Baki Dou 109 korean scanlation is out.
Musashi being awesome as ever.
Baki Dou 109 korean scanlation is out.
Musashi being awesome as ever.
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I love the center panel, but does musashi really prove that his sword is still good with those silly mannequins?
Also, Musashi has no manners, Tokugawa could die of a heart attack by just experiencing one of those "imagination" cuts.
dat smug Musashi tho
Link to the scans by the way:
>muh old japanese katana
I love it.
I really like how itakagi loves to play around in baki and have just stupid fun
Meanwhile, Wild Faggots being even bigger fags than usual.
come on and SLAM
and welcome to the JAM
Before now I'd argue against people saying that each chapter is just a Musashi beat-off, but this one really fucking was, unless there's something important in the dialogue. Waiting on SenManga as usual, lazy fucks.
he cut through the scratching post in OP's page just by touching it, I think that's bretty good proof
Oh, and Son of Ogre 257 is almost done. Still figuring out some stupid shit.
Why is nobody here? ;_;
I need you guys to help with something. I can't figure out what to do with this page, and I want to get a few different opinions. Do I leave the kanji? Do I take it out? Do I find a slightly better fitting font for the former?
Pragmatically, the readers should decide this, so I'm asking the readers.
I don't understand why they came back, nobody missed them, nobody wanted wfp to came back with their shitty secrecy and their donations schemes and their terrible translations.
Ichido is a poor filthy BR, he probably just wants/needs pocket money.
OP and the usual other baki poster besides you mate and the tough part 1 lover, sorry I was away watching the episode of GoT of this week, and can't stay for long.
I see what Itakagi did with the kanji, but for us non japanese readers, leaving it there does not add anything to the page, I think putting the black dots in a vertical line in the left option, like the original, would provide the same effect, or maybe even use the same white font to imitate Itakagi original intent.
also thank you for doing son of ogre 257, because it was me who asked for it, I really appreciate it.
as I'm an eurofag I will go to sleep now, till the next baki thread, mate.
The funniest part is they didn't even choose page that made them look good for the comparison. Their image quality is worse and their grammar is wrong in at least one sentence. All they're riding on is an allegedly better translation, which people are supposed to be able to tell without looking at the raw.
>OP and the usual other baki poster besides you mate
Hey, I'm always in these threads too. I even started one with the same OP image some hours ago but no one replied.
>OP and the usual other baki poster besides you mate and the tough part 1 lover
God, I hope there's really not just four remaining Baki readers here. People always spring up in these threads expressing interest, but then we never hear from them again. Perhaps it's a long-term ebic trick by the "anatomy" guy to make me depressed. Ho-hum.
By the way, I wanna kill myself because of this fucking spread in the volume version. The gap was more than twice as large, so I had to actually count the fucking windows in the building to figure out exactly where the art cut off.
Me too bud, should have slept ages ago.
>God, I hope there's really not just four remaining Baki readers here.
I think people are just used to the Monday thread. Those usually have a lot more distinct IPs.
Also, seems like literally nothing happened in this chapter.
>Also, seems like literally nothing happened in this chapter.
Trudat. Also, if y'all didn't notice, the Koreans were retarded and didn't stitch this spread together. So if that page progression was confusing, that's because it was.
Did adult Baki ever use that spinning kick counter he developed at the end of the Kid saga?
I recall there being a variant of it being used in the final fight of SoO. I'll check. By the by, expect some more translated Dou soon. Yay! And I don't know if anybody noticed, but Scarface 27 is out. I never saw any post or mention about it on here yet, so I figured I'd point it out.
>I recall there being a variant of it being used in the final fight of SoO.
You mean the Tiger King from Garouden? He also hit that one as a counter if I recall correctly.
Anyway, I found what I was thinking of. Kinda like the counter, but not quite. Regardless: the counter is quite literally just Xiao-Lee, if you compare what he's doing to Kaku's movements.
That move where he wraps a leg above the neck, kness him on the chin with the other one and lands on an arm lock. The one he used to pin Yujiro to the ground, it's from Garouden.
Ah, yeah. I remember seeing the Garouden page for it, but I've never actually read Garouden. It seemed gross.
fuckin lord
You think one of the character's that's only been in the Kid saga could ever come back at this point? Like the Mongolian boxer or the grumpy detective who looked out for Baki, I liked those guys.
I liked the detective too. I can maybe see him coming back, but he wouldn't be too important. Kuriyagawa came back for a few chapters, so there's him. I can't really remember any of the other Kid Saga characters that we haven't seen since, so I doubt they'll be brought back.
As opposed to Hanada, the most underrated (and most powerful) character in the entire Baki series, and the one who will defeat Musashi.
Now that you mention it, we saw Ando when Baki was poisoned.
>Kuriyagawa came back for a few chapters
When was this? Don't remember it at all.
>I can't really remember any of the other Kid Saga characters that we haven't seen since
There's the iai master Baki trained with before fighting Yujiro, but if he wasn't brought back in this arc he's never going to be.
>When was this?
It was one of the living room chats Baki had before his final fight with Yuujiro. Except it was at a coffee house. Baki tells Kuriyagawa that he doesn't believe Yuujiro killed Emi on purpose, and that view is bolstered when Yuujiro completely refuses to answer as to why he did it.
I'm a huge faggot and can't tell which one I'm supposed to prefer
I want to like the one on the left, but I feel like it's a trick, because they left out nuance that the one on the right has, or something.
Left is correct, right is wrong. The "nuance" that the right has does not exist in the original text.
Ichido actually thinks people are stupid enough to believe that more words = right words.
If you want to know more about how/why we translate lines in any certain way, email us or comment on the site or something. Or just ask here; I'll probably answer. I have documentation of every line we've written in the past few months, and any discussion we had about them.
They guy who made the image wants you to like right.
>Ichido actually thinks people are stupid enough to believe that more words = right words.
is the the translator version of Donald Drumpf?
I see.
I used to be a weeaboo who would flip out at professional translators "butchering the language", but as I've gotten older I realize how amateurish so many of the translations I've read were. To the point where seeing a proper, "people are talking like actual people" translation felt weird, because I was expecting everyone to speak like they were dubbed from a Shaw Bros. film. I guess that was part of the charm, in a way?
Anyhow, thanks for doing Baki the love it deserves.
I wasn't expecting it so soon.
The characters/narrators in Baki do speak like they're from movies sometimes, but we make it pretty clear when that's the case.
Fun fact: Jack speaks in katakana, and phrases things really weirdly sometimes. I hate reading his text more than I hate life, and translating his speech is annoying as hell.
Maybe he's return, is fight style is like "gorilla warfare", maybe he teaches some tricks to baki.