Looks like you come up short sweetie

Looks like you come up short sweetie

Jesus fucking Christ why are her feet so big?

When I see things like this I just remind myself how many tens of thousands of artists graduate from college with art degrees each year and then I remember 'well they have to try and do something with their degree' so they just draw these pictures and distribute on social media to make a following. They choose to make them political in scope because there is a large hungry, willing audience of trump haters who will gobble anything up that is anti-trump. Ironically it's all the artist losers who didn't have the discipline or skill to be real artists who are sharing them with each other

What the fuck is that drawing supposed to say? It doesnt make much sense

Not an argument.

The artist is right you know :^)

How will drumpf ever recover? We can't let him have the nuclear codes

Neither is portraying the object of your criticism as a midget in order to insult them. Really goes to show you how two faced liberals are really. They're the first ones to throw dwarfs under the bus for a cheap joke.

soooo powerfullll
drumpf will be impeach!!!!!

i can see that there is a woman wearing a sweatr(maybea jacket bc the zipper) but what does oompa loompa and charlies chaocolate factory have to do with political discussion/.?

I find it weird that the people who hate America the most like to draw women wearing the American flag like they own it.

Well Trump's 6'2" so it looks like she's pushing 10 feet.

Not sure if turned on...

That pic is ableist.

It's upside down. Iirc then that means America is in danger or something.

It's funny how these artists always make Trump tiny when he's larger than 99.95% of liberals.

>America Chavez
Please, no

That if he could just get past his ego he could do all that other shit?

Looking at the other marks on the wall though, at least half of them are liberal crap. It's like what the artist is actually doing is potraying Trump coming up short on stuff that they want, which much of the marks are stuff he's simply gonna say 'fuck off' to.

>If he could grow out of his ego.
I think this is more accurate. Gotta add the childish insult while they are at it.

I get it. It's because he's all talk

Funnily enough I think Trump is actually pretty tall.


6'2" if I recall, but nobody pays attention to that.

6'2" is pretty tall.