How accurate your nation portrayed in anime?
How accurate your nation portrayed in anime?
That one image ruined Onsa for life didn't it
Good totally inconspicuous thread.
ITT People post japanase girls and claim it's different nation.
I don't know, has there ever actually been an Australian anime character?
good job
That's pretty damn clever of you user.
Well they usually kill people. So I say accurate
Can't really complain.
>Israel never appears in Animu
my nation, colombia, isn't portrayed in anime because I'm a shitskin filthy third worlder beaner who will never accomplish anything in life, let alone have any sort of (positive) international impact
I'm Canadian never seen a anime with canadians or one take place in Canada so I'm not sure, if there are any would be interested watching them
She is made in my country, so she is maybe sort of from my country? I really don't remember anyone else, outside of manga.
Range of characters increase drastically if I include Scandinavian characters.
Not a lot of animus have Chinks in it
also i can't think of an animu beside JoJo's that show muslims
Why is this linked to my comment Muslims and Asians have no relation to Canadians
There's no relation not even a mention of asains or Muslims therefore the linked comment doesn't make sense
Sure thing Mr. Weedman Xin Zhao of the caliphate of New India
You are Japanese?
Except for galil in OPs image
One of the best animu characters of all time.
I would know, she's my raifu
Two of the girls in GJ-Bu were canadian
Never heard of it maybe I'll give it a watch if its worth watching
Alrighty then
Always the same shit. She's still badass but 2edgy
100% accurate.
>So much of a gentleman he'll let someone kill him in the match because he was rich and his opponent had to steal all the time
>Remembers friend had even worse life and activates pure gentleman power
Robin Mask is the greatest representation of UK
Seems Fine to me mis amigos
Yuu went to my country and other than the position of the driver's seat in cars it was very accurate.
That one jew in Magi, he was even saying that the goy was only worth being exploited.
I think it was pretty acurate FamJewpai.
I'm starting to wish we had more Jew moe.
Ok, not portrayed but is the only show, as far as I know, that has mentioned it. And I'm pretty sure we are unknown to 95% of the elevens.
I think Morroco was only mentioned once too.
But it was in SZS's first episode, so it's great on it's own.
Spot on.
I don't think Canada's ever depicted, except for that light novel that user mentioned.
And I think the subset of Canadians I'm part of is NEVER depicted.
I don't remember Onsa being a jew mentioned in the show.
Holy fuck
She's japanese senpai
all of them are
Thought the brit is spot on with her impression
>rarely mentioned and usually just exists in the background if it is mentioned at all
Yep, that's Canada for you
Watch Super Lover's first episode
is there a character thats mexican american?
You referring to Quebecois or Inuits?
I doubt they even know we exist. If anything, they'd know about Inuits before us because of how 90% of Canada is a cold wasteland.
This is a Canadian.
quite good
My nation is never portrayed in Anime.
All we have is a lousy SUV.
Are canadians such new fags they don't know there was a whole Anime set in Canada and one of of the biggest animu franchise had a canadian as the MC? Or are they just b8in?
>blond hair blue eyes
They're ahead of the times.
Dude, Duddy DoRight is not an Anime.
All this time I've never stop to wonder until this moment where the hell did Canada even come from? It wasn't there before Americans got there that's for sure.
>tfw Gatchaman Crowds: Insight was a critique of the current presidential race
How did they know?
>be Jewish
>go on Sup Forums
Do you like being abused?
Actually yes
By men*
Wasn't it a French colony that got taken over by the British? My memory of colonial history is hazy so I'm just going off the top of my head.
So going by hair color logic, chovy should be from another planet?
yes but is forbidden
They're always pale, skinny blonde bitches with massive tits and adorable engrish.
Not accurate at all but my dick does not mind one bit.
Anchovy must actually just be an old lady.
Dunno what to say, really.
fuck off chicano cancer you're an ungrateful useless burden to both sides
Who's the most murican anime character there is?
Every day I get a step closer to ending your shit taste and shitposting once and for all
>the only anime character from new zealand
Dan Eagleman
It portrays a neighbouring country somewhat accurately.
Cold waste land is the best I love the cold.
This guy knows what's up. Two degrees, clear skies, and no wind is the best weather hands down.
Mr. Justice
For some reason always with silver hair. I don't know where the meme of all Russians having silver hair even came from. Was it Снегурочка?
Canadians were mostly colonials who weren't revolting.