magipoka anniversary thread 7
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Magipoka anniversary thread 7
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Was it that long ago already?
God i'm getting old.
Also i always wondered if her Panties would be all muddy and slimey as well.
That's amazing
Glad you posted it a little earlier in the evening this time so I can chime in now and then. We've had a few threads in between your weekly one.
i should browse Sup Forums more often
Wish you guys came out of the main thread on 8ch /liru/ now and then. Especially if you're going to talk about new mods for custom maid. I'm very interested in following and developing mods for other games. The sticky thread should be kept to seismic's release. I'm on mobile sometimes and that thread is a pain to load.
There is always a chance for Magipoka season 2. Pic related.
this month or next month definitely
What does this say? I can't read
Seismic said he's aiming for a July release. July 2014
Still haven't opened it yet.
why not?
After it's released, and it will be... I hope there is some sort of support group over at 8ch. I'm going to need it. As time goes on, I want it not to be released more and more.
I say this with all honesty, I just don't want this ride to ever be over. Perhaps if I knew there were other projects for her or fan art. I just don't want to go back to the time when new content is far and few between. I may have to start modding again.
I don't know. I have probably $15,000 worth of dakimakuras but only ever opened one. Not to mention hundreds of figures. I've opened 8 of them though.
why would you buy that much? holy shit
I think the characters are aesthetically pleasing.
When I saw them on my monitor.
but to buy $15k worth of them?
that's crazy, man
Not him, but I've spent that on firearm related shit. If you have the cash there's no problem. All that matters if the person views it as a worthy way to spend.
Don't forget every full moon for the last 5 or 6 years there is a Liru thread on 7chan Sup Forums. We talk about space news and lunar cycles.
Much nicer pace as well, last month's thread may still be around.
Any day now.
7chan.(org)Sup Forumsres/752188.html
scans when?
Is the anime popular or is it just Liru? And why exactly are they popular? Cause of one stupid teaser?
It was the better part of 10 years ago, but I remember it being pretty funny. I fapped the most to Liru and the lolibatgirl, but the witch was the funniest