>not finishing reading that doujin after you cum.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Not finishing reading that doujin after you cum
Other urls found in this thread:
>double negative
>not reading it in its entirety and then going back to the best page to finish
my autism doesn't allow me to cum before the last page. Sometimes have to get off to the credits.
I exit MPC as soon as I'm done fapping. I save the rest of the episode for my next fap session.
Get on my level
>reading doujins for anything other than fapping.
It's like you want to be autistic.
This. I get a few doujins and some pictures up, build my pace while going through all of them, and then set them all to the best parts and go through those as I climax.
I don´t like spilling cum everywere, when I finish I just clean my hand/dick and go wash my dick.
>fapping to pages
>not just enjoying the art
My brother.
>not reading doujins for the plot
While this is normally what I do if I do finish early for whatever reason i'll just come back to it later next time I fap.
Someone here seems to miss the point of the doujin.
The "protagonist" inevitably cums multiple times before the end of the story.
It's only appropriate, nay, necessary that you do the same.
It is a disservice to both you and your countrymen if you do not stop immediately after cumming, and then promptly return once you're ready for round 2.
>Not reading the whole doujin first and then using your mind's eye to fantasize further from the base material.
>pick out a dozen doujins that look good
>the first one is perfect and end up cumming to it
>don't cum to the perfect first one and spend and spend an hour half-heartedly fapping to lesser doujins before begrudgingly going back to the first one knowing it won't be as good a read the second time around
>doujin is perfectly paced so you cum every time the MC does.
I leave the rest for my next session the next day ;_;
>not 5 minutes later
Is it only me that this happens to?
>fap to something
>As soon as i cum I lose complete sexual interest in the thing i was reading/watching
Kinda sucks.
Yeah, the proper way is to bookmark the page you finish on and come back for more.
I fastforward through the sex and just read the plot. I read hentai for how it makes me feel in my heart, not in my pants.
Fuck off.
Ejaculation lowers testosterone. 1/week is optimal going by the literature. As a benefit, it also teaches self-control. Don't be weak and emasculated, Sup Forums.
>Open up a bunch of good looking shit in different tabs
>Jack off hard to one
>Can't get it up and have to close the rest
Living is painful
If by 1/week you mean 1/4-hours then sure.
NoFap was already proven to be a meme.
>he doesn't make sure to cum as the mc does
Sperm dies after a few days so biologically the best is once ever 2-3 days. That said I'm at 4 times a day, maybe that helps with becoming a trap.
It just doesn't feel right if I don't do this.
I like when there's a cute joke at the end
If there is not at least one page of afterstory it's trash.
Obviously this. How could you possibly finish without knowing if there isn't a better page further in
>so we're married now, right?
>that one doujin where the joke at the end showed that the artist had already forgotten who had initiated the sex at the start of the doujinshi
Cute after story always improves the shady loli doujins
I like the one where it shows the girl watching Toy Story with her mom afterwards
i keep it saved and continue where i left when im masturbating again.
>not cumming the same amount of times as the MC
Not only do I X it out, I close all my other tabs of doujins I was going to read if I wouldnt cum from the one I just read.
I wonder how many potential 10/10 have died and never gotten the chance because I allready came.
>sadpanda server disconnects
>can't turn the page.
>boner killed.
Fucking piece of shit.
>not closing your eyes and imagining your ex at the moment you climax
You know 9/10 times exhentai and g.e-hentai are the same thing, right? Just go to g.e if sadpanda dies on you.
The anal/swimsuit section is the part I always choose to cum to
>your ex
You do realize where you are?
Eh, if you came to that page you can read the rest later. Just bookmark the page or look for it in your history whenever you feel like masturbating again.
we're 2 of a kind
>walk into Sup Forums because of thread about anime on Sup Forums
>see this thread
>wtf has this place become
This. I don't really get why ex is prefered. I guess that I'm just a newfag...
>using Sup Forums
Kill yourself, faggot.
You really are, fuck off
oh there's the Sup Forums that I'm used to
>Sup Forums
Fuck off.
Are you me?
Mah nigga
>Sup Forums
You have to be 18+ to post here
>Close page
>Delete history
>Contemplate suicide
Why do I get so depressed after I cum?
>Why do I get so depressed after I cum?
>not closing your eyes and imagining your ex getting raped by a big blank man the moment you climax
>Delete history
>not browsing in private mode
>>Delete history
You could not use your parents computer.
They're Sup Forumsacks. They won't feel good if they can't deny what happened and offer an alternative story of what happened.
>limiting yourself to only doujins instead of reading all kinds of eromanga
>not living with your parents until your 50
>Have to read at least 5 different doujins before I can come.
>Can't cum to something I already read.
>reading a god tier doujin
>about to cum
>suddenly a got a cramp in my left leg
>boner killer
I want to die
>>implying I know how to read
I cum to pretty images, not gay words you fucking nerd
>fapping while dressed up as shimakaze
>using onahole
>about to cum along with MC
>post fap depression sets in before I even cum
>stop and realize what I look like right now
>too much shame to continue
This so much. Since years.
Everyday I'm worried that I won't be able to find something new to read.
>not coming back later for the rest
What a waste of a good doujin
Fapping is degenerate. Not fapping makes you alpha more energized and flirt with 3DPD more
actually if you hold it in long enough you'll start to flirt with your wallpapers and figurines as well
Saber fans are the worst.
>Cumming to soundless shit
Sorry i need sluts moaning in my hentai and japs have cute voices so reading doujins instead of fapping to hentai is not even worth considering.
Saberfags confirmed for being retarded, once again.
Disgusting, but at least you're not fapping to 3DPD.
>wanting to desensitize your penis
>wanting to continue chase the old high with more and more degenerate fetishes
>not wanting to feel motivated 24/7
>not wanting to feel horny and loving towards your waifu 24/7
I kinda can see where you are coming from
For example I'm not satisfied if I don't see an x-ray creampie with handholding
I do this all the time. What are you going to do about it?
This is the exact point in which I blew my load.
God I fucking hate what Sup Forums has become
>fapping to doujins
Who does this? I mean seriously, how do you even get off to it? It's in black and white. There's no motion at all. Sometimes the sex only lasts three panels. I will admit that doujins can have really hot panels and good stories, but if I'm going to blow a big load, I need some better stimulation, like animated stuff, with colour and higher resolutions, some sexy voices are a huge bonus. I usually have a massive collage of things up by the time I'm ready to burst.
I keep going back to the same stuff cause I rarely find new shit I like. I still fap to decade old doujins.
Why would I flirt with 3DPD?
Delete this
>cumming before you finish the doujin
>including the author's notes and translator jokes and credits page
No fap is a /fit/ meme.
>tfw you want to cum but you can't find the best page again
Actually right now, I only fap to doujins since some years already, and I can't even get excited by full color stuff anymore, it needs to be in black and white.
Animated and voiced stuffs aren't really exciting anymore, if anything, it disgusts me now.
Voiced is one of the reasons eroge is so good.
Can't get enough of that イちゃうぅぅぅぅ
The only thing you achieve by not fapping at least once every three days is wasting the semen your body worked so hard to produce.
Y'all need to chill with fapping. To get the best enjoyment do it every few days. Do it too much it'll take longer to fap to stuff eventually and then stuff you like won't even get your dick erect.
I've been doing it 3-5 times a day for 12 years, and I can assure you that I am enjoying it plenty.
Eroge voicing does have the capacity to go south really quickly especially if it devolves into the woman just making incoherent sounds and trying to talk at the same time. The best is voice actors who know how to make believable moans and know how to say certain lines just right to achieve that ultra boner fuel effect.
>hold off climaxing for a split second longer because you need to go to best page
>miss your timing and ruin the whole thing
I fucking hate this