What kind of a leftist bullshit propaganda did you have during your education?

What kind of a leftist bullshit propaganda did you have during your education?

Apparently that men were taller than women.

evolution. luckily I was smart enough to ignore that shit

Jihad is a "spiritual struggle"

Oh it can also mean physical "struggle" but that is LESSER and NOT IMPOTANT bcoz muslims dindu nuffin


None, we didn't have this kind of crap at our uni (or I managed to somehow avoid most)

That race doesnt exist

A skewed version of every historical event with an agenda behind it all.

If you think about it, the phrase "sharing is caring" that they taught us when we were in kindergarten is leftist propaganda. It's conditioning people for socialism. Of course not saying that sharing is wrong


I was told that white people are not inherently evil and ruin anything they touch, and that they deserve to live just as much as anyone else. Now I know my teachers were liars.

bump 2

Pretty much had my history teacher give a 40 minute passionate speech in front of the class about the golden days of Bolshevism in WW1-2 and quoting Das Kapital. We had to watch Schindler List twice(though I'm not sure he was conscious that it was the second time displayed but it was shocking and fun so no one cared) and countless other biased documentaries on surviving jews and muh nazis etc.
For the longest time I actually believed him until I stumbled upon a google index link which led to a Sup Forums thread discussing the events of the Gulags, fabricated distorted numbers of the holocaust and I also got bashed for being naive at first but later on one of the user's linked me to Sup Forums and someone here explained what we're learning in my public school is utter nonsense. What the Jewish influence did Europe and the ties between Socialism/communism and Judiasm to which, well... At that point I was so irrecoverably black pilled on what we where being taught I ceased my belief in everything School was teaching us, I even had to learn different methods of calculating mathematical equations to what we were taught along with all Science and Social studies we got, and ofcourse even those were filled with utter hogwash, brainwashing crap. (Admittedly the math/physics/kemistry was largely left untainted but I never suspended my cautiousness and open skepticism)

I was told that hitler wanted to kill anyone who wasn't blond and blue eyed.

>leftist bullshit propaganda did you have during your education
0 actually. But I'm old :(

That we were apparently supposed to let bullies physically attack us without us ever throwing a single punch. We were just told to take it and tell a teacher later.
Good thing I ignored their asses and fought back every time any hostile fuck tried pushing me, otherwise I would have been an easy target. Got sent to the office a few times but it was worth it.
Note this was during the late 90s, so I don't know what shitty advice they're giving kids nowadays in response to bullying.

I got my teacher fired for giving a speech on how bad republicans are. Well, more or less Trump... but he got fuck which is what Portland needed.


I went to a private school full of conservatives. There wasn't any propaganda.

What is it about Polish schools that you can immediately recognize them even from the thumbnail?

3 pretty girls and 0 handsome men. yikes so much for white supremacy

>be me
>k-12 school, started in 2nd grade
>never noticed anything until around 11-12th grade (i just graduated last year)
>literal pro refugee/immigrant posters, "it only takes xxxxxx dollars to settle a refugee thats the same as tuition here"
>they have this program in middle school, find out about it through kid who goes to the school in my neighboorhood
>instead of exams at end of year they try to have a "actually do stuff instead of regurgitating information back onto papers" activity
>its called the capstone project
>he tells me its dumb and everyone hates it
>the topic of what they have to do is "how can we have our school be more inclusive and diverse"
>the year before it was "how can we make everyone feel safe on campus"
>mfw my school was literally attempting to indoctrinate people into the most cucked "lol every1 shud be nice n sheeit" politics possible

None, I went to university in the 90s, and the head of the computer science dept. used to call the brown kids niggers and pakis all the time. I think he might have been a bit racist.

Retarded is a bad word and that America is a nation of immigrants.

poolack despretly looking for allies, yet they cant find one.

USA trump getting fuckt and cant decide witch front is more important. Eu fucking pooland from day to day harder and all piss can do screetch nazi.

What great time to be alive. Cant wait for all the poolacks to be send home and pooland be separated.

>handsome men
men must be manly, you fucking faggot

>America is a nation of immigrants
A nation of white, european immigrants.

they're neither

One of my teachers literally said the words "Islam is a religion of peace"

Yeah but they were trying to tell me that the spics should be let in because of it.

isen't that really dependent on what you study? i mean i hardly hear any left wing shit at uni(ind ing) but you actually can study things lik "gender en diversiteit" (at VUB ofc)

i didnt have an education xDDDDDDDDDDDD

nihilism and atheism in general

What is this? Clean respectable young women? Fucking disgusting

Its funny when germans tell me that germany is a nation of immigrants just because we got a bunch of turks after ww2.

A (((Holocaust survivor))) from Poland came and told us about how EBUL the Nazis were and how they throw all the villages babies into stone walls. She cried crocodile tears and didn't even look like she was that old

My teachers were awesome. They didnt taught us about holocaust and other shits, told us to check ourself( now im red pilled), that comunnism was shit just like nazism( adleast under Kitler rule). We could shit talk about jews and research any conspiracy theory without being called idiots. Literaly that history is being writen by the winners and not to believe in everything we hear or read. Thank you, sorry for bad grammar

I'm an executive on a university sport club. I had to attend an anti-hazing seminar. Mostly it was about how the definition of hazing for the university has been extended to minor things like giving rookies nicknames because it could offend people from marginalized backgrounds.

They told me Hitler had brown eyes, and his self loathing is what drove him to kill the jews.

I can't remember, maybe that's a good thing

> Its funny when germans tell me that germany is a nation of immigrants

kek, I never had a single lesson about the holohaux during my entire education

I studied in america
from what i recall the "trail of tears" was like 3 sentences long

We had this one teacher who I bet has gone full SJW in light of recent events, she once had her class do an assembly about how bad stereotypes were. She was like half Irish and so Irish stereotypes were part of the presentation.

Side fact: She once made me attend after school detention for an hour, gave me a worksheet to do, said she'd be back in an hour, I asked what to do if I finished before the hour was up, she said I wouldn't finish early. I finished after 20 mins and spent 40 on my phone.
Libs are retards in every sense of the word

It wasn't even a lesson she was just some speaker who came and spoke to the whole school in the auditorium, it was just her at a table

Such obvious brainwashing it was pathetic, i was bluepilled then so i bought into it completely


Not so much propaganda as much as lulz:

>Hurricane Katrina happens
>Sophmore English teacher spends the better part of two weeks telling us about the poor black people that are suffering and how something about it is racist
>Practically creams her pants when she finds out we're getting a "refugee" in our class for a few months
>Turned out to be an upper middle class white girl whos family left to stay with relatives a week beforehand
>Could actively see the disappointment on teachers face when she realized she wasn't getting some survivor from th super dome

I also had a class in high school 15 years ago called Manwom in a Wom's World.

Y'all niggas haven't seen shit for marxist propaganda.

>"gender en diversiteit" (at VUB ofc)

goddamn, i thought our uni's were free from things like that, since i never hear anything SJW on my campus.
It's probaby just that most STEMfags don't care about social justice.

I'm old enough that school was still relatively controlled by the local government so we were taught that British were faggot scum that needed to be killed, the Confederacy was fighting to save the Constitution and the Yankees were kike run monsters, and then that was it we didn't learn anything else about history, all the other teachings were relatively devoid of any political spin

I can't remember much but I fucking hate school so fucking much. I went to a Catholic school over 15 years ago so there probably wasn't a lot of leftist bullshit.

I don't remember much from my secondary school days, but we had the usual stuff about the Jews and some shit about diversity. I didn't get political until fairly late in my teenage years so I didn't pay attention and didn't give a fuck.

At university, though, I noticed a lot, at least in Belgium.

During the first three years, teachers in general tended to present left-wing ideals of universal fraternity and openness like they were self-evident. It was self-explanatory that right wing parties like the FN and NVA were bad and there was a lot of talk about fugees.

I did a year in Italy, it was the complete opposite. I had a teacher who regularly dropped redpills on us. Not in the classical sense. He wasn't spouting stuff about the Jews or anything, but his philosophy had a good balance between relativism and subjectivism, acknowledging the need to look at other people's perspective without losing yourself in other people.

During my last two years at Uni, though, there was that incredibly dishonest Syrian shill with his Lebanese wife. The man gave lessons in Arab history and culture as well as geopolitics in the Middle East and his wife gave Arabic lessons.

She was mostly fine, although she shilled really fucking hard for the Qur'an (I caught her lying or spewing bullshit two times on the matter), but her husband was absolutely horrible. He kept presenting Islam in an incredibly good light and never EVER gave us any actual passage from the Qur'an and the Ahadith. His vision was so biased and obviously retarded I used to spend half his lessons contradicting him and telling him he was incorrect or not precise enough on what he was saying. He utterly refused to see the fundamental issues with Islam, saying that it had no clear hierarchy of values when there's one if you read the fucking Qur'an for a bit. He also hated the Saudi, like really bad, and the Turks as well. At his examinations, you would get better scores if you told him what he wanted to hear

Hereby I claim the fourth and seventh girl from the right. Singles confirm.

I was kicked out the door because I said to the teacher that if he wanted to sell me that whole spiel about white guilt he needed better arguments. It was after a somewhat one sided discussion where I said I could trace my ancestry to 1500 and knew none of them had slaves followed by an "Uhh.... Ehh... I guess..." after every point I made. Then when I asked him to tell me what he thought... Kicked out the door.


My education I got at school
>The natives din du nuffin
>slavery is bad and the south was evil
>The Roaring twenties
>Economy went to shit and FDR tried fixing it
>The holocaust and the second World War
>we spent a lot of time on the civil rights era and we learned about Martin Luther Wuz Kangz Jr
>vietnam happened
>Something something middle east
That's it

Let's see; You're all special and unique now sit down, keep quiet, and watch these movies by Al Gore and Micheal Moore!

Nice genetic degenerates you have there. Why dont you kill yourself like the fuhrer statet in his last radio address to his public.

I dunno. Maybe not giving a fuck about school saved me from being indoctrinated because I hardly paid any attention.

Lucky motherfucker!

Decide for myself.


>Grade four history lessons no longer begin with the Greeks and Romans, but instead, Mieszko I, the first Polish king in the 10th century. There are no references to world history; everything revolves around Poland. The Holocaust will not be mentioned in the context of World War II. In Poland's modern history lessons, EU accession plays a minor role in the coursework. The anti-communist partisans, who fought against the socialist regime until the 1950s, are much more important and, of course, Pope John Paul II. Lech Walesa has not been removed from the five history books; however, Anna Walentynowicz's role in the 1980 Gdansk strike is praised more than it has been in the past. The sexual education curriculum in biology class will no longer include instruction on contraceptive methods.


Checks out.

I worked at the Central European University after a stint at LSE and Oxford.

At the moment I'm writing a book and I'm going to blow the whole thing apart from the inside.

Every single American history class in a nutshell from 5th grade to 10th grade

>Only one blonde and its probably just dyed

I was told poland was white...

Merkel just conceded to Visegrad on migrants recently. Future is looking bright for V4 you Brusselite scum!

Sos racisme everywhere at school,tv,...in france.
Its an (((ngo))) promoting multiculturalism, tied to the socialist party.
We are all equals and bs.
Religion and spirituality is fake.
The usual (((crap))).

Now i am a natsoc and theist, but it took long years to break the conditionning i endured as a child.

>during primary school
that the EU was awesome.

>during secondary school
that the EU was mostly awesome

i was in secondary school when they were ramping up and trying to push the Euro to everybody.
i atleast had one or two teachers that made an attempt to explain to people why this was a bad idea.
those same teachers also tried explaining why scottish independance was a bad idea too.

it's only years later i realised that those teachers were probably the best ones at that school but back then i was a full "colourblind" idiot.

>and, of course, Pope John Paul II.

Give us a taste senpai


is he from finland

>we are all equal and the world is fucked because racism exists.
ever. single. class. every. single. year.

It was pretty fair history wise. The only thing is there were a lot of conversation about the holocaust but mostly in perspective of survivors books (night, diary etc). Not much political correctness that you see lately.

Oh, and implied the government is necessary to fixing the economy (ending monopolies and saving the country from a depression, central banks etc).

Nothig in "basic edjucation" (6-16 years old) that I can really remember except when our biology teacher changed when I was 14.
She had a leftist agenda and our town was invaded by refugees the same year so the political discussions where mostly about them when we called them niggers and etc.

Currently im in vocational school and here I wouldn't be suprised if the teachers would say "nigger" and all that as traditionally vocational schools are pretty conservative here.

Not even close to what I learned. Here's what I learned:
>Natives died from disease
>Natives killed the colonists sparking a war
>muh trail of tears
>Anything involving blacks was done during black history month
>muh slavery made the south great and wealthy
>Civil war caused by the government taking away states' rights... and muh slavery
>Great industrial revolution
>America #1!
>Great depression
>Blacks got civil rights (again only taught during black history month)
>Women's suffrage
>We stomped out communism from Vietnam

WW1 and WW2 weren't discussed, and the holohoax was only mentioned in passing with muh 6 gorillion.

t. from Appalachia area of Virginia

holy shit, those manlets.
even their women are taller

how to spot the Russian spy

>in psychology of sexuality class
>teacher is landwhale
>says that ''the biggest market on earth right now is cosmetics''
>Raise my hand
>''yes user?''
>''wth that's not true, it's most likely ressources and utility like minerals,Rare earth elements,electricity,etc''
>''huh no that's false user''
>rest of the class(90% roasties) starts to look at me like im an alien
>stay quiet for the rest of the class
>send her an article of Fortune 1000 during lunch
>it compares market values,biggest companies,etc
>mfw none are about cosmetics (exept L'Oreal in the top 20 of the biggest corps)
>mfw all the top tier is dominated by utility and ressources exploration

I did not attend her class next period due to ''false information being reported as facts''. She took it well (surprisingly).

>same class, end of semester
>now full blown feminist propaganda
>present exemple of ''immoral misogynist ads''
>one is a woman standing a street,tall buildings surround her
>that's it, nothing else. Hands on hips, look professional,etc
>''Look at this one! She's litteraly surrounded by penises''Teachers says
>Wtf is she on
> ''All the building around her are penises and it represents male domination on women that tries to succeed''
>hear some girls agreeing

I don't know how i passed this class and desu idk how it was evaluated either.

>All the building around her are penises and it represents male domination on women that tries to succeed

You missed an opportunity to call out her out for assuming the gender of those penises, those buildings might be womans penises.

There will be plebbitors reading this who unironically agree.

Propaganda classes are generally organised by people of their own accord... the actual scores don't matter, they'll give you grades just for listening to their drivel...The most important thing is, you were exposed to it.

That Saddam Hussein did nothing wrong and Denmark shouldve never been a part of the coalition.

Inflation = good
Savings = baad

did you laugh?

that's 100% true tho.

in serbia(and i assume this more or less goes for the rest of eastern europe too), there isn't much of government propaganda, since they are too lazy to make it and spread it. it usually is only teachers talking about who they support and who they hate(especially who they hate), and we all were ok with it since it took time out of class.
for example:
>stalin was based af and was right to kill all his enemies n shit
>9/11 was god's revenge for '99
>degeneracy starts in murica
>terror in the west is due to colonial pasts
it's pretty condratictory, we even had professors badmouthing eachother over eachother's political ideas.

I had at least two history teachers who said that Stalin wasn't a communist.

Good thinking but i called her instead on the fact that there was sexists ads that exploited men as providers for women. She tried to argue that men were still in a position of power in theses scenario by holding the financial leash but not many were convinced.
Yeah i get your point, roasties were corrupted easily and the few other guys in my group were chads so they never opposed anything that was said.

>10th grade
>Reading Roots by Alex Haley for English class
>Presented to us as a true story
>During a class discussion, I said facts
>The story was plagiarized from The African by Harold Courlander, including the name of the main character Kunta Kinte and some entire passages were copied verbatim.
>The (((teacher))) told me to apologize or she will write me a referral to the dean
>I said I don't apologize for telling the truth
>Sent to the dean's office. I got lucky and I got the only white dean the school had.
>Dean sent me right back to class

>politics lesson in vocational school
>"we do not want to influence your opinion and teach you how to think for yourself"
>copies some pages from a youth magazine which badmouths pro-brexit stances
>questions where you are supposed to explain positively why scotland should remain in the eu
Yeah, forming own opinions my ass.

I hope your former boss, Soros, won't give you trouble. Good luck writing your book!

"You have to go to school with nogs!"
Bit of a red pill actually.

I Literally had my full blown leftie history teacher argue with my "dude Buddhism Lmao" philosophy teacher whether pigs had feelings or not because shes a vegan.

Whole semester of 400-level (kek) Queer Theory.
Parrotted the prof in my papers about "fluidity," down to the same passages he read in class. Didn't read any of the books. Warm memories from that hugbox. Was liberal at the time, which is why I picked that class.

Got an A+.

Overall quite surprised at how little bullshit I had to hear studying Eng Lit at a major state school. Mostly just disappointed at how easy it was. Quality of my thought was shit (the bluepill affects all areas of mental functioning), but I got As cuz I could spell and write complete sentences. It's that bad out there.

Pic not rel8ed but read it

the good thing is, our teachers, even when leftist, tended to be based and against feminism and similar dumb shit. "budhism lmao" would fly only in art class, where noone respects or gives a fuck about the teacher.


I had a weird old White econ lecturer who loved King Diamond and gave us a speech on election day '08 about how hope didn't change how things work, just misled youngsters. Only years later did I realize he was awesome.

My English lessons were all about how diversity and immigration are good for everyone without any reasoning. Just stories about identity problems, forced marriage and stuff in the UK and even showed us a film about an interracial couple with the man being a violent Paki and the struggle of immigrants was evidence that immigration is good for the UK. I felt as cucked as if I really was in the UK in that class.

Lots about islam: how their arranged marriages are good, how it means 'submission' in a good way, how immigration is only good for a country. Mostly from our school reverend (female). We even had a mosque visit.

My english teacher had a fit when i wrote about ken kesey criticizing matriarchy in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" but that was her opinion more than anything she forced.

Subtle picture. I like it.

>how it means 'submission'

Reminds me I recently had a Muslim woman telling me that the fact that men rule over women doesn't mean that men are superior to women. She was a western convert, too.