ITT: Animu grills taller than you
ITT: Animu grills taller than you
>169 cm (5' 6.5")
>manlet thread anyone?
Everybody who are taller than 152cm.
6 foot tall idol
>170 cm (5'7")
My brother of short stature.
Hey kid, wanna /ss/?
172 cm reporting
I thought this board was for human beings.
Don't forget about the framelets.
All of them
190 cm reporting in.
Reminder: You're a footlet if your shoe size is less than 12.
What? Is that like lanklets?
Damn. I'm taller than her.
Wrists less than 7" and shoe size less than 12.
by 3cm
I'll bite, who is taller than 187 cm?
I actually have to buy women's sport shoes because men's start at too big a size for me
>Wrists less than 7"
What? I can see 12 size shoes being reasonable but 7 inch wrists?
>tfw 6 inch circumference wrists to match my 6 inch circumference dick
Enjoy your chode wrists
197cm Best girl.
The average non-obese female has larger wrists than you three framelets.
Probably not very many. Jap girls are short as fuck
>he has to include overweight women
Are giantfus allowed?
The average non-overweight, non-obese, non-morbidly obese, non-anorexic female has larger wrists.
Is there any girl who's over 2m tall?
Don't post some shitty giants.
Close enough
Not even the Jo-yos are that tall.
Ignore the first post, I thought you measured the wrist from side to side but after googling found out the correct way.
I guess i'm a big guy.
Here I have a tougher one: can anyone find a girl who's taller than me and weighs less than me?
I'm 190cm/6'3" and 61kg/135lb
>shes 169
>im 170
wew lads
She's got a few inches over me
No one because I'm 6'2
What the fuck is this stupid meme measurement?
Fuck off.
Why does/fit/ invade Sup Forums every other night
imperial is the meme one
id know im american
Are you a skeleton?
Imperial actually makes sense. Metric is bullshit.
Units of 10 makes perfect sense.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Imperial actually makes sense.
>tfw 6'4" and 62kg
Turns out girls don't actually like skinny dudes. Giant Mahjong girl is literal perfection.
Are you dying
Oh boy time for the nightly normalfag blog thread. Can't wait to hear how all the crossboarders endeavors with 3dpd are going
Only from no qt 2D anime gf.
>6'4" and 62kg
Skeleton please leave
You are me!
Who /167cm/ here
Should I just kill myself and rid the world of my manlet genes?
5" wrist and shoe size 3.5 (Children's) here
Big feet are weird
Why are little girls up at this hour?
She is 200cm, though
I've only been complimented on my foot size once and it was by an amputee who remarked that my feet were so petite.
It was then when I realized that maybe my feet size is indeed smaller than average even for my frame (5'1") and compared to that of Japanese VAs of the same height.
> wrist size arguments
Boy there's just no end to these memes
I work out for my tulpa.
buttblasted murrican
>tfw 6'4" and 62kg
I don't believe you. That's some spooky tier weight distribution right there
Metric was made for dicklets to feel better about their 9 cm dicks compared to American 9 inchers
I have skelly arms, can link my fingers around my inner thigh and all my ribs showing. Other than that I'm not that spooky.
hasshaku-sama counts right?
Name a girl is taller than 6'7 or 202 cm?
Skeleton father
who's this? google gives nothing
Anetai Toyone from Saki.
Don't get your hopes up, she's an arc character.
By 5cm
>Posting personal info on 4chins
Hello NSA!
The NSA is not watching you, citizen. Please proceed as normal.
I'm a big guy.
By 1 fucking cm
>mfw I'm 2m (6' 6.7")
I have bad news for you sir,
There is a high chance there is a skeleton inside of you.
b-but user that's lewd
>making doms shorties
Why is this allowed?
197 cm Scandinavian.
Enjoy inferiority
The entire cast of Code Geass.
>taller than me by 1cm