Race-anatomy thread

Race-anatomy thread

I'll start off: Brooklyn Jew

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so this is what the master race spends their time doing?


>wogs are so stupid that they can't imagine it's possible to do more than one thing in their entire life
Gave me a giggle.


Little Karl reaches for the pointer, steps up to the board and points at the drawings.

“One can most easily tell a Jew by his nose. The Jewish nose is bent at its point. It looks like the number six. We call it the 'Jewish six.' Many Gentiles also have bent noses. But their noses bend upwards, not downwards. Such a nose is a hook nose or an eagle nose. It is not at all like a Jewish nose.”

“Right!” says the teacher. “But the nose is not the only way to recognize a Jew...”

The boy goes on. “One can also recognize a Jew by his lips. His lips are usually puffy. The lower lip often protrudes. The eyes are different too. The eyelids are mostly thicker and more fleshy than ours. The Jewish look is wary and piercing. One can tell from his eyes that he is a deceitful person.”

The teacher calls on another lad. He is Fritz Müller, and is the best in the class. He goes to the board and says:

“Jews are usually small to mid-sized. They have short legs. Their arms are often very short too. Many Jews are bow-legged and flat-footed. They often have a low, slanting forehead, a receding forehead. Many criminals have such a receding forehead. The Jews are criminals too. Their hair is usually dark and often curly like a Negro’s. Their ears are very large, and they look like the handles of a coffee cup.”


>tfw my ex had all those features
no wonder she was such a cunt

Same Mother and different Father
Left Is Half_Jew and Right is Pure White

Know the difference

Shit this is literally me. Is nazi race science actually real?

But the left is cuter....

>Is water wet

-Perfect Caucasian specimen
-God of the Caucasian people
-Strong jaw line, good hair, robust facial features.
-upturned inquiring face.


>Look like Sand nigger

Sorry, but white are prettier than non white

reminder that most of them get nose jobs, thus to detect them you often have to look for more subtle features.

Here are some clues to look for:
>sloped back forehead
>attached earlobes
>oval eye orbits
>face comes to a "beak" shape in front
>often balding
>very often short (average jewish height is 5' 6" for males)
>very often will have dark, curly hair
>nasally sounding voice (Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Peter Schiff....etc), once you hear it you know what I mean
>usually will have a high verbal IQ, can talk circles around anyone
>are they from New York or LA? Are they in an intellectual, financial, or media field?

You can also start to see it in the general structure of their face, the way their cheekbones are, the way their jaw is.

But he's right. The girl on the left is much cuter.

Average height for males in Israel is 5 ft 9 1⁄2.

Poo in Loo Tier women are not cute , m8

israel is only a small % ashkenazi
Jews are short as fuck, everyone knows this

“One can most easily tell a Jew by his nose. The Jewish nose is bent at its point. It looks like the number six. We call it the 'Jewish six.' Many Gentiles also have bent noses. But their noses bend upwards, not downwards. Such a nose is a hook nose or an eagle nose. It is not at all like a Jewish nose.” Julius Streicher


having a life filled with meaningful activities prohibits shitposting


Julius Streicher

Indeed. He has a hook nose, but not a Jewish six nose. Julius is a gentile. Just further proves the point that the Germans were not out to enslave everyone non-blonde blue eyed.


This is a classical Gentile hook-nose. It is not a Jewish six. The columella rounds inwards.

According to jews he was the son of a Roman soldier, Pantera. Plus Greeks and Romans ruled that area for a long time. He was also described by the gov before Pontius as having hair the color of ripe hazelnuts.

Jesus was White.

Same nose as noam chomsky, bra

There are racial differences...but. Most ashkenzi jews have higher european phenotype than jewish

She is one those Jewesses that was both considered good looking and bad looking. Depends on the film, lighting, make-up i guess.

>itt pseudoscience

The Rothschilds are not even normal Jews anymore, their family have bred in for a long time and not all was Jewish blood.

Chomsky's father was Askhenazi, his mother is unknown, but she was born in White-Russia. Likely to be a Polish-Jewish hybrid.

Chad meme 1.0

I know, thats my point.

All the jews that matter and are powerful are mixed. The irrelevant pleb tier jews are more likely to be closer to jewish phenotype.

Hell, even in israel the more euroean/Ashkenazi jews are upper class. They have less jewish features than the other jews.

looks like a nigomorph

Isn't she Ukrainian aka Khazarian?

>itt pseudoscience



you netherland fags have a corrupt Hillary analog?


>the creation of perfect genes
>blue, green or brown eyes
>doesn't have Jew nose
>doesn't have nigger lips
>perfect eyes

Us Slavs are also know for having aryan genes making us age well

>Aryans women
>age well
I don't think you got it from them

that kind of slav women are the worst
low class facial features
pic related is top tier slavic women

>tfw have a bump on my nose that makes it look kinda Jewish

Feels bad man.

He one on the right has a prettier face but the jew got a better body.

white people are ugly

Nose job bruhh, her real nose is a beak.

To be fair right looks like a he can deliver some solid bantz

Chuck Schummer??

my old history teacher taught me
>feel the back of your head
> if its flat .. Caucasian skull ~ civilized
> if its round...nigger skull ~ barbarian
its fucking true
im even further more advanced, with straight flat forehead.
Slope = nigger/mong

if this is true, why aren't native americans smarter?

Jews got smart by mixing into european elites so it's no wonder the most white are the most successful.
Look at the lineage of top jewish banking families, they are all intermarried with european nobility. The current head of the Rothschild family for example is already half anglo and his son and heir is 1/4 jew 3/4 anglo. The kike faggots working at CNN or the NYT are mostly pure though.

So more western looking?
Pic related is the typical slav face.

That JewBoy could be any sandnigger. Semites are so similar

>You may not like it, but this is what peak Aryan performance looks like

what neets dont understand
Caucasian =/= Norse

Was thinking more Man vs. Food: Wiemar Edition

Looks like Ted Cruz's grampa

They're Semites wearing an expensive White People suit.

they lived in the most comfy place on earth. imagine roaming north america with only a few thousand people. therefore no adaption needed. meanwhile china and japan are the most overpopulated places on earth

I think there are different slavs. The round faced ones and more narrow faced. I prefer the narrow-faced slavic women.

Pudzio XD

From a genetic perspective, do you yourself have a round or a narrow face?

hard to call that a hook. Looks straight except for the bulged rhinion

Yeah I remember piggyface=dumb girl from school. They have good hearts tho

Dude looks like he train from child

slavs are beautiful when they're young, but age like this

thats a hot little package
i would definitely put my meat in her bun if you get what im saying


boy on right is merchant in the making
somebody MS paint the hands please!

where can I download this app?


I have that face shape. I can't tell if its narrow or not. Probably rectangle.

>Narrow face.
Pick one, it's a Germanic and Nordic trait.

>aryan genes

Hm, you have a pretty sharp face then. I was thinking if you had a round face maybe you liked girls with sharp faces because you subconsiously wanted the best biological match for your future offspring. But my thesis failed me...

it's like the neanderthal skull is saying "what u gonna do bitch"

and the homo sapiens skull is taking it like a bitch.

Bad example, you could land a fucking fighter jet on whitey's forehead and her murder-leer is spooky as hell

Guys Im 18 yo and my face is kinda weird,
I have brown hair and brown eyes with some green i would say that my face is round but i have high forehead. My jawline is weak and short. Also my nose is weird, its upturned and square and ftw i have almost single eyelids.
What the fuck am i? Slavo-mongolo-ashkenazi? My ancestros form fathers side look pretty white (blonde, blue eyed) but my mothers family...
you know their skin is pretty white but they all have dark hair and eyes. Idk i look that weir bcs im girl but i dont think i would look better if i were a boy. sorry for broken english.

There is no difference between dinarid, taurid (the type of nose you see on italians) and armenoid noses.

They all come from an adaption to high altitudes however dinarids and taurids are progressive-mature in nature, while armenoids tend to be reduced and disharmonious.

Tits or GTFO

That's because the skulls are not from equally tall people.

One is a domesticated, immature version of the other. A dog compared to a wolf. Agriculture has turned us all into the pathetic cucked form of a being that was smart and strong enough to survive in nature. Even this is too much for the interbred sickly slime that rules us. They won't be happy until we are all stupid children.

Naw, if the back of your head is flat it means your parents are retarded and left you laying on your back in the crib long enough for your head to flatten permanently.
My old lady is asian and the back of her head is completely flat.

Nice flag

Thank you so much! What a wonderful compliment. Have a nice day, sir!

Sweden. Have the most beautiful women in the world for cherry picking raided towns. Hundreds of years laters bring the ugliest races to live amongst you.

What could possibly go wrong?

No I don't

go back to kitchen wahman, it's not a place for you


If that were true, wouldn't the best possible choice be to give the baby a flat back of the head rather than warp their face my laying them on a side?

No, in order to fight the natural tendency to flatten baby heads, it's important to expand their skulls. I prefer swinging them by the ankles a few times a day. Watch for furniture or walls, that's how my aunt lost our son.

>amerinds third
Obviously that metric means nothing then.

Your pic has a "Dutchess of Cambridge" small Anglo nose. It's the most commonly desired in rhinoplasty.

Top tier russian madmuazel, for u lads

Has anyone else noticed that jews have the innsmouth mouth?

My man, noam chomsky! Ai !

Stele of Rameses the II showing different tribes of Israel he defeated.

Sorry, but we cant take any chances.

Off with yer heed

R8 my infinite/10 lady