How does Sup Forums feel about McDonald's making a recursive lesbian anime in order to shamelessly advertise themselves in a global, post-industrial, capitalist economy?
Pic related
How does Sup Forums feel about McDonald's making a recursive lesbian anime in order to shamelessly advertise themselves in a global, post-industrial, capitalist economy?
Pic related
Is that dyke making a move on the loli??
I like it, because I can masturbate to it.
What the fuck are you talking about, senpai?
How is it shameless if it's a capitalist society?
capitalism is always without shame
At least there were no blacks
So this is how this thread is going to turn out.
How was this lesbian?
This was discussed heavily when it came out here, nobody ever mentioned anything about lesbians. Lurk for 2 more years before you post. Actually, don't come back here.
da tovarishch
>people actually responding to the emptiest and most effortless Sup Forums bait in history
summer strikes again
I want Bernie Sanders faggots to leave
I wonder where the middle aged mexican lady who barely speaks English was. Usually she's behind the counter looking confused until I repeat my order 3 times.
This is now a AnimeTrump thread
Makes me want to work for McDonald's®, but I know the reality is far from being that cute.
Probably the same fags that thought love lab was yuri.
sa ge
I think you missed a few threads.
Yuri =/= Lesbian
I've heard McDonalds has been struggling worldwide over the past few years, but I didn't know it was bad enough in Japan to make them think an anime short would help boost the company.
I know it's old news but it's still odd.
Is demanding wageslaves to smile for customers really a thing in Japan? I had always thought japs were supposed to be extremely polite, but this seems an awful thing to do.
LoveLab was a mistake
epic shill thread guise
go back to Sup Forums retard
Don't reply, just report
America was never great.
Don't forget to report the dumb marxposter too while you're at it.
Literally the first show I ever dropped
>showing actual hardworking normies
>not depressed 70 y/o men who can't afford to retire
>or meth-teethed 20-something sexually abused single moms
>not showing a significant portion of the McD's staff being reduced to 1 hour a week because it's too much paperwork to fire them
Silly user, meth doesn't exist in Japan.
Won't change the fact that Mcdonald burgers are fucking bland as shit tier
Five guys stronk
I uh, mistyped that post, I'm actually rather disgusted by communism and this is very embarrassing to me.
Shit taste please go and stay the fuck go
I have McD close to house and there is one fuck WHO FUCKING NEVER gives me bag if i order soda like i supposed to handle it in hands
fucking prick
Japan's own burger chains are more delicious than McDonalds Japan.
Maybe it would have been better as a school/sol
I just didn't dig the romance part, doesn't matter if it was het or yuri.
it's more embarrassing that you're capitalist tbqh tovarisch
>implying employment was good in the Soviet Union
>implying there was any commerce or trade of goods to speak of in the Soviet Union
>implying the job did her any good
>implying women didn't turn to prostitution under Soviet rule due to living in absolute poverty
Holy shit, pinko fucks are retarded.
Communists ruin everything they touch.
Except guns I guess.
Yeah, I hate all this freedom and welfare, I wish I was poor, starving and had a jackboot on my mouth 24/7
>all this freedom
Stalin was pretty qt, my famillia.
Wait, where's the handsome waiter? No him no buy.
The irony is that this always comes from people who would be regarded as bourgeoisie in a revolution and lined up against a wall for a firesquad.
That applies more to the Soviet Union and China than the West in any regard, just replace it with
>"I own this boot together with everyone else"
you may not understand what "bourgeoisie" means
Poststructuralism-chan pls go
>Sup Forumsnons support a Presidential candidate who supports a Japan-North Korea war
So how will Sup Forums gets its animu when Japan is ded?
Neither do you.
The initial revolutionaries are always killed in a communist revolution for being "the wrong kind" of communist, or for whatever personal reason their opponent had.
Why do you think Trotsky was killed? Why do you think Lenin was retroactively removed from historical records?
You will be forced to share your belongings with the working class, or you will be killed. You'll probably be killed anyway actually.
Don't forget his policy on lessening trade and imposing tariffs on Japan.
Be expecting your BDs and Figmas to double or even triple in prices
Sup Forums doesn't have a drumpf general so they don't support him. only Sup Forums raiding here says that
Seriously, when will America elect a Japanese-American president?
Pic related was fucking based as fuck. Pretty much the Yuuya Bridges of our time. RIP.
North Korea is so absolutely pitiful in any kind of might, China is so sick of them and willing to just look the other way to their assraping, that even the little modest Japanese Defense Force could take them pretty easily.
I would be extremely surprised if any of the (alleged) nuclear devices NK possesses even work, much more so if they have a functional delivery system. I mean, what was their big thing for a while, the Tampon Dong? Literally a scaled up SCUD missile, they'll aim for Tokyo and hit the Philippines
I kinda want some Howa and Mineba parts kits to make guns out of to be honest.
When Asians are seen as people instead of calculators in America
>Neither do you.
the bourgeoisie are those who own the means of production
they are by definition a tiny minority, and one that becomes smaller as they consolidate more and more wealth and property
see the ongoing consolidation of media, for example
you cannot have known what "bourgeoisie" meant if you believe that most people who use the word are themselves bourgeois
"belongings" are not the same thing as "property" in economic discussions - "private property" does not refer to personal belongings
lenin was never removed from historical records in the soviet union, that is a ridiculous claim
It's true. Piracy is basically modern communism, and thanks to it I've preserved 3 terabytes of anime.
Zainichi Koreans can actually transport anything from NK and SK to Japan and back as part of an agreement in the late 1950s.
Also, Japanese police turn a blind eye towards North Koreans in Japan. It took 20 years for Japanese customs to notice that Zainichis were transporting weapons from North Korea and selling them to the Yakuza. I won't be surprised if North Korea were selling nukes to Zainichis in Japan.
Capitalism cant be trusted.
I think I want a McDonalds right now.
You commies are so deluded it's almost funny...almost.
Just so you know, to achieve the socialist, welfare utopia you guys always wanted, the only way is through capitalism...and not even that way works, just look at Europe.
>Let's instead trust a system where you get disappeared in the middle of the night for saying the wrong thing or for stockpiling food
You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.
>lenin was never removed from historical records in the soviet union
That's true, Stalin had him killed and then exploited him and his death for his own purposes.
That's because we keep ruining it with shitty socialist things like the EU, which consistently does more harm than good yet will keep patting itself on the back.
Senpai:Good job!
10/10 "senpai noticed me" I it's n not lesbian love or anything b..baka
Why do people hate Love Lab? It's a one of a kind series.
>inb4 muh yuri
There are tons of yuri series exist with confirmed yuri. I don't really see the point of being butthurt of one series.
>implying the soviet union was not a step forward from tsarist russia
You can't compare the CCCP to the United States or other capitalist nations because the capitalist nations were already starting out well-off.
A nation that starts from lower ground will take time to catch up to other places even if they improve more quickly.
I'll admit Stalin was harsh and forceful to an extent (although even he must be given credit for industrializing the Soviet Union), but Lenin literally did nothing wrong.
>implying the soviet union was not a step forward from tsarist russia
That doesn't make it not shit.
>A nation that starts from lower ground will take time to catch up to other places even if they improve more quickly.
They meandered on lower ground and were held back technologically for decades because of an economy that didn't fucking work.
>Lenin literally did nothing wrong
If he'd have been alive to see the Dekulakization and Holodomor, he would have furiously jerked off to it.
anyone know why their official Youtube keeps uploading different versions of this with different voices?