Why are anime battles always about being FAST and shit? Why aren't there more battles that are about endurance and yomi? It would even be easier to animate.
Why are anime battles always about being FAST and shit? Why aren't there more battles that are about endurance and yomi...
because it's made by japanese
you gotta go fast
Because then no one could say
>he's fast!
There are plenty of series where the main character's big claim to fame is his determination and enduring will.
But anyway, speed is often paired with technique to say that brains are greater than brawn.
Darkness? What?
Also why the fuck did the first guy charge in when he had a fucking gun
>Not knowing what Yomi is
>Also why the fuck did the first guy charge in when he had a fucking gun
because seagalkino transcends logic and reason
watch this and be enlightned too
what is it
I mistook yomi for yami
shouldn't you be working on chess 2?
But a slow battle will need actual fighting, while fast battles will just be speedlines
It's literally just google it
Step it up OP.
Here, edumacate yourself
>Yomi or Yomi-no-kuni (黄泉 or 黄泉の国 Yellow springs/wells" ?) is the Japanese word for the land of the dead (World of Darkness). According to Shinto mythology as related in Kojiki, this is where the dead go after life. Once one has eaten at the hearth of Yomi it is impossible to return to the land of the living.
読み = reading
As in reading your opponent's movements.
U wot m8
Speed translates into power faggot. Momentum equation and shit.
It is also the most physical and easy to relate to. You see someone fast and it feels fast. You see someone pulls some naruto shit about reading your enemy and you can't really tell whether or not its amazing.
Movement gets people excited on a primal level. Its why those running stickman flash games are popular. Anime is targeted towards a young audience, so they exploit the impression of movement to get the viewer excited. This is why every OP has running in it too.
>He's fast
>He unironically uses Japanese fighting game terminology
It's the power of Seagal
Probably the best fight scene I saw that didn't involve flashy lights or speed was the end fight of Texhnolyze against a mob. It was so good.
Who wants to watch a bunch of old fucks crawling to fight eachother?
Yomi ;_;
>he unironically uses the word unironically
'sup Sup Forums
Why do anime allow this bullshit?
Fucking Japan needs to settle down once in a while, learn from the West...
i cant even finish this video, holy fuck thats bad
Yeah, this is the after-effects of Japanese influence on Western culture. Pretty fucked up, and we can't even stop it without going to the streets.
This is Ali tier
pretty sure this is just really shitty editing on a cheap ass show with a washed up action star. big budget movies arent this bad, but speed has always been big in action movies since back when bruce lee was punching faster than cameras could capture on film
It's a direct to DVD movie.
This is the speed real heroes should move.
Why not make the character more realistic so the viewer can better relate with them? Why does the Japanese media feel so inclined to break these boundaries?
I truly feel this is the sign of either poor execution by a director or at least the lack of insight by the art team.
hunter x hunter, jojo
>Why would you bring a gun to a sword fight then throw yourself at it.webm
I liked hajime no ippo battles.