>episode doesn't have an OP
Episode doesn't have an OP
Other urls found in this thread:
>1st episode ED is the OP
>he doesn't skip OPs and EDs
That just means they couldn't fit all the content into the air time. Congratulations, you got more anime part of the anime.
>skipping OPs and EDs
japanese music and lyrics suck.
>thread has an OP
>he's a faggot
>not being hyped as fuck because shit is about to go down
>first episode has an OP
#1 indicator the anime will be shit, there is rare exceptions if the anime is an OVA (see LoGH)
>previous season's OP starts playing
>Entire series has no OP
>hour long/double episode
Oi m8 you best be steppin' off.
mein neger
>last episode doesn't have an OP and bears the same name as the show
>OP plays during the final fight
>final fight
fuck off shounen kid
Yotsuba is shounen
Speaking of this, has Re:Zero showed the OP/ED like once this entire season? I can't even remember it ever playing one.
>show is good
>OP is terrible
uh every episode?
>only shonen cartoons have final fights
Enjoy your moeshit animes.
>Enjoy your moeshit animes.
I do.
impossible. i'm pretty sure by episode 5 it had showed the op once, and the ed twice but 1 was a fadeaway.
>he's a phoneposter
>dumb mobileposter
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
>being elitist about ways of posting
Why would you waste resources opening a browser (which would be Firefox if you enjoy your freedoms) while MPC-HC is playing anime?
Samefagging is also against the rules, idiot.
>same retard that doesn't know what samefagging is
I know exactly what it is, and you certainly are a samefagger, tripidiot.
Turning your trip off to back yourself up again?
>every time you get asked what you think samefagging is you don't answer
Because it's self-explanatory, not that an idiot like yourself even understands what that means. Just the fact that you're getting this defensive emphatically confirms what a desperate samefagging dumbfuck you are.
defensive about what?
what do you think samefagging is because you obviously don't have a clue
>baiting is so easy as changing the filename in 4chanx
Wow, it feels almost like I really am on Sup Forums!