>new Milky Holmes show
>airing Winter 2017
New Milky Holmes show
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Movie rips never
Subs never + infinity years
I can always take more retarded Milky Holmes
No one even cares anymore.
Please be Dame Dame.
IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will it be like the last 2 season or the first 2 is the question.
Did the BD even come out yet?
Great, another butchering of something I love. Fuck everything, nothing will be right. Were is my justice?
If no damedame, no life. Otherwise see pic related.
I don't think so.
Nero a bitch.
Can't wait for more Feathers
Will this become Teekyu 2.0?
Too bad I killed myself
Are Feathers main characters alongside Milky Holmes now?
I actually like them so would be okay with it.
>caring at all when everything after season 2 has been shit
It's a dead franchise, user. Just rewatch the first two shows, it's the only good we're ever going to get.
I think they were the best a part of TD, because they were comic relief.
Who is the director? This is important.
So, uh, will the movie ever get released on video? Or is it still in cinemas and the BD release will be announced later?
Kokoro-chan is adorable.
I want Moriwaki. Right now.
Genuine question; why are the first two seasons so enjoyable? I don't mean compared to everything after it since that was just dogshit. The humour is very different from what I've come to expect of Japanese shows, so those first two seasons being so enjoyable came as a surprise to me.
Aren't BD movies usually take some more time from cinema release? Like a half a year or something?
I think it was the case with Macross Frontier movies.
Uh it's just a special.
Will it actually be a masterpiece though? The one with the idol felt like it had masterpiece potential if it focused less on the idol and her fairies or whatever, I need more masterpiece. The wounds from futari wa still fester.
Japs like to delay their BDs a lot for some reason. It took like 10 months for the Haruhi Disappearance movie to hit the BDs. Whereas Hollywood films generally get BDs in 4-5 months or less.
Please, tell me that this will actually be a real season three. I don't think I can sustain another blow like Futari wa.
Why do they keep milking this franchise?
What is this semen demonry?
>Milky Holmes
>milking the franchise
>Milking the Holmes
>The Milking Franchise
The mystery is solved!
>milky gets more sequels than your favourite show
thanks a lot Cd sales
I refuse to accept Futari Wa as a thing, so not yet.
idol thing was ok/10,still not at the level of season 1 or 2. i hope movie is good
futari and Opera OVA I hope will be forgotten they existed
Milky Holmes is my favorite show.
I'm surprised it got a 5th season with 3&4 selling like shit. Is it because of merchandise?
I've watched the first season 3 times already
Time to watch the rest of the series
There's only one sequel. I heard rumors about a movie.
MH has always been about merchandise.
This isn't /c/. I don't expect to be kyaa-ing so hard. You should spoiler that next time. Might hurt someone.
I saw they're still doing MH music concerts.
So they burn out of LL and went back to Detectives?
LL + Milky Holmes spinoff when?!
I'm guessing this black-nippled idol won't be back.
>Emi Nitta saved milky holmes by doing a porn video
Pretty good.
Didn't they said in first TD episode that idol industry is dark and shady or something, but ended it with "at least that's what they say on the internet"?
They knew, didn't they?
While I'm cautious I'm also honestly pretty hyped since I'm still hopeful for something like Season 1 & 2. Anyone know if the movie was good or at least better than TD?
Did the previous season bring on new fans?
I remember no one surviving Futari wa.
Maybe some Love Live fans but I'm not really sure.
pls be good, i cant keep watching the first two seasons, also dont forget about that cockroach moriarty
Who are you talking about?
Holy shit, I'm fucking hyped.
oh god, what if moriarty is why the last couple of seasons sucked?
Well he did make them open that thing at the end of season 2.
>yet another shitty MH series with no damedame, probably following another shitty idol
No thanks.
Then Milky Holmes is AOTM.
They better be dame dame or I'm killing myself.
You were supposed to with the rest of us already.
They're fixing their mistakes. When they replaced the no-fun lolis, they made a step in the right direction. Now they will replace the idols and it's going to be a great season. Mark my words. Early AOTY.
I'm really marking them. You better be right about this, user.
Season one was a masterpiece of surreal comedy.
Season two even surpassed it. There were moments that it transcended comedy itself and reached pure Zen levels of absurdism.
Everything after season 2 (Alternative, Futari, TD) was unfunny, dame dame-less torture. I'm not even interested in the movie anymore. Even if it's better than Futari or TD, I don't want to spoil the memory of the greatness that was S1 and S2.
Make Milky Holmes great again.
Can you guys not imagine how the fans for the original game which the anime is based on felt when the characters became so retarded in the anime compared to the game they're a fan of? It's probably why Futari and alternative happened.
It's animefag syndrome, they think the version they saw first is the definitive version even if it isn't the original vision. Can't blame them that much though since the first two anime seasons really are better than the rest of the franchise.
There was one episode in season 2, forgot which one, where I didn't even laugh once.
Instead I was engulfed by an intense feeling of spiritual enlightenment. It was like the mysteries of the universe were explained to me.
It didn't start as a manga?
No one cared about Milky Holmes until they put on the dame dame.
I'm guessing that's either the train episode or God of Lard.
Needs more heart mouth.
The fuck cares about Milkies anymore?
Even if they retarded, they are shit ever since their designs matured, and will never be popular because of it.
>tfw Herc will never gobble up your damedame
They used to be so squishy.
It's like the lard was sucked out of them.
When you need comedic relief from the Milkies you have a problem.
Not my fault they took such bizarre turn after second season.
I didn't mean you, user, I meant the series. If that makes sense.
As expected of country-grown vegetables.
Ah, alright, I thought "you" was directed to me.
The game isn't the original since it was conceived as a multimedia thing where the anime would be comedy just like Galaxy Angel which was created by the same person
Best Milky Holmes moment
I enjoyed Milky Holmes much more on my rewatch, after I learned the keyboard command for frame stepping.
post yfw we will never go back to season 2
Does Cordelia randomly sing in anything past season 2?
Eri is so CUTE
I want to fuck her tightly
Isn't it the same staff again?
Awwww yeah baby.
Is it? If so how do I unkill myself?