Why is incest considered to be so bad?
Why is incest considered to be so bad?
Because it might make retard babies.
Which is bad.
I have no fucking idea OP if only somebody knew.
Ask the Hapsburg
Perfectly fine between consenting adults. This thread is gonna be another 300 shit posts about genetics and morals, isn't it?
> What are condoms
> What are condoms
Something your worthless fuckup of a father couldn't afford.
My sister and I had sex once when we were younger... I don't regret it and will never understand why society thinks it's a big deal. It brought us closer together, and that's always a good thing with those important to you.
Sup Forums is a board of love and friendship
>things that never happened
But lovers and friends hold hands.
Get out baconfag
Mutant babies
Good story, not suitable for Sup Forums. Newfags should lurk moar
Bible says don't do it (Other religious books might as well, I'm not so familiar), and whether people want to admit it or not, most of our baseline morals stem from religion.
Which of course means if you're not religious and you don't intend to breed, there's no problem.
It did, user... I was 13 and she was 15... it makes a lot more sense than people might think. When you're really small, you tend to feel attracted to your older siblings. Those feelings are repressed as you get older and are made to feel they're inappropriate, but they'll always be a part of you deep down. Sex seems fairly natural since it's a merging of the souls, and your soul is already intertwined with your siblings. Sex for us was just an extension of what was already there.
Sibling sex is no more likely to introduce genetic deformations than conceiving at age 40. Problems only really start popping up if you do it generation after generation.
Because we used to not know how genetics worked, just that people who kept fucking their relatives eventually turned out weird. Now we are just idiots holding old prejudices.
If it was so good for your relationship, why did you stop?
Fuck off blogfag.
Makes fucked up looking kids. There you have it.
While I didn't feel like this, it seems like a rather logical way of putting it.
But the "repressed feelings" part bugs me, isn't that a bit more genetic? or if it is psychological, something that wakes up on its own?
>if genetics were out of the question
what would be stopping you?
keep it in the family BS only leads to weak people. Just look at Pugs. there all sorts of fucked up.
thanks Alan Watts
OP here.
I mean fuck, genetics is the obvious problem, I wasn't asking that. If you want babies, adapt them. If you want to fuck wear protection.
I'm asking, what would be stopping you from loving your sister other than fucked up babies?
I would argue that the main grip against incest is the potential for genetic deformities if the couple decides to have children. With that being related to the innate urge that lies in all human beings to advance the species forward through genetic diversity and evolution.
We understand at a base level that having a child with someone related to you results in a weak child, therefore undesirable. And it's assumed that two people in a relationship will have a child with each other so aside from being taught to you from birth it also disgusts you on a primal level.
fat ugly sister
That I don't want to fuck my sisters, and the idea is gross.
Are you people really so mentally inadequate that you cannot realize the genetics issue isn't black and white?
Take the example of that blonde GoT family. You think they are genetically more likely to produce proficient offspring with slaves and mudloods or with their siblings?
She found a boyfriend shortly after. We discussed whether it was okay to have sex again after that since neither of us really considered it cheating (to us it wasn't about romantic love or even lust, just being intimate with someone you care about), but we decided not to since the boyfriend would have considered it to be non-monogamous and we respected that.
Why is homosexuality accepted whereas brother/sister incest isn't?
Same reason why being a peedough isn't.
Same reason 2D is considered bad.
Regular women are afraid
I don't consider it bad. But I don't have any siblings or cousins to relate.
>Muh Bible
>Muh Morals
>Muh Tards
I know for a fact that you don't have actual siblings.
Again, wrong place. Please do not purify our waters.
This show is a masterpiece. Best unintended comedy ever. The music is also masterful. 10/10 would recommend.
I wish I had a brother to have sex with
>merging of souls
You had me untill there
There's only one funny part in the entire show and it's towards the ass end of the series.
Because my Onee-San isn't cute
Because it denies us the chance to rail your sister.
>merging of the souls
Fuck if I know, ask my sister, she's the one that doesn't want it.
Because incest is cheating. You don't need a good car or good job to fuck your imouto. Women don't like that kind of things.
And she's had that one boyfriend ever since? And how do you know the bf would have been unchill with it- did anyone ask him?
It's the opposite though, going for the sister is the hardest route.
> Problems only really start popping up if you do it generation after generation.
That's usually the scenario that people are talking about when they make this point though. You don't think it'd become commonplace for families to start marrying that closely within the family instead of bothering to find someone outside the family if they had the option to?
No shit there'd be almost no problem with it if it only happened amongst a small handful of people.
Mostly because can't have children biologically, you know DNA and genes don't work that well in incest, tend to get fucked up.
I guess morals too.
But mostly just the no babies.
>fucking your sibling is good
I don't know if you're retarded or retarded, OP
>did anyone ask him?
>hey dude whatsup so listen I know you're with my sister and all but we like to fuck each other like animals occasionally. She takes my dick like a champ. I'm er brother by the way. And I fuck her 'till she screams. You alright with that?
I'm sure that would go well.
Don't talk if you haven't read the bibble. Incest happened in the bibble. Siblings could get married in the past, problem is that richfags got richer.
I guess my INFJ is showing...
She dated him for three years, then married him. We never asked him because she was scared he might consider the very idea unfaithful and break up with her. It's okay. We had our one time and that's all I need.
Complex organisms need variety in their gene pool. That's why we have sexual reproduction, we're too complex just to split like bacteria (and even bacteria have a means of swapping DNA just for more genetic variety). So even if we don't necessarily understand why, humans are naturally repulsed by incest. It's natural selection at work, somewhere along the line humans picked up an aversion to incest and that's helped the species continue.
>But the "repressed feelings" part bugs me, isn't that a bit more genetic? or if it is psychological, something that wakes up on its own?
I think it's mostly psychological, but it does not depend only on society, biology most likely plays a role too.
Just look at the most common non-abusive incestuos relationships: in most cases they happen between relatives who had grown up apart. If the repulsive feelings only came from the notion that incest is bad, incestuous relationship would be as likely to happen between long lost relatives as it is in those who grew up together.
Sex =/= reproduction
>So even if we don't necessarily understand why, humans are naturally repulsed by incest
Except for the thousands of years where we weren't?
Please, lurk more.
>It brought us closer together
I find incest arousing BECAUSE its taboo. Streisand effect, maybe?
And contraception is a thing too so you can have all the sex you want without reproduction! But that doesn't invalidate what I said: OP asked question, and I explained why it's only natural to be repulsed by incest. I'm not arguing that you shouldn't do it.
That's not exactly true. Sure it increases the chances of congenital diseases, but it's not 100% certain. Hell sometimes you can even have a baby healthier than yourself if you fuck your sister.
You're cute, user~
>Streisand effect, maybe?
>ad hocum: the post
In any case, we already know that aversion to incest is probably a natural artifact of growing up around siblings. It isn't necessarily deeply ingrained in our DNA, however, as it can clearly be overwritten in the cases of actual sibling incest.
Two words.
Birth. Defects.
Th-thank you! You're cute too.
There has never been a cultural in human history without an incest taboo. How far it goes varies from culture to culture, but there is ALWAYS a line you're not supposed to cross. There are ancient cultures where fucking your cousin is okay, in some your inlaws are good to go, in some tribal cultures half-sisters are fine, but there is ALWAYS some definitive don'ts. Namely, it has never been okay to fuck your direct parents in any culture ever, and rarely your direct same-parents sibling.
Tee Bee Ach if people should not be allowed to reproduce with one another just because of the risks of birth defects, roughly half the population would be out of the gene pool by now.
These threads are already cancerous enough, fuck off retards.
How acceptable is it in your country to fuck your cousin?
Yeah I know cousins are vanilla tier here, but I'm curious, and it's not like we haven't had this thread hundreds of times already
Besides, there's always your niece! Be the cool uncle, user!
But seriously, congrats on staying on good terms with her.
I have the cutest cousin, but we aren't that close - so even if I wanted to do something, I couldn't.
Very, if absolutely no one knows that you're cousins.
I said it before and I'll say it again
Criminalizing incest helps preventing domestic abuse
Do not forget that user who dicked a 13 yo after gaining her trust and telling her sex isn't a big deal
Give me the chocolate Hisao!
>fuck off retards.
Criminalizing sex would also do that, sorta.
I said it before and I'll say it again.
Criminalizing something that isn't wrong encourages people to do things that ARE wrong to hide it.
What's important in law is always the balance. On the topic of incest, I believe laws on rape are enough to cover that issue. Moral issues on incest that is mutually agreed upon, is being dealt with here.
Dicking a 13 yo =/= dicking an adult
>Criminalizing incest helps preventing domestic abuse
Underage sex would still be illegal idiot.
Incest is a huge problem and sexy sisters should be held responsible
What is ad hocum? Google doesn't know what it is either. Did you mean another latin-named fallacy?
In any case, the natural aversion to incest isn't fully understood and some acedemics insist it's psychological, I get that. But I still think "it's evolution" checks out, nature consistently punishes incest just often enough for it be an evolved trait.
Also, any psychological aversions to incest would be coincidentally beneficial (incest is not naturally selected for no matter how you slice it) enough that genetic predisposition for them would be naturally selected for.
Evolution. Animals that didn't feel an inherent disgust of sex with siblings tended to end up in the evolutive gutter rather quickly.
This fucking thread again. And again the same shitty posts
>me wanting to fuck my sister once wouldn't have any effect. It's only one generation. There's no way our children and grandchildren would follow our example!
>so what? As long as you're not reproducing it's fine! I mean it's not like making a certain thing less taboo would make people push the boundaries further, right?
You fuckwits have the foresight of a goddamn blind vegetable. It's like half of you are genuinely detached enough from reality to believe morals are absolutely useless and serve absolutely no purpose towards societal stability.
Please don't bring Oreimo into this shit thread.
It's not. It's considered to be fantastic.
morels are useless because they're only used to control people.
anal was conceived for this
>tfw incest doujins get me off more than anything else
>Have absolutely no sexual thoughts about any of my family
It's a tricky one
People need to be controled because they're too fucking stupid to know what's good for them. That's why we have so many subconscious functions that makes us do things without us even understanding them properly. The aversion to incest being one of them.
>societal stability
Yeah, because if we decriminalized incest everyone would start fucking their sister, right?
Fuck off retard