Sailor Moon thread

Sailor Moon thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>Uranus and Neptune rubbing together
Oh baby

I want to sniff their collective anuses until my lungs are filled with nothing but ass air.

quality thread

B o o t y

Back in the aol days these were called asspussytowers.

I want Makoto to bake me a carrot cake.

That's bullshit but I believe it

Which do you impregnate first?


Jupiter & Uranus at the same time

This thread.


What's going on here.


>>Mar's anus, Jupiter's pussy, Mercury's pussy, Mar's anus, Usagi's pussy, Mercury's anus, Mar's Anus. Ignore Venus. Mar's anus.

In that order


Actually read this in his voice RIP.

Uh, isn't this supposed to belong in >>/ e/ ?

(Not that I mind tho)

Why would it be?
Discussing the asses of our valiant defenders of justice is a completely legitimate topic for Sup Forums.
It is only when you are looking for an image dump that you should head over to an image dump board.

Lurk more.



>that mail slot/piece of undried jerky
Some one care to elaborate?


Neptune using the opportunity to dom Uranus.


this is officially Sailor Moon fan-service thread now

I want to fuck Uranus and knock her up.

there's no manga panel too?

I am going to dom Uranus all right.

I also notice the loose hand going for that loli booty.


Fuck this thread


>mooned by sailors

Now I understand this show.


Who is this cum bum?


Homer Simpson, sir.

One of your penis basters from Sector 7-G

Going to start dumping some body positive Sailor Moon images.



The best view




Take this shit somewhere else





All this ugly fanart because tumblr artists can't figure out that drawing sailor moon hair on a black fatass doesn't automatically make said drawing the character sailor moon. It's just a drawing of a black fatass poorly cosplaying as sailor moon.


And now an asspussy tower would just be a stack of trap butts, wouldn't it?

it's gone too far you can stop now

Like this?

I give her an A for effort.


Why does this Western shit habitually get posted in these threads and the mods do fucking nothing?




Yes exactly like that.

>not having the correct wig on
>nowhere close to the original proportions of the character.

If Sailor Mars was 250+ pounds and was black this girl would have nailed this cosplay. But Sailor Mars is neither of those things so this picture looks like a poor cosplay attempt of sailor Mars, just like the current image dump where the scouts suddenly gain 100+ pounds, change skin color, gain freckles, etc etc.




Those fucking feet lol

quick! someone make it anime related!

That Mercury is pretty cute, desu

who's this?

shit how does she run?
That's not even chubby, that's obese as fuck

>not having the correct wig on
I think we can't really see how long it is because her body covers it..
I think the cosplay is fine. She doesn't look like she's trying to make a statement, she's just a fan that wants to cosplay as her favorite character.

And she definitely has a better quality suit than what i've seen most Sailor Moon cosplayers use.

Tumblr invasion!

Venus is too lewd

Debrine from Sailor V

I really don't understand wanting to fuck a lesbian.

"I sure do want to have sex with a girl who would never be into it"

>fuck a girl that'll never be into it
I'm don't have a fetish or anything, but i'm sure those anons want to do that because they either have a fetish of turning a lesbian straight, or they have a rape fetish

Thank you for posting this because I have been laughing at it for a while now. Truly comedy gold.

This one is actually cute and not comedically over the top like most of the others. This is close to what I imagined when Takeuchi said Usagi is supposed to be chubby.


What would the tag be for this.

Pussy pile, mons mountain, vertical vaginas, panty peak?


iirc there's a pixiv tag that roughly translates as pile of clams

fuck I hate sailor moon art like this.
Why do they always have to be punk when western artists draw them?

>punk Mercury



The idea of forcing them to convert to dick.



Is DIC sailor moon the worst dubbed anime in history?

Not even close.

>Ghost Stories english dub


Didn't Takeuchi imply several times that Haruka isn't exclusively a lesbian, she's bi, but Michiru only likes girls.

Jesus christ Ghost Stories was so fucking well dubbed, how can you possibly imply it isn't grade A quality

>3dpd shit
fuck off

Yes. I believe Michiru said that Haruka doesn't dislike men, she's just awkward around them because she's such a tomboy, and she wouldn't know how to behave if she had a boyfriend. Michiru herself, prefers the romantic company of women, though..


>Implying Michiru isn't always the dom in that relationship

Sailor V deserves better.