god damn, i wouldn't mind running into them honeys when i walk through the border to get my sweet sweet amnesty

this is 10/10 in mexico

this is 10/10 in mexico

>Those hairy arms

Yeah that's a Mexican

>Freeze, papi

uma delicia, el burito gato

Que kidding? Only one of them is barely 5/10, and the other two look like men.

>not liking hairy armss

>Mexicans keeping Mexicans out of America

It's like pottery

Remember, too, female LEO's typically look way better out of uniform. Even a thin Second Chance vest doesn't do much for their figure. If they look better than decent in uniform, they will probably have a pretty banging body once the armor comes off. Be warned, though, most female LEO's are closet psychos.
T. Worearmoralot

Seems like they are, most of them anyways.

That dude is actually pretty cool.

I dated a fine ass pale-skinned 100% Mexican chick. She shaved her bikini line+lower back and arms practically daily. It was the only thing that gave her away as being a Latina. That, and her being homicidaly jealous and suspicious over anything and everything

Hispanics are actually pretty damn conservative

Btw those women look like porn stars

not wetbacks.

Actually, yes. The traditional ones are extremely conservative. I know many, and most of them fucking hate wetbacks

Latinas know how treat a man still.... esp if they are at risk of deportation.

no they aren't. only the cubans and it stops after generation 1.

Good ones do for sure. But when they get angry, better head for the hills. It's easy once you figure them out, Leave them heaps of enchiladas and flowers on the counter, put the tv on the telanovolas (spelling? It's Mexican soap operas) and hide out for a day or two. Comeback and let them take their frustrations out on you with angry sex, and life is good again.

or you can not be a whipped pussy and just smack them

Free text plox

shit, bro, that's on the fucking dot correct.

