Let's have a Madoka thread
Madoka Magica
why ?
Either the OP really wants a genuine normal discussion about the Madoka-franchise (very unlikely), or the OP just wants to make another thread to see how long it takes until this funny tripfaggers-vs.-ack spam thing happens (most likely).
I doubt it's the latter.
because legs
Watching it with a friend. Did Blue murder some dudes on a train?
They deserved it.
Anime director said she didn't.
Urobutcher said that you can interpret it as you see fit.
In the manga (non canon) she did.
So she's a murderous bitch.
Hi, I'm Chuu. I tried with Madoka, but the pretention is just too much.
So in summary, we have no fucking clue. Not enough for a court of law, but we just don't know.
I hope these threads get purged.
Actually hey everyone who is your favorite crack pairing?
ACK and Apple-chan.
He said crack, not canon pairings.
You're such a bad person, shitbag.
It's funny how you always make a thread to spite and attack people because you have literally nothing better to do in your pathetic life
Isn't there going to be a new movie this year?
Like in September?
Have you been living under a rock?
Actually yes I have.
Or was that an April Fool's Prank?
There was an announcement back in November but we have no idea when it's coming out, it's still in its initial stages of production so I give it 2 more years.
The plot is about Homura ruining everything with her evil witchcraft and the girls teaming up to murder her. Madoka never loved her and will be happy that the devil dies and goes to hell where she belongs.
None, because crack in Madoka is shit.
Why that when you have great pairs portrayed in the story.
Sometimes I'm akuma.
And sometimes I'm a kuma.
The canon pairs are as follows
Madoka x Your-Name-kun
Homura x Nobody, she will die alone and unloved in horrible agony as her soul is imprisoned in the worst level of hell
Mami x cake
Sayaka x Violinboy
Kyoko x food
All others are crack.
So if by some insanity the vanilla ships are broken and we end up with a HomuSaya and MadoMami ending, does this mean that ACK has been defending crack the whole time?
>Mami x cake
>Kyoko x food
That would only be the case if some insanity happened because nothing in the story supports a romantic relationship between Homura/Sayaka and Madoka/Mami. On the other hand, we have dozens of evidence supporting the official pairings, so even if they're not end game they can't even be considered crack.
Madoka is not gay and she hates Homura. She will have a boyfriend by the end of the series.
>completely crack
user pls
Instead of giving a baseless answer, why don't you try providing proof for Madomami?
At best, Mami just really wanted Madoka as partner so that she wouldn't be fighting alone or be alone in general.
Not everything has to be shipping, tumblr.
>Implying the scene in ep 3 was not blatant yuri pandering
you forgot sensei x junko
Take off your yuri goggles.
>take my bait gaiz
Why is Homu such a fucking piece of shit?
Oh look, it's many posts by the same person and him spamming his own thread to keep it alive.
And if anyone needed anymore proof that derp shit was !Akemi, there you go, you go. He is the only person to ever try and push that "ACK x Apple" bull shit.
Literally every single thread you fucking devote to this shit, and it consumes your life.
Homura's legs are a miracle of the universe
>Literally takes Madoka on a date in Shipping Pentagram
>Take off the goggles
Battle Pentagram isn't canon.
>portible games
More posts that all are by the same person.
And !Akemi, everyone knows that you have no friends, so this is weird to you, but people like to go and hang out with their friends in non-romantic ways. Not exactly something new.
And it sure is funny how the only "people" in the world who even this "ACK" is real is crack shit shipper(s). Wonder why that is.
Homura did nothing wrong.
dumb frog poster
>ywn kill ACK
Everyone hates you and wants you dead, rape spammer.
On top of that, ACK isn't real.
Seek medical help.
>Implying Madoka and Homura aren't soul mates
>Implying Sayaka and Madoka aren't best friends across time
>Implying Kyoko isn't isn't Homura's trump card
>Implying Sayaka and Kyoko don't share mutual feelings
The game isn't but the relationships are pretty accurate.
Still not canon.
The relationships are fine.
So long as you don't take the gags route serious.
The only thing I liked about Battle Pentagram was this, if it weren't for Madohomu and Kyosaya I'd ship Kyouhomu.
Madoka never loved Homura and Kyoko thinks Homura is a cruel, evil monster.
Madokami is unpleased with this foreplay.
The best one.
Is Homura autistic?
>Madoka never loved Homura
Love, maybe not. But she certainly does see her as a friend. Best friend, if the dialogue at episode 12 is anything to go by
>canon pairs
I don't think you know what that word means.
Only one of those was me and simply poped in. Sadly it triggered your autism though.
Shipping and yuri aside, I do hope Madoka and Homura finally end up together for once. It doesn't have to be yuri, but I'd like for them to work out their issues and spend eternity together. They're both lonely without each other.
The movie is going to be about the gang reminding Homura of everything good she's done for them, and ascending her to Heaven to live with her waifu.
Don't worry, it will. This may be a dark series, but it always wraps things up with most things having ended well
Daily reminder that Mami best girl
I feel like Madoka loving Homura isn't as much an issue as Madoka choosing Homura over duty. I think Rebellion did enough to make me believe she could love Homura if the plot nudged her a bit more in that direction, but I don't believe Madoka would put Homura over her dury as the Law of Cycles. That as the whole point of Homura accepting that it's possible they'll be enemies.
Can you please explain one thing to me.
What the fuck is wrong with your brain? You have this crazy screwed up mentality that is someone insults you and puts you down for your mistakes that they are mad. How does that even make sense in your head. The standard situation is the person getting mocked is the one upset.
>spam bumping your thread because you're scared and it was on page 10 with no using it, and this is the only thing you have in your life
>Everyone hates you and wants you dead
I know a few people that can disprove that assertion.
Also rude.
Thanks for proving my point about how bad these threads are. Also was first time posting in here and didn't make the thread either. Shows how rabid and garbage these threads are, but hey think I'm that other guy if you want if that helps keep your sanity.
>no one using it
>36 posters
*second best girl
Behind Madoka
Oh, sorry, I didn't see this shitpost. Add it to the list here And no, beating you in an argument is about simple as possible. Because you're not smart. It doesn't take a thick guide.
But even more funny, you are trying to imply that being skilled at something is bad. God, you're so defective.
Yes, you go out of your way to constantly change your IP. You will go to the ends of the earth to pretend that you are multiple people. But no matter how hard you try, there is always one thing you will literally refuse to do. Make a valid argument and give supporting details.
You're posting content that degrades and demeans the characters as well as damages these threads. Stop.
You're a fucking cunt, user.
To be completely honest dude, I wouldn't know how to change my IP, even if I wanted to.
How does it "degrade" the characters? They're works of fiction. They, like all fiction, should be up for the viewer to interpret
Why do you always do this? What do you think posting the same image twice in a thread proves or accomplishes?
Homura's a big girl
I don't know, this thread was on page 10 before you bumped it.
Shame you just can't let it go.
Homusaya is shit and you should feel ashamed of yourself.
No, not rude, just accurate.
>HomuSaya is shit
It is the most refined ship, and you know it deep within your heart.
Joking aside, It's my opinion, which is just as good as yours, so they kind of negate each other
!Akemi, you are not honest about anything, and you would clearly lie because you put attacking and harassing people over all else.
And you know exactly how you degrade the characters, you have been told many times over. You have even been told when you were using that file name scheme. And like you ALWAYS do, you just ignore it and keep spamming crack.
Looks like we got a special little snowflake in here.
Who cares, they're not real
No, it's not an opinion. It's a fact. Because there nothing in the series the supports them being paired romantically. That means you pairing them together degrades their in story realtionships. Thus the content is low quality, and damages threads. Not that you care about that.
Now, kindly hang yourself so everyone can have better threads.
No it is shit because that's the objective truth. It doesn't even look aesthetically pleasing. You have shit taste and you're also a cunt that likes to spam your shit pair in every thread.
Remember when crack wasn't spammed so much?
Remember when we had meaningful discussions with occasional circlejerk?
best girl
>xddd every1 thinks DURRR OPINIONs are the aboslute end of disagreements
Want to watch me prove how bad you are at samefagging?
Prove it's an opinion. And when you refuse to, it will prove you are the same shitposter as yesterday.
And of course they are not real. No one said they are. That doesn't mean you as a person can't produce low quality content and spam it in threads, thus ruining them.
>I wouldn't know how to change my IP, even if I wanted to
I like how you forget what posts you've made with that file name scheme and how you've blatantly avoided the post timer with it, meaning you can change your IP.