hato's stand edition
JoJo Thread
Is her ability only just heels?
I hope not. It seems so limited.
Second for Asura would beat every single JoJo's ass
>early jojolion scans
>plenty of free booze
so far this birthday's been pretty great
I think she'll become a human porcupine, with spikes everywhere. Specially in her hair.
Her stand ability is probably being able to lengthen-shorten things at an extremely quick speed.
Wrong. As you can see, a Jojo character is at the top of this list.
>Putback vs. Powerman
Who wins?
But user...
Why would Powerman fight his own stand?
Pucci isn't that strong.
She's been lengthening things since her first appearance
Happy birthday user
I miss Hamon.
I know what she's definitely lengthened.
It's a rock-paper-scissors match
Put Back > Power Man > John Cena > Put Back
Nijimura best girl
Any examples?
Yasuho > Kyo = Hato > Karera > Daiya
Instead of partaking in any powerlevel fantasy fight they just laugh at you and go for a beer together.
I was talking about this guy.
I miss you.
I want to californicate with Daiya.
I think user may be talking about his dick.
Damo's dick.
>tfw no qt manlet to bully
Those are some nice pancakes.
That's not Karera or Yasuho
Putback is literally only stronger than "fictional characters." If Demonbane or Asura went universe hopping and met Putback, they'd kick his ass because they're not "fictional"
Best Jojo is here.
He is going to beat Damo next month, you know.
Demonbane and Asura aren't real, user.
Man with salad beats all.
Putback operates on a metatextual concept of reality in which everyone is but a story told by someone else
That´s Joshuu.
If you were Rohan, you would be able to quickly write a manga about them, making them fictional in this universe.
Rohan is a goddamn hack.
>Instead of being original, he needs to steal the memories of others.
>Ripped off the idea of stands the moment he found out there were other stand users for his shitty generic shonen Pink Dark Boy.
Doesn't work, Putback was fighting against real characters during Bohemian Rapsody.
RIP Van Gogh.
Never forget.
Who would win?
Asura, The Destructor with fully charged Mantra Reactor
Every single JoJo at he end of their parts
they made Mithra cry
Don't talk shit about based Rohan.
Batman with prep time.
Why don't you just fuck the fuck off? Rohan is the best mangaka of our generation and best husbando. Pink Dark Boy is 10/10
Why do you even care so much?
>tfw we'll never see CC2 make a Jojo game that plays like Asura's Wrath
Beaners found out about Jojo.
Expect a lot of shitposting about feats in the months to come.
Is it me...
What the hell does that have to do with Asura?
...or do they have the same face?
It's scientifically proven that beaners care more about fictional power levels than their own lives.
What does that have to do with JoJo?
Make a thread on Sup Forums about it
>Best mangaka
>Licks spiders
>Bullies little kids
>Lets his house burn down due to petty feuds
>Abuses his powers to read other people's private memories, including a ghost
>Was the one to have caused Cheap Trick to get loose from its original user simply because of his idiotic curiosity
does polnareff shave his eyebrows?
but they're only on part 4
That the hell was up with Nukesaku? Was his second face a stand or did he have a conjoined twin sister?
If she gets in the next Jojo game I seriously hope this is one of her taunts.
it's just vampire body manipulation probably
Vampire frankenstein
Joshuu is literally the most fashionable character
>black, straight hair, can be combed and stylized in any way he wants but chooses to keep them tidy
>sides are bald to prevent shoulders from getting dandruff, also easier cleaning
>doesn't wear piercing or tattoo to keep his skin clean
>Bowtie, the literal symbol of a gentleman
>shirt with really short sleeves to show his slender and masculine pecs, without losing protection against sun and dirt
>arrows pointing to his face on his sleeves to show that it's the brain that's important and not looks, even though his looks is beyond perfecton
>pussy magnet as bracelets, not even yasuho can stand up to it after touching
>colorful belt with 4 different colors, not even Jotaro had 4 colors
>black long trousers with slashes around and not only on the knees, shows that he is stylish from top to bottom
and that's not even describing his Stand
I never knew I wanted this
The eyebrows are seen in that one manga cover, but I don't think even his child form had consistent eyebrows.
>Joshuu is fashionable
someone should make a Diavolo version of this
Why Kyo said that? Was that Norisuke's orders or she said it on her own? Maybe she followed Jobin's orders?
pretty sure she said why on the page before
Fuck i laughed harder than i should
Sure thing, Joshuu
Anyone remember King Crimson Requiem? If I recall it deleted you if you knew it's users na
Why the fuck didn't Joseph keep up his Ripple training between Parts 2 and 3? He could have been rusing rings around DIO and his henchmen instead of being a stupid old useless faggot who kept getting saved by Jotaro.
Sex Pistols' real name is actually Killer Queen Shoot The Lead
Killed me. Edit definitely needed. Should be Doppio as the poster, Diavolo as Ray Romano.
the only thing Joseph hates more hard work is working hard
Hato > Yasuho > Kyo >Daiya >Kaerara
Anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong
I wonder what happened to the Pillar Men in the new universe. Have they been mentioned at all?
I find this way funnier than I should
Hato genuinely deserves place at least in the top 3 for how unexpectedly she subverted everyone's expectations. Also she's trying her best and doesn't manipulate people or force herself on them which is a big plus
No pillar men and no vampires, just rockmen and Jesus in America
>Popeye could beat Giorno
>Dio loses to a fucking janitor
>There will never be a part set in ancient Egypt.
>Karera last
I'll fuck you up
*rockmen and dinosaurs
Your taste is shit, user
Just like her musk and likely taste
This is a list I can get behind.
Reminder that this is a real ad in tokyo
>Starring Meme Banana
Is anyone surprised?