Why is it there's no Yandere in recent anime? Has it been made illegal?

Why is it there's no Yandere in recent anime? Has it been made illegal?

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Whats up with normies and yanderes

That's not what I would consider to be a yandere. It's more of a comic relief in her case.

Netoges aren't anime, and if they're so popular in them why bring them back into anime?


What's up with robots on Sup Forums? You're not welcome.

Yuno was shit.

Get out.

>not a comic
yandere is literally a forced meme of "crazy girls with crazy face doing crazy things XDD"



How to Identify Redditards 101

She's more of a tsundere than yandere. So far.

OP here,
If you are willing to provide me examples,
honestly, please give me the titles too.
and I meant ONNANOKO


> If you are willing
I'd like people talking.

She is an evolution from both. Perfect waifu.

>Hells Kitchen anime never

He meant this anime

Not online games.

I haven't watched it,
but I don't understand how a tsundere can coexist with yandere.

Woah, woah, I don't know who this is, but picked up.

It's still ongoing ? I haven't checked lately

>he isn't watching Big Order


No one seems to understand that you're supposed to heal the yandere over time

Nips are incapable of writing a good yandere outside of hentai. It's made even worse by only bad yandere girls being popular because people have shit taste.

It's finished, translation is very slow and intermittent though.

Oh thanks, din't know that

>Big Order
Never heard of it. Gimme a basic outline.

robot pls go, we use normalfag on Sup Forums

Yanadere (in my opinion) is supposed to be pure love+mentally ill. How do people find this so hard to write when even light ryouna and gore is making it to the fucking market

Main characters are carbon copies from Mirai Nikki except one has more tsun.

Plot is pretty much the same too. They run from shit which tries to kill em

It's a discount version of Code Geass and Mirai Nikki with a shitty start, yet strangely entertaining.

>Carbon copies
Eh, male lead is miles better than Yukiteru.

Yuuno basically ended Yandere for everyone. No one can top it.

Too bad her show is garbage.

>he isn't reading big order

>translators dropped it
This is why you never pick up an unfinished manga.

And that's why I still haven't read Berserk. And probably never will.

Haha, joke's on you, it's translated in my language

Rin is pretty much a reverse Yuno so far though and much more akin to a psychotic tsundere instead of a yandere.
Their visual design though is basically the same.

Rin is really fucking weird i can't really identify what kind of dere she falls under

If anything i think she is some newly discovered super-tsun

Rin isn´t his love interest. Bunny girl is.

Rin isn't really yandere.

The developement of a yandere is love developing into obsession/hate.
Rin falt out starts hating the MC and is basically forced to love him.

Plenty of them, but we have seen the rise of "stable" yandere, where they dont resort to killing as first means of defense and can function in society relatively normally.

It's a character archetype you faggot.

>Rin isn´t his love interest
I not gonna read Big order before after then anime stops airing but i will bet everything i got on her being the winner of MC bowl

>implying imouto hasn't already won

This wasn't that long ago.

Renai Boukun is getting adapted next season too.

Yeah, well he might as well fuck any girl in the show. That´s also a possibility. Hope he´s ready for the boat though.

Probably because people realized that if a boy or man threatening a girl or woman with bodily harm was no longer funny, then a girl or woman threatening a boy or man with bodily harm shouldn't be funny either.

Personally, I think both of those things *can* be funny, but w/e.

>Renai Boukun

And Akane is an amazing girl too.

Which is a very strange sentiment when Big Order is written by the same person that wrote Mirai Nikki. How could they make something worse?

Why not? Authors are often one-trick ponys and the more of the same the make the higher the chance it´ll be worse than before because they run out of ideas.

Normalfags love cute and edgy shit because it's "unexpected" and makes them feel like they stand out.

Nothing much else to it besides shit taste.

I know, but Mirai was pretty bottom barrel even if amusing.

She's a yangire turned tsundere.

She's a lot of fun even though I'm not that fond of the series overall. I wonder who is voicing her and how much budget the adaption will get.

I want to be tied down by Yuno and be her fuck slave for life

Yandere episode this Friday.

For some reason Yukako is probably the only yandere I actually like.

Well, she doesn't really counts as yandere. She didn't want our heroic manlet to really die, she just wanted him to shit his pants in fear and be submissive.


When did this yanderes have to try to kill the one they love meme start?

The ones that do try to do it for the most part have a good reason for it (like Yuno)

Did everybody read that one VN where the yan nailed MC to a chair and started beating his shit in with a basballbat and just thought that was standart for yanderes?
For the most part they try to kill the other girls

Yuno isn´t even really a yandere, she just latched onto Yukiteru because he was convenient for her. She´s more of a full-on yangire.

Sup Forums doesn't know what yandere means anymore.

>Literally breaks most of the universal laws and just trashes a univers world to get him back
>not yandere

It's true that she started out yangire but not how she ended

It was adorable.


I-is no my fault.
Is just that stereotype is the most prominent. I didn't knew this until a few days ago where people started posting characters that never tried to hurt the MC but were very aggressive.

Is good to know because I was hopping that my suspicious was true since this personality token then would make my dick diamonds. Thanks anons, now I have new material to fap.

>people were legitimately mad at this ending
People take chinese comics too seriously. Best ending in ages.

A girl who protecting her love and kill bad guys is not yandere by default.

>you'll never have a girl put out quintillions of stars just to see your face again

1. Yandere was never popular, it has always been a niche compared to things like Tsundere. In fact it is rarely the focus of a series, Mirai Nikki was one of the few. More often yandere is used as a gag.

2. 90% of the people in this thread do not understand what yandere is. If it's just a cute girl that's also a 'crazy murderer xD' then it's yangire. Yandere specifically incorporates love, obsession, and jealousy over a specific person as the motivation. A yandere would only kill their lover to keep someone else from having them.

3. "Normies" that like yandere are just young chuuni teens (more often girls) who think the contrast between cute girl and crazy psychopath makes it extra edgy and unexpected. It's usually the same kind of people who like Invader Zim and Nightmare Before Christmas and other Hot Topic shit. Yandere allows edgy women depressed and angry that their school crushed dumped them to self-insert.

Wrong. This "Yuno is a yangire meme" needs to stop, because it's incorrect. The point where she says "it could have been anyone" does not negate her being a yandere. Her motivation is still love and obsession over a specific person. All that says is she is a shallow person. Yandere does not imply true love. What would make her yangire is if she acted like she did throughout the show just because she liked killing.

Sup Forums doesn't know what any archetype means anymore,people confuse kuuderes with tsundere or even dandere nowadays

Sakura from drei is getting animated next year there is your yandere

I just realized...
Kenshiro falls into the kuudere category


people were mad? Why?
World 3 Yuno is best and deserves all the love in all the worlds.


Dude, just be yourself and you'll make it frogshitter.


Yandere comes fom Yan and Dere. Love and crazy. Meaning love makes someone crazy. So not only do they have to be infatuated with someone (otherwise, it's just yangire) but said infatuation has to be the reason for their insanity. Lucy from Elfen Lied is a good example. She was always insane, regardless of her love. So she would be yangire with a crush.

Also, 3 things people seem to forget from the original idea. They would never kill the object of their love unless there's some strange reason that makes it okay. They don't necessarily have to be violent. And it was originlly a term for female characters. Men can not be yandere. Male yandere are just stalkers.

>If it's just a cute girl that's also a 'crazy murderer xD' then it's yangire
it's crazy murderer xD with dere-dere appearing

>not normalfags
Kill yourself

This thread needs more second lieutenant

>jus b urself dude ;)
fuck off Chad

This Friday's JoJo will feature a lot of yandere

Someone from Sup Forums made a meme game. Or is trying to between reading emails.

Nope. Hs to be the cause.