflect over these sudden events.
The place was a dump, its landlord a nonhuman behemoth. But what other living space would be willing to accept two homeless, unemployed young men, a concept that would send any sane landlord running at first sight? They resigned themselves to their fate, knowing the answer all too well. At the very least, they wouldn’t be rained on.
So, deep in their hearts, the two demons swore to work hard, make the rent each month, and otherwise have as little to do with their landlord as possible.
“‘You have to start somewhere,’ as they apparently say around here. Perhaps this is exactly what we need.”
They were overwhelmed in battle against the Hero, battered by the wild journey across the flows of the Gate, and mentally fatigued by their adventures in an unfamiliar world. Satan, the Devil King, was rapidly expending his magical force, his breathing ragged after only two hypnoses. The sense of extreme exhaustion was like none he had ever tasted.
So the Devil King fell asleep. And he stayed asleep for three days and three nights, healing his scarred body and drained soul.
Then, after sleeping three days straight without eating or drinking, Satan was taken to the hospital for malnutrition. The dehydration and vitamin deficiency had immobilized him.
In order to rescue his master—near death, skin dry and pallid, empty eyes staring aimlessly into space—Alciel had been forced to ask their landlord, Shiba, for help the third day after moving in. He had absolutely no idea what manner of medical facilities to expect in this world.
Fan translation > YP
As expected of YP to be inferior.
Good thing I came back to this thread.
Nice comparison. I agree that YP looks better for this series/example.
>tfw I've been made threads for the past 4-5 ln translations
>tfw I made a thread two days ago for the ln translation
>tfw the thread died in like 4 hours
Damn it feels bad desu.
I'm still glad that there are people here that enjoy this series though, I guess I just made the thread at a bad time.
Here's the link for anyone that wants it:
Password is:
Delete this.
Can anyone who has read the light novels in japanese tell us how close we are to Emi actually realizing she likes Maou?
In volume 10 when she was trapped she kept thinking about him and waiting for him to come rescue her, but in volume 11 we didn't really get to hear her thoughts on what she thinks about Maou that much.
It's obvious that she's willing to stay on friendly terms with him, seeing as every time Maou tries ignoring her or pushing her away she just keeps coming back and interacting with him, but I still don't think she likes him yet.
if you honestly think that YP is inferior, then English clearly is not your strong suit.
>Liking liberal translations and rewrites that reads like American literature instead of anime and manga work
YP dev pls go.
>instead of anime and manga work
If you think stilted phrasing at a highschooler writing level J to C to E translation is how "anime and manga work" is supposed to read then you're a complete pillock.
Called it. What a typical YP dev argument.
>reads like American literature
That's is what translation is supposed to do.
Okay user, so tell me how "He couldn’t even stand up straight because he was dehydrated and was lacking in vitamins." is somehow superior to "The dehydration and vitamin deficiency had immobilized him.".
The current fan translation is better than Yen Press' localization style, but it seems even B-T got some things better too. I prefer my LNs to read like a LN as opposed to sounding flawlessly natural in English. Diction is important to one's reading experience when enjoying literature from a different language and culture. I know what I'm reading was written in Japanese and will have Japanese culture and narrative, so to make a translation read like perfect English, as though it was authored by an English writer with none of the foreign idiosyncrasies intact, will produce this nagging feeling something is wrong and awkward.
I love this series but it also really pisses me off because there still hasn't been any news of a season 2.
The foreign idiosyncrasies are what produces the nagging feeling that something is wrong and awkward. A Japanese reader reading Japanese literature will be reading writing that feels entirely natural to them. A translation must convey both the meaning and the spirit, the experience itself.
Therefore, if the experience of reading a translation does not feel as natural to the translation's intended audience as the experience of reading the original felt to the original's intended audience, the translation has failed.
I should also point out that the current fan translation is translated from Chinese, not from Japanese, so the fact is that what you were reading was written in Chinese and has Chinese narrative and any foreign idiosyncrasies you're enjoying are actually Chinese ones.
That's your preference and that's fair, but it is often the opposite of what's considered good translation practice, which tries to create the same effect in the translated audience as the original text had on original audience.
Simple example would be, if the language used int he original sounds very informal then use informal language for the translation even if an exact one would result in using lots of formal words.
>I know what I'm reading was written in Japanese and will have Japanese culture and narrative
I don't remember where I read this, but I'm told that the school of thought of "you shouldn't even be able to tell that this was ever from another country" is largely unique to the field of English translation, and that non-English professional translators are not shy to use TL notes and whatnot when translating into their own languages, whether from English or Japanese or Chinese or whatever.
I disagree. It's like comparing Japanese anime and American cartoons. There are a great number of differences in culture, speech, and behavior between them. It would be extremely awkward, if not just wrong to render the former into the latter by shifting the aforementioned differences into how American would animate and write their cartoons.
I was speaking on a general level. Chinese is quite close to Japanese so it's not far off, anyways.
Perhaps, but that's more of a professional mindset since they look to catering to the masses. They have to assume that people won't be familiarized with anything Japanese. On the other hand, fan translators tend to have a different mindset because they are flexible and willing practice formal equivalence since those who watch or read their translations are on average people with an understanding of the culture and concepts that are used, thus translating in that way can enhance their understanding and enjoyment.
See above.
A lot of things just don't seem to get second seasons anymore even if they do well. I guess opportunity cost of not doing the absolute most popular thing has gotten too high so even fairly popular stuff isn't worth it.
>Chinese is quite close to Japanese so it's not far off, anyways.
Well then you clearly speak neither Chinese nor Japanese. Aside from Japanese adopting Chinese written characters creating a superficial resemblance, the structure of the two languages are very different.
Dubs do that and that's why they're shit 99% of the time. inb4 dubsfags
Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.
>no season 2
>Chinese is quite close to Japanese
There are more cultural resemblances between the two than there are to America, the most apparent in an anime context is probably the casual use of familial address (you can call your brother go go or da ge like japanese would use oniichan, but otherwise they're far from identical. For example the honorific and pronoun system is not quite as convoluted. Chinese isn't a strongly Subject Object Verb language either unlike Japanese, so badly translated Chinese sentence structure isn't going to give you the same "feel" as badly translated Japanese sentence structure.
So theoretically, if Maou and Emi were to fight 1 on 1 both at full power, who would win?
I was always under the impression that Maou would completely annihilate her, (and the fact that he is constantly saving her only furthers my point), but the ln's almost always mention how Emi is more powerful than Maou.
Is that just in reference to Maou as he is on Earth, or even in Ente Isla?
I don't and neither do you, I'm sure, but that doesn't mean I don't know that much. Their grammar is quite different, but culture-wise they're a lot closer than English-wise. Also, majority of Japanese and Chinese's kanji have the same meaning.
The difference in grammar doesn't appear significant in a translation. I've read a number of LN translations from Chinese that reads just like a Jap > Eng translation. Aside from having a greater culture similarity and most of their kanji having same meaning, both Jpanese and Chinese's writing are more about the action and description, often literal and roundabout, and that's a contrast to English's writing. Or perhaps that's how Eastern writing tend to be.
My thoughts exactly.
Is there an explanation?
>and neither do you, I'm sure
My Chinese is a lot better than my Japanese, but it's enough to know how different they are.
>Also, majority of Japanese and Chinese's kanji have the same meaning.
Many of them do, but you'll still be tripped up if you try to learn one language while knowing the other but assuming that it's all the same. For example 先生 is pretty common in both languages but hardly mean the same thing.
>The difference in grammar doesn't appear significant in a translation. I've read a number of LN translations from Chinese that reads just like a Jap > Eng translation.
So when you read skythewood's Konosuba translations, all those "NAH NAH" that punctuated the sentences that are so typically Chinese, this felt like a Japanese idiosyncrasy to you did it?
You're Chinese? If so, how come Chinese TL can render translation that more or less seems like Japanese?
There will be difference since there are fair percentage that have different meaning, and in those cases it's up to the TL's skill if he/she knows the equivalent or near-match in Japanese.
I was thinking along DxD, Campione, and Mondaiji. But Sky's translations don't seem that different either. Honorifics, popularized Japanese phrases translated to English, and other little things seems about the same as a J > E translations that isn't localized.
> If so, how come Chinese TL can render translation that more or less seems like Japanese?
A lot of Chinese translations aren't particularly brilliant either.
>Honorifics, popularized Japanese phrases translated to English, and other little things seems about the same as a J > E translations that isn't localized.
Cliche phrases and honorifics aren't really what I think about when I think of bad translations letting idiosyncrasies slip through, what I was thinking about is the kind of garbled nonsense that webnovel MTLers on wordpress tend to shit out where the translator didn't even bother to move the subject from the front of the sentence to the back.
You're suggesting bad. Why?
>move the subject from the front of the sentence to the back.
What's wrong with that exactly? I've seen that even in English literature and tv shows.
As far as I know there has never been anything that outright says Emi is stronger or Maou is, but I think from most of the events of the story it can be assumed that Maou is much stronger.
I mean, he's been alive for several hundred years and knows magic that surpasses the physical capabilities of humans. So far in the story there was no point where Maou was at full power, so I think that when the books mentioned Emi being stronger they were referring specifically to Maou as a normal person without having his powers.
I'd find it very hard to believe that Maou, who defeated Lucifer in like thirty seconds in the beginning of the show, would have any trouble at all dealing with Emi who had talked about fighting for days on end with Lucifer and not even being able to kill him in the end.
Because the feel it produces in English is different from the feel it produces in Japanese. In Japanese it's standard, in English it's stylish when used appropriately and awkward when used badly.
What do you consider appropriate and not?
Easy to find, just waiting for the pdf with pictures in it to archive for later.
Guessing FFF are the too go to for this show? Not sure if I'm up for the commie memes at the moment.
Commie was better. Really.
But you can do whatever you want.
The anime exists solely to promote the LN.
As long as the LN sales get a push and stay strong, a second season won't happen.
I can understand that since a lot of other series do the same thing, but the anime sales were actually quite successful and a season 2 would probably be profitable as well.
I'm only interested in romance anime, and as far as I know this series doesn't have much.
Is it worth getting into the light novels for this reason?
I mean it's there but its not super big focus. Some volumes spotlight it more then others, but if your looking for romantic interactions in every scene then it doesn't have that.
In the past few threads though I've kept hearing people say that we're almost getting to the point where the main girl is going to fall hard for the MC.
Is the story before that decent? I might just start reading anyway because I find the basic premise pretty funny.
Any way to get the older translated volumes?
d-does this actually happen?
Go to the translator's website (just Google search mittens220). She has some clue or something in the first post on the site where you can find the older volumes.
It pointed me to a blog about fanfiction.
I'm an anime only fag and wanna catch up on the LNs, so spoonfeed me this once: this is konosuba all over again or legit fanfic?
Story is fun and quite decent by fantasy standards, even if it falls into some cliches.
Alas=Ramus scenes are really cute, you'll probably love them.
The ln's are all official.
The reason the website points you to a blog about fanfic is because the author and translator are friends and the translator is trying to help the author get more traffic.
There should be a link or something to the older ln's somewhere either on the other authors site or in one of her fanfics.
If I have time later Ill try finding the link and posting it here for you.
Time to learn how to use that shit I guess. Do I need an irc client or will browser work?
wtf they have a daughter together?
At that point are they married or something?
It's complicated. The baby is from the tree of life and views them as her parents. Though at the point she first shows up they're still on, uneasy ground with each other. What with Emi still believing her father is dead in the aftermath of Maou's forces attacking her village and most people not making it out of there...
Their relationship is complicated for awhile.
He's the Demon King
Why can't both girls get the demon king?
Demon kings are known for having harems!
Not that user, but I seriously hope you aren't implying a harem ending.
We all know there are (soon to be) three girls lusting after his dick, but there's no indication that we get an ending with more than one of them getting with him,
There are three girls that want him desu.
In ln 9 or 10 there's a part where Maou and Suzuno are camping together and Maou is talking about why he invaded Ente Isla and what his intentions were, and the author makes it pretty obvious that she kind of likes him after that.
well regardless, more for the harem!
Not the same user, but I would appreciate it if you could.
I just skimmed through her "latest fanfiction" like the post on the translator's blog says to do and I didn't see a link to anything.
Guess I'll just suck it up and actually read the whole thing and see if there is any kind of hint to an archive of past ln's.
desu if some other user had some of the novels saved and they uploaded them it would be much more convenient, but I have some free time so I'll try investigating this fanfiction thing.
Thanks for the info, gonna report this to my superiors at Yen Press now.
From what I see on the site, it seems most of the translations have already been taken down. Anyone still have them?
I scoured through her live journal/fanfics/fanfic page/etc. and haven't found anything. Either the links are gone or they're so far buried they're impossible to find.
Just about to tap out myself.
I asked because I already did those things and tapped out.
Now if another user managed to actually save previous volumes even in a .txt format then it's enough for me.
Someone on Sup Forums has to have a few of them saved at least.
Why are people struggling to find the volumes when the answer was already given?
They want the old volumes.
The password posted earlier was only the password for ln 11.
>not calling Maou Sadao-senpai for all the time
Emi pls