How can her sister even compete? I fail to see any appeal in Panty beyond the physical; she's a turboslut...

How can her sister even compete? I fail to see any appeal in Panty beyond the physical; she's a turboslut, and the contents of her vagina are not unlike the primordial soup from which life emerged.

To quote a saying from the orient -- "a key that opens many locks is a master key, but a lock that opens to many keys is a shitty lock."

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You can't fix bad taste. You're just going to have to deal with it.

Come again?

No, thanks.

What's the matter, user? You don't like thickness?

That's actually a good argument.

Panty was always inferior; only enjoyed her interactions with Brief.

Panty is an std infected coal burner.

Stocking being a qt sweet loving virgin makes her waifu material,but she's just too boring.
At leat Panty was entertaining.
So I came to the conclusion that both of them are meh.

I agree

>Bigger tits
>better hair
>less mileage
>smells like sweets and not semen
>a better fuck according to Panty's fuck buddy

There is no comparison


This anime is a 10/10.

fight me niggers

Unlike Panty, I can cuddle Stocking without wearing a hazmat suit.

Oh yeah I forgot about her bf.

Stocking is likely a turbo slut too but Panty is too open about her need for cock.

She's relatively virginal.

the whole point of the anime was to troll the otaku who are obsessed with muh pure virgin waifu by making the MCs (Panty especially, but Stocking to a large extent) huge sluts.

You've either had sex or you haven't and Stocking has had sex. Lots of it.

You don't like bananas?


Nobody is going to disagree with you you kikebeanerchinkgook.

I only got done watching this over the weekend and my dear god is it good I still play "Fallen Angel" on loop.

The ending was pure shit though.

Any recommendations?

Recommendations for what?

For more stuff of this calibre/quality, failing that the similar type of soundtrack.

Dead Leaves and Kill la Kill are pretty similar.

Have you tried watching something else than Gainax?

Kill La Kill is already off my list.

Gonna look Dead Leaves up.

PSG has been my only Gainax production so far. I know that Trigger is supposed to be its spiritual successor or whatever.

Gonna level with you guys I'm in fairly normalfag territory with this so I probably haven't seen all the gems that you have.

Stocking is for waifu enthusiasts.
Panty is objectively the better character.

Could Stockingh ear Panty being slammed every night whilst in her room? Including the bed slamming against the wall and floor and all of her sex noises?

Are you kidding me? Panty is literally the ideal woman. Stocking is like... gothic flavor.

Literally watch all Gainax then Trigger.

You'll still be a newfag but damn you'll be respectable.

Panty made a lot of people very happy, literally hurting no one.

>"a key that opens many locks is a master key, but a lock that opens to many keys is a shitty lock."
Are you saying Stocking is a futa?


boku no pico is the only thing i can think of as being significantly better

Even people who hate anime like this. It's gold.

You might like Excel Saga, it's a similar sort of stupid, crude humour, though much less explicit than PSG and more stereotypically "anime". I liked them both, in any case.

i mean, its humor style is a lot more similar to adult-oriented western cartoons

Watch that movie star episode again and try to tell me that. She's stupid as fuck.

Sluts are the superior kind of girl. Their sloopy pussies burn with lust like a good pussy should.

I think that burn is gonorrhea.

>you will never get thrown to bed by a horny slut just wanting every part of you


that hasn't been funny in years you faggot

By that logic all sluts are just making people happy, right?

>that craving look in her eyes after she rips your briefs off and see your glistening member bounce because of her violent movement

Do I actually need to start going to nightclubs?

...yes? don't be a prude just because you can't get laid

What makes you think that'll help? The women trawling for a fuck always select the very best, and you are almost certainly not it.

Could also aim that an anyone who has ever hated Panty for being a slut.(like most of thist hread)

Especially given that, looking as she does in the transformation scene, they'd crawl over broken glass to fuck her.

Don't forget, she watched her sister made airtight by the High School Football team

This anime was 8 years ago
Just sayin

>she's a turboslut
That just means she is more willing to fuck me


Pff, you know nothing. I'm sure not "the very best" and that didn't stop me from getting lucky with quite a few horny sluts.
They're called 'sluts' for a reason.
Pay them a drink or two, chit-chat a little, a moment they're laughing at the half-heared joke in the noisy enviroment, another moment you're slipping your hand under their panties.
Stop making life seem harder in your head. Remember we're all still animals and as such we're looking for food and sex most of the time, even if we pretend not to.

Not exactly, user. Your chances are better with Stocking.

not until october 2010

I don't understand why you look down upon them if you'll still sleep with them.

I think a girl who cucks her boyfriend is a slut, free people can shag whoever they want.

Stocking is thicc

Indeed she is.

Remember the massive fuckfest they were planning whilst kicking Chuck around the room

This show was awesome

delete this

Do you feel in charge?

more thick

I like Panty she's fun and fiery also I like sluts


yeah i think we can all agree the demon sisters were the best

did someone say best girl?

>"a key that opens many locks is a master key, but a lock that opens to many keys is a shitty lock."
By that logic, Brief would be best character
Because he is the only one who opens a lock

>Brief took Panty's second virginity
>Brief was her 1000th conquest
>Brief was her 'number 1'


Are people that watch anime really that simple minded? It's not the first time that I've seen people talk about Stocking like she's some kind of pure maiden, when by any metric she's a slut, just because she happens to costar in a show featuring one of the biggest sluts in fiction doesn't make her any less slutty.

It's like in those pure waifu shows where 99% of the girls don't even know what boys are and one of them mentions that she looked at one in the eyes once, she'd be called a cum guzzling whore.

Is there no middle ground?

just the right amount of thick

many thanks

I don’t see the appeal of the show. What's the point of watching anime when the art style, characters and humor is the same as in any western adult comedy animation?

Panty is an angel, she has no downsides like STDs or pregnancies. Sex with her is 100% no strings attached.

Stocking is a slut too. Pickier and not a huge a slut as Panty, but a slut nonetheless.

Anyway, people can prefer Panty because she seems more of a joy to be around personality-wise. She's a turboslut but she's a fucking angel and would probably give it up as soon as she falls in love. She fucks Chads but would even show geek boys like you heaven if you prove yourself.

Stocking is more a obvious waifubait character subverted by having freaky fetishes and gutter taste in men (though I suppose some desperate losers are happy about that).

I'm just here to post images


I don't understand your post, are you saying that you can't enjoy both anime and western cartoons?

If she's a slut then there's nothing wrong with being a slut whatsoever and society would probably even benefit from more of them.

Stocking finishing the Cat off with the Dildo had me laughing pretty hard.

Are you suggesting we talk about this show on Sup Forums?

Show trolled the shit out of them so they choose to ignore facts.


No, but you should still get back there you crossboarder scum.

>Implying I go to the hell that is Sup Forums
Nice meme dude.

You did say "we."


As in we, the viewers of this particular show the thread is discussing, not we as in the board Sup Forums.


>Remember we're all still animals and as such we're looking for food and sex most of the time, even if we pretend not to
look at this degenerate. just fucking look at it


>he didn't waste his youth staying up till 4 in the morning watching cartoons with his friend on adult swim

I'm just speaking in these neckbeard's language. I agree with you.