What's your completely subjective AOTS, Sup Forums?
What's your completely subjective AOTS, Sup Forums?
Comfy Witch, obviously.
So are these two fucking or what
Joker Game.
Don't be retarded.
I don't know about subjective, but my completely objective AOTS is Re:Zero. It's not my fault that this is objective fact and can't be disputed.
Flying Witch. This isn't even fact, it's opinion.
I honestly have no idea.
I think it's either Flying Witch or Concrete Revolutio, maybe even Kabaneri.
Uh... user? Excuse me but, Flying Witch is OBJECTIVELY Sup Forums's AOTS okay?
Please stop false-flagging. It makes perfect sense that a show like this is popular on Sup Forums, it's right in line with our tastes.
*shit tastes
Flying Witch and Lewd Miko
>Lewd Miko
is it really that lewd?
Machi was made for lewds
I like Ace Attorney the most probably. Flying Witch second.
guess i should start watching this then
>speaking for all of Sup Forums
He's completely right, though.
Re:Zero like the edgy kid I am.
You won't regret it
Second place:
I like Bakuon, Flying Witch, and Haifuri roughly equally.
The absolute edge probably goes to Flying Witch, though. It has a really competent tone. I'm not familiar with the source material, but the director seems to have created a very tonally consistent vision.
It's a toss-up between JoJo:DiU and Tanaka-kun for me.
Moe and slice-of-life is proportionally more popular on Sup Forums than any other English-speaking internet anime fanbase.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
good taste
Is butt glue part of the director's creative vision?
Nothing. AOTS is cancelled. I dropped every show this season. Here's hoping next season will be better.
Luluco or Tanaka-kunt
B-But I wasn't..
Either Flying Witch or Kuromukuro.
Comfy Comfytch, comfyously.
I would say Kabaneri but it's objectively the only thing worth watching(which is why you're all watching it.), but i guess that doesn't really count.
The point of this thread is for shittaste fags to post their "comfy/moeblob/pandering shit" cancer shows that everyone knows is shit like
Jesus christ, kill yourself.
Chill out~
It's pretty great.
Three tied: Flying Witch, Tanaka-kun is always listless, and Re Zero.
The joke is that his taste is really, really bad. Laughably so. Like claiming Transformers is your favorite movie and everyone who doesn't like Transformers is a pleb.
I didn't even like Kiznaiver at first but it's really grown on me. Haifuri used to be my AOTS back when things were looking edgy and dangerous but they quickly dropped the Yamada against everyone schtick and now it's just mind-controlling hamsters. Also that's a cute image, Kyoani shows are usually my favorite when they air.
Meant Yamato not Yamada.
I liked you until the Kyoani part.
Joker game, Hero Academia, and Re:Zero have a three way tie for me.
Kuma Miko. Never thought I'd came to love it, yet I do.
I'm enjoying IS Clone: Spring 2016 Edition Featuring "Dat Ass".
I think we can all agree it's going to come down between comfy witch and tanaka is always comfy
Tanaka-kun reminds me of Isshuukan Friends for some reason. I think it's the soft colours.
The fact I can't decide over like 6 different different shows shows how god tier this season is.
as of right this instant, luluco. last episode was GOAT
by the end of the week, i have no idea - so many good shows at once. ushio, concrete revolutio, kiznaiver, habanero, mayoiga, etc.
Literally the worst fanbase. Trigger is a terrible studio, they haven't even produced one decent anime yet.
More like Flopnaiver
>after ep 1: haifuri
>after ep 2: tanaka kun
>after ep 3: re:zero or flying witch
Still can beside between the two
I'm not watching Kabaneri. I grew out of action anime a long time ago.
Macross Delta, but I've only watched Delta and Hero Academy this season. I don't have the HD space to download anything else.
Flying Comfy.
I would say luluco but since it's only 7 min It can't be counted.
So kabaneri.
Flying witch is ok but only NNB retards will praise this as aots
Macross Delta
I don't want shows aimed for kids like Kabaneri
This is bait, right?
>being a poorfag
>it's only 7 min It can't be counted.
Why can't short anime be counted?
>being a poorfag
I'm saving money to move from literally the most isolated city on the planet to America. I don't want to spend $150 on a portable 2tb HD when that is basically 1/4th rent.
>tfw there are dumbfuck normalfags who actually believe shit like this all over the board
What a time to be alive
I haven't seen a post this fedora-tier in a while. Thanks.
Galko-chan is AOTS and it's only 8 mins long, also shorts been taking over since Aiura, no reason for not having a short as AOTS.
What a great taste.
I knew it Sup Forums is not one of those chinese cartoon sites
Right now, it's kind of hard to tell, but I'd probably say Re:Zero. It has a lot of things I love all rolled into one series.
I'll go with Re Zero, even though the "transferred to generic fantasy world" shit is really beating a dead horse at this point, I'm still enjoying it.
It was a JAV, right?
ahhheheh i'm sorry....this is just how i get my kicks...