Fuck one, marry one, kill one.
Fuck one, marry one, kill one
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Tough choice.
Fuck Kuru
Marry Illya
Kill Miyu
>mfw I have to kill the best girl.
Kill them all.
Fuck Kuro.
Marry Illya.
Allow Miyu to escape.
What difference does it make they all have the same face.
Fuck Illya
Marry Miyu
Kill Kuro
Miyu is gonna age like fiiine wine.
Fuck Kuro
Marry Illya
I don't wanna kill Miyu, but this is the last option left
Fuck Illya
Marry Kuro
Kill Miyu
It hurts killing Miyu, actually she is waifu material as well.
Also I fuck Illya because I don't just want to fuck Kuro once.
Fuck Illya
Marry Miyu
Kill Kuro
Kill Miyu
Marry Miyu
Fuck Miyu
In that order
Fuck Illya
Marry Miyu
Kill Kuro
Fuck Kuro
Marry Illya
Kill myself many years later. I just can't do it.
Fuck Miyu
Marry Illya
Keep Kuro to serve us
They're 10.
>They're 10.
Even better. Old enough to bleed, old enough to seed.
Yeah they're practically old hags
>Fuck three
Fixed. You can't marry a 10 year old anyway.
>Miyu is gonna age like fiiine wine.
This nigga gets it.
>Old enough to bleed
If you live in a toxic waste dump flavoring your coffee with bullshark hormones, maybe.
Marry them all, fuck them all, kill none
Screw your rules
fuck/marry miyu
kill the other 2 simple because I don´t like clones/puppet shit.
I wonder if you would have replied in the same fashion had the options been kill, kill, or kill.
Fate used to be the series I'd show people to prove that anime wasn't just about pandering a sex/power fantasy to creeps. Then this shit happens.
Illya and Kuro are 18.
Inside a cask down in a cellar?
fuck illya
kill brown slut
marry miyu
>all these retards killing the only rational and above 80 IQ loli
Marry all 3 of them and then fuck every day
Other options shouldn't even be considered
Kill all 3, fuck them then marry them.
In the prisma universe they're 10/11
Fuck Miyu
Marry Illya
Kill Kuro
Ideally, Fuck and Marry all of them.
>There are people right now who wouldn't fuck and marry all of them
Come on, this.
Holy shit I want to be Miyu.
Kill left, fuck right, marry middle. I have yet to watch this so I hope I turn out to be right.
Fuck Kuro, kill Ilya, marry Miyu.
Tell me why I can't fuck all three.
bad choice
not old enough
get killed
fixed that for you
Truly the prime age of marriage. And fucking.
goog enough for mohamed good enough for me
A là où à que bar!
That's a lot of puff.
Who is the artist drawing these official promo pictures? Why is he so godly?
And we can do more puff. We have the technololi.
[x] Make everyone happy
like germany in the future?
That's just a matter of taste. I personally consider them all 10/10.
marry black, fuck blank, kill pink
Fuck Kuro
Marry Kuro
Kill OP
Would rather have pic related.
Another thing latest spoilers when?
>kill one
Fuck off
Good, it's a way to weed out intolerant people who can't tell fiction from reality.
Fuck Miyu
Marry Illya
Kill Chloe/Kuro she's a cheap knockoff
We're still being raided by Media Matters I see.
>intolerant people who can't tell fiction from reality.
I used to think it was strange how those people were disproportionately religious.
Aisha was seven when Mo married her, Ilya and the gang are TOO OLD
Fuck Kuro.
Marry Ilya.
Can't kill Miyu, she's is already dead.
>Can't kill Miyu, she's is already dead.
Don't make her girlfriend cry.
The original Fate is a fucking H-game you gibbering idiot. It was always dirty.
Nowadays you're more like to find it from people who are fedora-tippers, as fundies seem to have become even more irrelevant.
It might as well be a religion, hell it even has an even more unfair Original Sin
Fuck Miyu
Marry Illya
Kill Kuro
Kuro a shit. A SHIT.
>Tousaka's anus raping the educated prostitute maid used to be the series I'd show people to prove that anime wasn't just about pandering a sex/power fantasy to creeps
Summer is coming, and the baka are marching with it.
Marry all three, they come in a packaged deal
>intolerant people who can't tell fiction from reality.
>I used to think it was strange how those people were disproportionately religious.
It's all atheist college kids now. Some SJW brownshirts make Cardinal Ximenes look like a pussycat.
daughter Illya
daughter Kuru
daughter in law Miyu
>It's all atheist college kids now. Some SJW brownshirts make Cardinal Ximenes look like a pussycat.
Hah, no.
Old religious retards are still significantly dumber and louder and more politically connected than any fedora-tipper.
>you will never fuck Kuro
It hurts
>daughter Illya
>daughter Kuru
>daughter in law Miyu
>you will never fuck Kuro until it hurts
Marry and fuck Illya then kill Kuru and Miyu.
>you will never hurt Kuro
I'll top that order off with two maids.
I choose the other two maids.
Amazing how they order them from best to worst.
I'd be fine with just Hisui.
Truly excellent taste user.
Why dead eyes on the left girl?
Because it's cute.
She's emotionally detached, unlike pic related and Sella.
I want to impregnate Illya.
But she's too young.
There's much better pictures of those figures.
neat. I'm lazy and posted the first one I found on my computer
>wearing anything
That they don't have guts to make figures of what they themselves drew is frustrating. It's the only reason I passed on them.
Call FBI on Sup Forums. Sexism, Pedophilia and child marriage is against my fedora values.
Fuck darkie
Marry wifey
Kill boring one.
I know user. But can you imagine how much more hot gluing would be done if they showed delicious Illya naughty bits?
This, as long as it's FSN Illya
Lie down and get teased and mounted by Kuro.
Get fucked by Kuro so hard I cum on her butt, back and hair
Then pass out from her continuing riding me for her own pleasure
Marry Irri
Fuck the maids
Kill the priest.
So, muslims allow child brides, right?