We can all agree on this

We can all agree on this.

>pandora aots

Pure fucking delusion.

Winter was an incredibly weak season, but Pandora's only real weakness was low budget. It was kawaii as fuck, nigga. Nene possessed nearly unprecedented levels of purity.


Even Divine Gate was better than this pile of trash.
But spring is correct.

FUCK OFF Sup Forums

>mfw no good yuri this season

This. It was the only series I actually dropped during that season. And I even suffered all the way through with Haruchika. It was really weak.

Fuck the fuck off Sup Forumsirgins

Winter belongs to Haikyuu (if you're not one of those retards that doesn't count second cours) or Rakugo

Spring belongs to Jojo or Re Zero. Flying Witch is great, but it's no Non Non Biyori or anything

Oh please Pandora can't compare with the best of Winter and Flying Witch doesn't even register as a good show.

/u/ first.


>Jojo or Re Zero


Pandora was Anime of my Life.

But the true AOTS's are
>Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

> Jojo or Re Zero

Was Bahamut that bad?

Haifuri has plenty yuri subtext.


Kono Suba
Concrete Revolutio S2

If this was a list of things that weren't AOTS, then yeah sure I agree.

>it's another AOTS/Y thread ruined by Sup Forumsermins

le jojo kabaneri and re zero AOTY!

I think we can all agree it should be:
Winter - Konosuba
Spring - Spicy Fortress

>mfw others use my images
>mfw I'm an autistic loli from AOTD

>jojo is now Sup Forums

is this some shitty meme now? Tbfh if you don't like Jojo, especially quality shit like part 4, you're taste is in the fucking garbage

No, it made me pretty hard.

Frogposting is going too far for your falseflag.

>kawaii as fuck
so that's what matters? Kill yourself, you're the kind or bad taste faggots who kill the industry

Part 4 is like one of the worst parts alongside a large part of Part 3.

anime with the budget of a dorito bag will never be AOTS


You must be new here. JoJo has always been Sup Forums. Actually, any and all battleshonen have always been Sup Forums, but ESPECIALLY JoJo.

Fuck off to your containment board /u/

What falseflag? Can't you see the Sup Forumsermin in this thread??

This is so right. FW is the best series this season, and Pandora was the only show I ended up watching through last season.

>tries to make one of them ebin bait threads where shows of cute girls doing cute things are counted as Sup Forums's official and objective aots 2016
The worst thing is, all those posters giving (You)s to the OP instead of using @.

They are /u/shitters you know, their existence is one big delusion


I can see the frog.

>"le (name of three solid series)!" because I think they're bad!

I fucking hate when people point out when people use their OC. literally makes me want to delete it immediately

Get out teenager shounenfags?
There are DragonBall SUPER POWERZ threads for you.

Even though I loved pandora, I think that Konosuba deserves the AOTS mention instead.
No objection about Flying Witch.

Shows of cute girls doing cute things have always been Sup Forums's official and objective AOTS's.

>meme shows

Is it a joke?

Yeah and it's just a reaction pic, why are you trying to ignore the real issue here?

>JoJo has always been Sup Forums. Actually, any and all battleshonen have always been Sup Forums, but ESPECIALLY JoJo.

How could a het win spring?


Pandora had potential but was ultimately horrible shit. Winter is Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara.

Fucking everyone knows that this was Winter's AOTS and possible AOTY contender

If not this, then Konosuba.

Deen finally hit a full homerun.



You mean u'sOfficialAndObjectiveAOTS's2015 right

Just wanted to say hi to my friend OP. My keywords are Hibikek and KEKkai Shitsen.

Long time no see bro.

KyoAni always finds a way, except for Free, which is gay. Oh shit, that rhymed.

Until 2012, Jojo was well liked by Sup Forums, it's only because of the anime and non-stop general every fucking day since then that Jojo became hated, stop trying so hard.

The first episode was good but then it had a far too long recap arc.

This is just the SoL chart.

Everyone knows Rakugo is AOTY, Nothing is topping that god piece.

Hibike Euphonium is a better anime than Kekkai Sensen.

This show was good until the end and everything about the female lead.

This anime clearly has too many prominent male characters to be Sup Forums's AOTS.

>yfw Kekkai sold 10k BDs more than Yuriphonium

2013 was such a good year.

Meanwhile, but only because the shitpost brigade was too lazy to make throwaway accounts to manipulate this poll.

Rakugo definitely but Konosuba was pretty lame.

You know it pal.

Pandora was a fucking shit, you retarded yurishitter

And yet only Hibike got a second season.

Which is a good thing.

The first episode was a flashforward. It's the start of season 2. The whole recap was what lead up to the events of season 2

Jojofags becale too insufferable to be kept here.
Yurifages too. What's thedeal with making a /u/ thread in Sup Forums ?
Also, your anime about girls talking to each other is not AOTS

>Google docs poll
>creator of poll can easily edit the spreadsheet themselves
>poll was openly posted on Sup Forums

Only because Kekkai doesnt have enough material

You have Pan de peace

And that flashback was fucking perfect, I'm not expecting the second season to be as good.

NNB isn't even that good either user you have shit taste

Clarin a qt

It was the best.

Excellent taste

Still better than the shit posted in this thread, where one guy makes a picture and claims to speak objectively for all of Sup Forums.

Take it back.

>not even that good

>complaining about Sup Forums

Flying Witch is as good as NNB.

Whoever made these should be shot in the face

Dude, seriously, 69 people. That's fucking nothing.

Did they fix this on the BDs?

>No Erased
Are you people serious?

>This is what NNBfags actually believe
Why are you all so delusional?

Fix what?

This thread is already retarded enough with the /u/ baiting, you don't have to make it worse.

Oh, then I'm less vehemently opposed to OP's suggestion.

Though rather than Pandora I'd agree with this user
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara was perect as a comfy little funny episodic short, and the OP was god tier. Pandora was really cute and I'm surprised how incredibly likable the animal sidekick was, but regardless it did feel kinda boring at times and in general the plot was kind of "meh". Like, you only watched Pandora for the cute lesbian robots being cute, why the hell was there an evil organization doing shit in the background?

Bullshit. Manga has shitload of material since it';s just random stories without overarching plot.

I want to erase that cuck shit from my mind.

She wasn't supposed to be the white QUALITY cat, that was just them skimping out.

No anime this decade has matched the emotional impact of episodes 4 and 10 of both NNB seasons.

I think you're mistaken.

I'm so sick of this cuck meme