Is he based on David Bowie?

Is he based on David Bowie?

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Looks like Goku to me.

That's clearly Elton John, you morons are blind.


No, Tom Selleck.

It's obvious that he is Alan Rickman

i thought he was bono

>Is the character called Freddie based on David Bowie?

Fucking retard, he's obviously supposed to be Fredrika

Is he based on Freddie Mercury?


He's George Michael you plebs


Da realest OG.

Do you kids even know who David Bowie is

What's a Moot? It sounds vaguely disappointing and like a weeb

Because he's a poor man's Iggy Pop

Is he based on Taylor Swift?

Is he named after a Yes song?

Guys, this meme has gone far enough, seriously. We all know he's a robot, right?

No way. Clearly he is based on Rush, lead singer of The Buggles.

no, saber is based on her

Pretty sure it's Prince.

This has to be fake.

I think he's based on Sting.

I thought he was just a skinny Meatloaf.

I think that's the dead guy from Nirvana. I think his name was Tom York

Yeah can't you see.