>9 years later
>Still no Season 2
>Manga translations are a year behind
>Machi is still best girl after all these years
Nagasarete Airantou
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Did they ever rescue the men and sister from the other island?
I want to drink that tub of water.
Where did that ice come from?
That was an anime-original ending.
The sister infiltrates the island in order to get Ikuto back but gets stuck there. She's also not blood-related.
The men all washed up in Japan and eventually regrouped, all of the dads of the main girls helped raise Ikuto and have been trying to get past the barrier to get to the island. Suzu's mom still hasn't been found.
I liked that show.
If I remember right, they mine it from a cave or get the yuki-onna girl to make some
>tfw no qt islandfu mame daifuki gf
What's your definition of "happening"?
And isn't that an excuse for people that force themselves to read/watch something they don't like?
Oh nice, our once a year Nagasarete Airantou thread. I can't say way, but this has always been one of my favorite series.
I do have to disagree with you though OP. Machi AND Ayane are best.
Red miko is still the best.
Westaboo is best girl.
Mikos are without doubt the best girls.
Machi a cute!
Doesn't Ikuto say something about how much he hates his old man in the first episode though? Sorry I'm an anime-only fag
I did too, it was very relaxing and somewhat funnier than I thought it would be
>9 years since Nagasarete Airantou
I just want my season 2 ;_;
>18 year old
The characters age are so fucked up.
That's because no one cares about it.
They're about right, the women from Machi's family are just small, at least on their mother's side.
Yes, his mother is missing and he thought his father was going to remarry his grandfather's secretary. Turns out it was a misunderstanding and the grandfather was going to remarry the secretary.
Correction, all of the men have been found except for Hanzo, the father of Shinobu, Mikoto, and Kunai, and Michiru's father who is just like his daughter presence-wise. Ikuto's mother has been found and his father is just chilling with her.
Contrary to what said, quite a bit has happened.
We both know that's never going to happen
>New doujins never
Never say never