What's the point of watching OP/ED more than one time? If you're watching a 12 episodes show, you will waste around 36 minutes watching OP/ED, time enough to watch almost 2 episodes of another series.
What's the point of watching OP/ED more than one time? If you're watching a 12 episodes show...
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What's the point of caring about how some other faggots watch their anime?
If I like the OP, I'll rewatch it, at least when watching an airing show. During a marathon it certainly gets less appealing..
But what if the OP and/or the ED is really good?
What's the point of responding to OP more than one time? If you're lurking a 12 thread forum, you will waste around 36 minutes replying to OP, time enough to watch almost 2 episodes of another series.
Because some shows have fun with it?
What about those shows where they get cheeky and make little changes to the OP every episode?
decide on an ad-hoc basis, no gods no masters. if an ep was hype i'll let the ED play out, if it was really hype then maybe the OP of the following will get played. maybe not.
>make little changes to the OP every episode?
Just fast-forward the OP then.
Whats the point of watching more than one anime? If you're watching a 12 episode show, you will waste around 4.8 hours watching anime, time enough to be spent doing literally anything else with your pathetic life.
What if a vampire stops time tho
>Implying you don't want to be Waiting for the rain every week
Yea, unless it's different songs like Lucky Star.
Sometimes I feel like /a bitches about the most contrived shit.
"B-but what's the point of watching an anime when there's only 20 minutes in an episode?"
>If you're watching a 12 episodes show, you will waste around 36 minutes watching OP/ED
If you enjoyed those 36 minutes, the time wasn't "wasted".
Watching anime is a waste of time, go do something beneficial for society or shitpost like the rest of us, more fun.
>expecting anything from Yaharifags
1. I'm not going back to re-download all the images I have like that.
2. A lot of the times it doesn't matter.
3. Including this case.
Use Pixiv for two hours before posting.