>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that have an episode on pause
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that have an episode on pause
I can only take so much Tomoko at a time. This girl makes me squirm in my seat.
You're wrong, I just finished the episode I was watching before I came to post here. Think I'm done watching anime for tonight.
You got me senpai. Only made it 3m51s into Jigoku Shoujo.
Ok. That's disgusting.
Fuck! How did you know?
I'm guilty of this, how do I stop?
>kiznaiver 04
this show honestly has nothing going for it
No but I have an episode playing right now and I have no clue what's going on with it since my attention is completely focused on making this post
I've had it in pause for three days
I only do this in episode threads for reaction images when an episode first releases
Not right now, but how the fuck else do you take the perfect screenshot?
I know this feel, with shows in your language at least you can still hear what is going on but you can't both read and pay atention to shit posting.
If you can't even dedicate 20 minutes to watching anime, you shouldn't have it as a hobby.
And for once, I am not one of them.
Just finished the episode, nice try.
How can you say you love her if you won't even eat her poop?
Stop watching shit shows
>watching anime
>browsing Sup Forums
Pick one. Don't do both.
Stuck on Re:Zero. Its just...
lurk for 2 years before posting retard
Jokes on you, I'm watching it while I type this post right now.
>he's a single-tasker
I haven't even watched what I've downloaded today
Reading a VN counts as pause?
I havent watched what I downloaded 3 years ago. Get on my level scrub.
Jokes on you, OP. I'm watching three episodes at 0.9x speed each.
i'm watching ~43 airing shows this season and i'm almost caught up with everything
it ain't me this time
>There are people right now reading LN's on my fucking ANIME/MANGA board.
Literally autism.
The only time I pause midway is when I ABSOLUTELY have to leave the room to go do some shit, or have to take a phone call, or some other crap. If I want to get snacks or go bathroom, I wait until the eyecatch/whatever at the halfway point and pause (that's what those are for).
Autism is the next step of Human evolution.
>here are people on Sup Forums right NOW who has saved every single anime they've every watched on their harddrive
I've had Kabaneri paused for like 4 hours now.
>there are ESLs on Sup Forums
>there are people who mistake typos for broken English
It was because I was taking a screenshot from something I have already watched
I still have the first episode of re:zero paused 5 minutes in.
When you have that many typos it is broken English.
>there are people on Sup Forums that don't have a HDD array just for anime
Sometimes I read Sup Forums while watching anime and just flip my eyes over every time the subs change.
>tfw I have an OP running right now.
>he saves shitty anime just because he has space
sorry but you are wrong, this is a shit thread and your meme is not funny.
>There are people on Sup Forums right now who's waifu is currently receiving anal dicking by me
>lurk for 2 years before posting retard
is this the new meme newfags are using?
shit every single thread in Sup Forums has this dumb post.
What else would you use it for?
The ED of Big Order 5 is playing actually, i come here during OPs and EDs.
How about instead of wasting money on external HDDs you can use it to invest in your future?
>investing 200 dollars into your future
How's Mexico this time of year, amigo?
I don't have an attention span of a monkey so no I don't
Hey, those are your mummy and daddy's $200. You should spend it on what you promised them you'd spend it on.
You're projecting pretty hard. Is there something you want to tell us?
Guilty as charged
Ya got me OP, nice one.
Sometimes anime is too slow if you're not watching it in hyper speed. The director dictates the pacing, and Japanese information transmission rate is substantially lower than English information transmission rate.
My attention never wanders when I'm reading manga at my own speed, just watching some anime and I read a line instantly and have to sit and watch a character speak intelligibly for the next 5 seconds.
It should be stickied.
I have like 20 shows on pause try and stop me faggot
It's one person.
This is why watching dubs is superior.
It's just one person and sometimes he puts on his stupid trip. You can tell this faggot is trying hard to fit in when it should at least be 6 years before posting.
There is literally no reason for anyone to post on Sup Forums. Anyone who does needs to lurk more.
An episode of Tokyo Encounter
>at least be 6 years before posting.
What the fuck user. The minimum is at least a decade.
Lurk more.
I had an episode on pause, but because I was drawing the scene.
But Boku no Hero Academy is shit and I don't feel like finishing it
>6 years
Of course it should be something more than 2, but do you think redditors that expect to be immediately coddled and spoonfed think they would listen to anyone telling them not to post for 6 years? They probably haven't done anything in their life for 6 years. 2 is a nice starting point.
>mfw I can't get through a filler episode of Detective Conan without pausing it 5+ times
816 and counting and I want to kill myself
I'm halfway through the fourth episode of Samurai Champloo.
Post your shitty drawing faggot.
>Shimoneta paused
it can't be helped, I may implode into a sticky puddle of love nectar if I try to marathon this show
I'm am, my future of anime watching.
Nijiiro days, Sansha sanyou and bakuon on pause, i watch a few minutes randomly and its been like 10 hours since i started them, i do this daily, sometimes even with 5+
well you caught me, I go take a piss during exposition and then browse through Sup Forums before resuming.
You're right, but I only have about a minute left.