Redpill me about the nafris

Take the worst from a nigger
Take the worst from a kike
Take the worst from a sandnigger
Take the worst from a gypo
Take the worst from a turkroach
Mix it
And you'll have a nafri
The worst of the worst of the worst sub-human

Nafris are not nice
Nafris are lice

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North Africans are ugly.

North Africans are like Somalis only reverse in that they are mostly Natufian with minority negro admixture, Somalis are the opposite. Both of them are inbred and ugly as fuck.

Sure they are indeed
Ugly faces with ugly minds

->Sub-Saharan African gene flow in Tunisians was tested through LEADMIX simulations under different parental groups.
->The presence of a sub-Saharan component in the gene pool of the Tunisians was first shown by the GM and immunoglobulin Cγ gene polymorphisms.
->Sub-Saharan African contribution in our samples reached 39%

->The presence of noticeable sub-Saharan African traces in present-day Tunisians is in agreement with mtDNA data23 reporting a higher number of sub-Saharan L lineages in Tunisia (48%) as compared with Morocco (25%).

->Whatever the case, the existence of trans-Saharan African gene flow through the Maghreb is obvious, and has been reported by other genetic studies,12, 23, 24 as well as in archeological and historical records.

->The populations of the Maghreb seem to share a substantial genetic background, regardless of culture and geography.

Nafris are CUTE

All populations with high Natufian admixture have very ugly males, their women are a little bit better looking. Just look at Bedouins.

Mix niggers with Bedouin and you have a nightmare combination going.

*are sluts

Most of DAESH soldiers are nafris

->Under the deteriorating economic situation in North Africa the Salafist\Wahabi ideology has managed to spread rabidly among the people. The rise of extremism in North African countries like Tunisia has pushed many of them to go to Syria and to join Jihadists groups for ideological reasons.

->North African fighters are present in many Jihadist groups like 85% of them are with ISIS and 15% of them are with Nusra Front, Ansar Deen Front, Jund al-Aqsa and Ahrar Sham.

->The majority of the reports indicate that the Libyans have the least presence in Syria compared to neighbouring countries like Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria.

Is that even human brah?

Sidenote,Lu Luimarcos Nafri, definitely not to be saluted on a dailyyy brah

They really look like Brazilian mulattoes

>Take the worst from a nigger
>Take the worst from a kike
>Take the worst from a sandnigger
>Take the worst from a gypo
>Take the worst from a turkroach
>Mix it
>And you'll have a nafri
>The worst of the worst of the worst sub-human

Capsian culture in North Africa was most likely an eastward migration of Afro-Asiatic speaking Natufians.

They also spread to East Africa, that's why East Africans look more Caucasoid than other negroes. And that's also why Somalis are so god damn hideous except for some of their women.

>The scientists suggest that the Levantine early farmers may have spread southward into East Africa, bringing along Western Eurasian and Basal Eurasian ancestral components separate from that which would arrive later in North Africa.

On the other hand Northern Arab males are much better looking (still hideous compared to Europeans) because they have Iran Neolithic (ANE) admixture making them more beautiful.

No bubble gut bonanza here brah

>eastward migration
Westward migration rather.


Nafris are terrorists and rapists
Nafris represent a clear and present danger
Facts speak for themselves

->THE official German probe into the sexual frenzy at Cologne railway station on New Year's Eve concludes that 2,000 mostly North African men were responsible for most of the attacks and robberies on 1,200 women

->the suspects are mostly asylum seekers and illegal immigrants from North Africa

->Similar attacks on women were reported in the cities of Hamburg and Stuttgart.

->Violent Moroccan Youths Proudly Gang Molesting White "Whores" at Dutch Swimming Pools Since Late 1980s

->"Muslim rape crisis" which first gained international attention on New Year's Eve 2015-2016 when in German cities as Cologne 1,049 native persons, mostly females, were harassed, robbed and raped by groups of "North African" men - among them Algerians.

Yep, he has a very Natufian face. Give him black skin and he almost looks like a Somali.

Archived it

>time com/4174614/cologne-crimes-500-merkel-refugees-sexual-assault

Taharrush gamea





>Numerous communities of DARK-skinned peoples are present in North Africa, some dating from prehistoric communities. Others are descendants of the historical Trans-Saharan trade in peoples and/or, and after the Arab invasions of North Africa in the 7th century, DESCENDANTS of slaves from the Arab Slave Trade in North Africa
>In the 18th century, the Moroccan Sultan Moulay Ismail "the Bloodthirsty" (1672–1727) raised a corps of 150,000 BLACK slaves, called his BLACK Guard, who coerced the country into submission.

>due to the patriarchal nature of Arab society, Arab men, including during the slave trade in North Africa, enslaved more BLACK women than men. They used more BLACK female slaves in domestic service and agriculture than males.

>The men interpreted the Qur'an to permit sexual relations between a male MASTER and his female SLAVE OUTSIDE of marriage (see Ma malakat aymanukum and sex), leading to MANY MIXED-race children.
>When an enslaved woman became pregnant with her Arab master's child, she was considered as umm walad or "mother of a child", a status that granted her PRIVILEGED rights.
>The child was given rights of inheritance to the father's property, so MIXED-race children could share in any wealth of the father.

>Because the society was patrilineal, the children took their FATHERS' SOCIAL status at birth and were born FREE.

>Some succeeded their fathers as RULERS, such as Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur, who ruled Morocco from 1578 to 1608. He was not technically considered as a mixed-race child of a slave; his mother was Fulani and a concubine of his father. Such TOLERANCE for BLACK persons, even when technically "free", was not so common in Morocco.