>no new images
Oh, come on.
Koe no Katachi
>another knk
fuck now the 'kyoani knk' lost all meaning
if this seasons knk extends into the next one ima rage
im more interested in the left page of that book
Tell me more.
what did they mean by this?
This, that half of his body is better than all of KnK
Handa-kun anime fucking wheт?
Why would be there images if she's deaf?
What about new info?
>Wanting to know about the fujo-centered sidestory
I was actually looking forward to this until I found out it was a fucking movie. Why couldn't they just adapt this manga into a TV anime?
I want to like kyoani but all they fucking do now is LN trash or fujo pandering, and no I don't give a fucking shit about Hibike.
>fujo pandering
Seems like you like JoJo, so what's the problem?
Movies could lead to higher accolades and more prominence especially if it becomes a hit
KyoAni could potentially fill in the anime movie gap left by Ghibli
This project was ruined as soon as it was confirmed they'd use the standard kyoani artstyle.
Huh, I didn't think this meme would continue since it's confirmed that they're adapting the designs faithfully as usual.
KyoAni movies are not nearly normalshit enough to be the next Ghibli. Mamoru Hosoda's studio Chizu is a better fit for being their replacement.
Hosoda is pretty bad.
I agree, his movies are also more normalfag friendly, have grossed more than any KyoAni movie thanks to working with bigger distributors, and Ghibli has even worked with him before. Studio Chizu screams Ghibli 2.0 no matter how you look at it.
It's average, no bully.
I'll never accept his furfaggotry. Never.
KyoAni movies are usually just a sequel or recap to their animus. Koe no Katachi will have no ties to their seasonal work. It's a easier sell. If it's successful they could take that road more times.
I hope Yamada can reach the normalfag audience, 'cause she's a much better fit as a replacement.
"the next Ghibli" is the biggest cancer but more dedicated film directors is always good and that seems to be the direction Yamada is going
Everyone knows the manga went to shit because it was dragged out too long. A movie is perfect.
I would have loved following it every week but a movie really is the best for it.
The manga is trash, I hope they did the one shot.
>fill in the anime movie gap left by Ghibli
Looking at the works that Kyoani usually did do you really think that these people can strike up to the normal audience like Ghibli did?
Your expectation on how much they're going to be accepted is too far, you may wanna tone it down a little bit.
I don't see why not.
This. Movie adatation were the right decision.
INB4 it sell well so KyoAni think it is a good idea to make it into a seasonal anime
We're talking about the normal audience, these are the sort of things parents cover their children's eyes from.
I've been wondering if they're going to turn it into a seasonal anime with manga and original content. It would be weird to just end it at a movie since they're leading the production committee.
It would've been perfect if the movie adapted just the oneshot/Vol1 and there was an announcement for a 2 cour anime sequel for the rest of the source material. Sadly it seems like it won't be like that since the trailer shows a scene from later volumes.
What this fucker is even doing now
We need more gaijins to save anime
They probably won't be able to change the source material much because of how popular the manga is, just like with Keyshit.
They are on the production committee, as you said, so they might go for it
He co-directed that Itoh movie last year.
How tall is Sahara?
Hosoda was fine before he went into furry. Wolf Children was great though. He needs to return to science fiction because that's what everyone wants.
He should get somebody else to write his movies.
I wasn't planning on reading the manga to wait for the movie but I got hooked, I'm already at chapter 20 and this Ueno bitch is such a damaged cutie