Last thread die because fell asleep new watamote thread.
Last thread die because fell asleep new watamote thread
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What is TomokI doing?
Look like no one on Sup Forums doesn't like anymore.
I hope chapter 96 is not end.
I thought this was gonna be a doujin
I thought to.
chapter 96 feel like gonna be end of watamote.
Was little brother right?
why tomoko has nigger lips
the top lip is supposed to be teeth
I didn't see that before.
no i'm here, i just can't be here all time
will you fucking stop with this ESL-kun? it's not ending anytime soon
Will you autists stop labeling everyone who says something you don't like whatever-kun holy shit
can do Trips-kun
How much do you guys love Tomoko.
date of the chapter 96?
5/19. In 4 days
Ok thanks !
Remember wait for chapter 96 fan translate come out first than make chapter 96 thread.
You attract more people to the thread by doing like this.
Why must you insist on forcing shitty generals?
This isn't /ag/ you fucking faggot.
Like with 7 thread and 3500 posts I attract more people to watamote by doing this.
How can i forget tomoko?
People love watamote it Sup Forums anime & manga.
If you don't like watamote you don't have go on this thread normalfags.
You can't tomoko is apart of you now to the you die.
Do you cry for Tomoko?
Actually read the manga and realize that she is an unlikeable cunt.
Yes it's a strange deep feeling that i can't understand fuck i'm lost
Your in love with Tomoko. yes this is real love
Do you cry your self to sleep because you can be with Tomoko.
If you like her so much why are you posting shit quality thumbnail images. Step it up because it looks like you don't put any effort into these force threads at all. Better yet drive it into the ground until these become hated generals fill of broken english spamming.
What can be like do hate more good?
They already are.
I don't understand why the mods don't ban this faggot.
Report all ESL posts.
I don't like Tomoko I love Tomoko.
yea+ i have no people to talk ,there is no escape for me.
Super normalfag.
Your one should be ban. I'm just trying to help people.
Why do you hate watamote so much /tumblr/
you made about 2000 of those 3500 posts yourself
Yes. It for a wish I know it stupid.
Can someone help me with this tumblrfags .
Some help me and Tomoko stop this tumblrfags.
stop posting any time thank you
It a tumblrfags keeping.
>Not being able to identify danbooru filenames
Take a look at this
Not every image that hasn't a Sup Forums/futaba filename is your beloved tumblr boogeyman.
you shall pay for making my lady tomoko cay. power of my sword your are ban
>all this best girl being spammed
I've never been so not mad as i'm right now
I thought I told you to get off your phone and learn English.
my lady tomoko will never feel sad again I will protect her from people like you.
what is he hiding under that pillow