>[HorribleSubs] Seisen Cerberus - 07 [720p].mkv
Which anime has more dead threads? This or Endride?
[HorribleSubs] Seisen Cerberus - 07 [720p].mkv
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this, endride, and probably rinne ;__;
i haven't seen a crane girls or ragnastrike thread with more than 3 posts
Why is this anime so cruel for milfs?
>Which anime has more dead threads?
pan de shit threads
What was more painful for her? This or their wedding night?
That was funny how /u/mods fast deleted threads about it there
Endride, this one at least has more cute girls to post about.
Based eyecatch.
I'm toolazy to convert/make new
Not much happenings on episode 9 and 10.
Step it up senpai.
What about WagaHigh? I only saw a thread for the first episode with no more than 10 replies or so.
yeah every short has no threads other than some pan de peace episodes really
This is more fun. Endride got boring after first 2 episodes.
Luluco is popular because Trigger.
People like to complain that Usakame is worse than Teekyuu.
Tonkatsu DJ is somewhat popular, not sure if 9 min episodes count as a short though.
The latest episode is okay.
Agreed, but we'll see if it will keep at it.
Probably Hundred.
Whats the deal with big fat cat tats? Is she like a spy or something? Or is she just in it for the money and the ability to exploit information for her own gain.
I guess the latter,
It's slowly getting better.
Chink fags what happens in he next ep?
Endride. Loving both though.
Endride is also 2 cour
Where's the fucking bread?
Dark Shadow.
Haven't seen the today's episode yet. Let me guess, those soldiers loyal to the catgirl old hag were poisoned and turned into half-orc monstrosities as a revenge for her failure?
From the conversation in episode 5 it seems that she has some hidden motive.
No. Good job, you failed at being edgy.
CGG gets 50-100 post threads every week thanks to the JK Meshi audience. Ragnastrike is literally 30 seconds long so there's nothing to discuss.
OP is out if anyone cares
Totally not Dragonheart
I noticed in todays episode after she got the flute-looking thing Mr big-bad was mentioning the Trowa and she was playing stupid. Shes gotta be hiding something other than those huge tits of hers.
The Lord of War knockoff is literally trying to resurrect an ancient evil just so he can make more money in arms dealing. Can't blame me from expecting edgy shit from him.
He doesn't do anything people are not currently doing on our planet. At he is not even a tripfag, so that is a big plus to his personality.
There are people trying to create half-orcs and revive dead dragons on our planet?
>Failing at hot blooded screams as well
Oh Hiiro
The ED title for the Chinese version can be translated as Dragon Heart Wars.
Dude looks like a lady
He really does
I feel really bad for Giruu now.
Seriously he's had it rough. I didn't notice he had horns before this episode though, it was nice to have it shoved in my face so I could finally notice it.
He is still the heroine instead of MC going by episode 12 preview.
When will the retard do something?
I like how the fights in this play with your expectations
>"I'll end your suffering"
>gets rekt
>"Hiiro use your power"
>MC screams, wind moves
>nothing happens
>Giruu kills the bad guy from behind
Best part is that MC is always useless.
Ultradead already?
Not enough Saraato being cute this episode.
This thing scalated fast
Watching Hiiro fail every week never gets old
Giruu is the real MC and hero of this story.
His backstory is more relateable and touching. He actually worked for his power, and he's just a nice guy who has to put up with a lot of crap.
MC is a whiny, useless turd.
Jew lizard episode when?
MC might be useless but he looks like a cute girl and has the best voice possible so he gets an A+ in my book. Giruu is definitely top tier though.