Well, that settles that.
Well, that settles that
100% true desu senpai
TTGL and KLK are shit
KLK is by far the worst one on that list
Imaishi is a hack
I want the IRS shitposters to leave
Take out PP and KLK apnd that' s a decent list
The only reason you could like KLK if you watched KLK with Sup Forums (like I did) or you're 14 year olds and you want an excuse to watch the new hit booby anime on Netflix with your mother's credit card without her being suspicious
>mad cause spiral is small
you tried too hard
Why is the Kek Le Kek poster so empty?
Give me 10 reasons you like KLK without using buzzwords (i.e.: comfy and fun)
Most of them are like the ones that had the most commercial success.
I don't know how popular PP is in the west cause it was pretty stupid.
t. Alberto Barbosa
Why do people fucking love Code Geass?
>KLK is shit
>angel beats
>guilty crown
That's it, Google is disqualified from anime.
>t. Alberto Barbosa
Fuck off.
>As long as you don't go into Kill la Kill expecting it to have legitimate, intellectual weight and commentary, you'll find a show that is pretty funny, and Ryouku's pretty hot. It's a shame Kill la Kill couldn't decide if it wanted to be satire or serious.
Pizza Hut
what is this t. meme and why is it on Sup Forums?
justifying a subjetive view such as personal enjoyment is not possible
By your rules, i could simply write "because I fucking do" ten times and since there is nothing objective you wouldn't be able to argue it
however, don't push on me the burden of proof when you said KLK is shit
tell me 10 reasons why it is not enjoyable
His name is Alberto (see top right of his screenshot), t. is an abbreviation of a finnish word meaning regards.
It's short for "Regards" in Finnish.
It's not the worst list ever, but Psycho Pass? Fucking seriously? That load of pretentious wank?
>10 reasons
>write me a fucking essay or ur wrong!
>Why do people fucking love Code Geass?
Because of its epic scope, fresh premise, distinct and memorable characters, clever plot twists, art-style and soundtrack, and famous ending.
fucking google, too late I guess
>guilty crown
and that's it
more like expect nothing at all and you'll have a mildly entertaining time.
if you have any expectations at all, especially animation wise, prepare to get slapped in the face by trigger because they simply did not give two fucks about this giant pile of shit
Well all i have to say is that is a shitty meme. Fuck you Sup Forums, you can't even meme right.
>KLK is shit
>TTGL is shit
Is this the magical IRS shitposting?
It's not an Sup Forums meme
You have to be 18+ to post here
You hate fun
>ghost stories
Bebop and FA: B had their moments but literally everything else on that list is trash.
Thanks Google for solve all our problems. That's a wrap everybody, go home already!
buzzword, try again
buzzword, try again
>going to Comiket
You like KLK therefore you like "fun" anime, you're a hedonist.
Definitely psycho pass
and that's terrible
I've watched so many fucking shows, and to this day I still think Cowboy Bebop is my favorite.
It doesn't really have that great of a story, but there's something about the characters, art and music that just resonates with me.
Guilty crown is shit
Shoe threads where great.
Music was good.
1 Eva
2 Champloo
5 Bebop
6 CG
7 PP
13485 literal shit
13486 KLK
in that order
>justifying a subjetive view such as personal enjoyment is not possible
Not him but it fucking is.
If you were to say that you like the idea of having the 2 blades of a scissor as weapons because it's not common and that it's a weird unrealistic element that fits the wacky series than you fucking justified it.
>it's subjective why should I explain my point of view? I have to prove nothing because I like it!
shit is so fucking autistic.
moot? Did you do this?
Dumb frogposter.
let me rephrase that, it's not arguable
I can say ten reasons of a subjetive view, but because they are subjetive such reasons are not arguments in themselves that would proof something, ergo the opponent would declare all of them invalid and declare that I have no fucking idea, thus winning by default
personal taste/liking something isn't a point of view
it's more autistic to argue personal taste, otherwise what are you trying to do, tell me that you know better if I actually don't like KlK?
>gay hat with sex off
You realize that google use's algorithms based on your previous searches to present results, right?
>you're 14 year olds and you want an excuse to watch the new hit booby anime on Netflix
Despite not liking a lot of fanservice in my anime, I still rather enjoyed KLK, and am always surprised when I see people, who I can only imagine like fanservice more than I do, unable to get past that aspect of the show when someone like me could.
The whole anime is fanservice, every fucking episode to the bitter end where everyone is naked.
Series that is popular with the normalfags.
>B-but to be naked is to be true to oneself
Kek that fucking anime sucked balls, dropped it after 2 episode.
why is the klk cover a card against humanity
If he just declares your explanation invalid he doesn't fucking win, retard.
It's just to make people mad.
He only "wins" if he proves your explanations to be dumb.
"I like it because it's fun!" would be a dumb one that doesn't add anything to the conversation.
I don't even use google and get pretty much the same result when I try it.
What a miserable fuck.
Good, okay, bad, good, bad, good, good, good, bad
But user, don't you see? That's like saying "The whole anime is music" when referring to K-ON.
Do I need to spell this out for you any more?
Another great thread!
>FMA above Bebop
Other than that, I can agree with this, although I didn't think KlK was offensively bad, and you can't deny that DBZ was at least super influential.
if you really can't see that it is a deconstruction of fanservice you must be quite dumb
By the third episode nobody gives a shit about fanservice anymore nor it is played stealthily like the media always does
if that was a conversation, which everyone with common sense can see wasn't, because he just attempted a shitty argument, then I see no reason to continue it
explaining why I like something is dumb because the reasons are based on personal criteria and not objetive points that can be argued
it could be argued if KlK is good or not, not if i like it or not
I repeat myself, what are you going to do, argue that it's not true that i like KlK?
It's because they think better of you than to assume you unabashedly liked the tripe that was KLK the only good part was nui's ruse cruise mid season and they STILL managed to fuck her up late season.
Based on your post, I can only assume your mother dropped you on your head.
Sure, K-ON is slice of life with musical elements because that's their whole club deal. There was never a moment in KLK where I found myself thinking: 'I gotta find out who killed my dad' will put her on her blood outfit and there isn't going to be fanservice because there always was.
>deconstruction of fanservice
Back up your claim
>it could be argued if KlK is good or not, not if i like it or not
Kind of assumed that's pretty much the same but I guess you are right.
>deconstruction of
Eric, simply Eric
>if you really can't see that it is a deconstruction of fanservice you must be quite dumb
Not the same user, but you can't just use the word "deconstruction" and expect anyone to believe something is deep. And this is coming from a massive Evafag. If KLK was trying to make a statement about fanservice, it executed it terribly. It was used super-liberally throughout the entire show, and thus just felt like it was celebrating it and playing it straight 99% of the time.
>not liking the comedy of angel beats
>He talk shit about my favourite anime, he must be retarded!
Grow the fuck up.
>deconstruction of fanservice
You're retarded.
KLK is a modern masterpiece. An allegory of fate as symbolized by threads of destiny.
I honestly couldn't care less about KLK. Your posts just look like they were made by someone with Down's Syndrome.
>Back up your claim
By the third episode nobody gives a shit about fanservice anymore nor it is played stealthily like the media always does, the supposed fanservice is so permanent and obvious that it is being shoved in the face of the spectator like saying "YOU LIKE THIS, DON'T YOU? WELL HAVE ALL OF IT!" to ridicule the media that nowadays use fanservice as a selling factor, remember the jap guy that said "the audience wants cute and sexy girls in their anime"
Good comedy can't save it from the shitty drama and the horrible ending.
It was comfy to me
>There was never a moment in KLK where I found myself thinking: 'I gotta find out who killed my dad' will put her on her blood outfit and there isn't going to be fanservice because there always was.
I don't think you quite understood my post at all.
Just like K-ON and music, the fanservice element in KLK pervaded through every part of it, true, but it was hardly the only part of it. And was hardly what anyone watching it would mostly kind enjoyable about it. At least, not me.
You seem to be caught up on the fanservice in the show, while ignoring everything else about it. An apple pie isn't just the crust.
>Back up your claim
Not him, but I can't imagine anyone thinking the final scene with the cast naked, as an user mentioned before, to be fanservice. You'd have to be an incredibly horny 13 year old or something.
>Down's Syndrome
speaking of down's syndrome
>it is played stealthily like the media always does,
Oh yeah, anime is usually super subtle and shameful about panty shots and tits. Have you watch literally 5 shows in your life?
>the supposed fanservice is so permanent and obvious that it is being shoved in the face of the spectator like saying "YOU LIKE THIS, DON'T YOU? WELL HAVE ALL OF IT!"
This literally amounts to "I was only pretending to be retarded". If most of your audience perceives your ironic titillation as titillation, then you either did a terrible job, or you just intended to titillate your audience.
never said it was deep
neither I pretend it is deep
neither it needs to be deep
neither twisting a trope makes something deep
but regardless, you are wrong
fanservice is always executed in ways directed solely towards the audience. In KlK the characters, plot and main devices are driven by such fanservice and are impossible to be ignored, being turned up to 11 to the point of becoming a staple that looses any sexual value that is the reason d'etre of fanservice, thus loosing its original meaning and becoming a parody
>If most of your audience perceives your ironic titillation as titillation
well you are wrong, because only retards like you stay focused on the irony and keep seeing it as titillation
>most your audience
most of the audience forgot about the fanservice by episode 4
Not him but it was used for comedy. Using an old convention for comedy is not a deconstruction. This is not the first case nudity type shit was used for comedy.
>posting shit that reads like a MAL review
>Code Geass
fuck this meme tier anime. Its decent but not good as people claim. They butchered some scenes and had retarded chess macthes.
List is otherwise fine
>Using an old convention for comedy is not a deconstruction.
it's the opposite,deconstructing an old convention is done with comedic purpose and effect
>liking ttgl and hating klk
They were both the same memetic shit.
This list is for the most part unironically correct
If 1/9 is for the most part then yes.
>that image for Code Geass
*tips fedora*
Pretty sure the anime that had the most commercial success in recent years are things like SAO and Attack of the titans. KLK was always instantly forgotten after it aired.
Code Geass was better than DBZ and Kill la Kill and about as good as TTGL, so whatever.
fucking Alberto
Yes, so as Cowboy Plebop and Psycho-Ass.
>Google 最高のアニメ
>get gundam, Cowboy Bebop, Madoka, Love Live, and Code Geass
Nip Google has better taste