Who falls for these kinds of lies? Scanlators are getting desperate

Who falls for these kinds of lies? Scanlators are getting desperate.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are you such a piece of shit, user?

>gives you something for free
>asks in a line at the end of the page you don't even have to read
OP you faggot if I could punch you I would.

Even if it fake it's not hurting anyone

True or not, it's pretty cringe to look at.

It's like those damn guilt-driven charity commercials you see on tv.

If that guy needs dosh he'd probably be better off doing ero Manga commissions.

He is giving you something for free, at least you should read his call for help

The bigger issue is that this group keeps fucking changing their romanization choices for Blood Alone, which is like the only decent thing they scanlate.

>asking NEETS for dosh
He's better of crossdressing and work his way into the hearts of married men and unholy priests at the red light districts.

So, scanlator drama thread?


Wait what happened

Nice womansplanaition.

>not knowing the first rule of Sup Forums is that 3DPD and 3DPD issues (especially Sup Forums) are not allowed.
fucking newshits

Search "mansplaining" in the archives, you'll find the thread where he argued with people about it.

To be fair, they weren't the ones who brought it up on Sup Forums itself. All they did was release the chapter, some other user got anal blasted and started the thread.

That user was analblasted but he was also right.

>"Forced" to stay
Nigger, if your parent is demanding that you spend your life looking after theirs, then they're a shitty parent.
>inb4 prioritizing your child's life over your own is "edgy"

Doesn't mean he should have started that thread no matter how entertaining it was to watch.

Maybe he's staying because he loves his mother and doesn't want her to die
Did that cross your mind at all

>his country doesn't have free health care
maybe he should move to a first world country

What a beta.


I had a blast reading that thread.

>waste 15 years of your life looking after sick parent
>they die
>don't waste anything looking after sick parent
>they die

If his mother is more important than living his life, then that's up to him, but it's still a pretty silly thing to do. When she's dead he's going to be completely fucked depending on how much shit he devoted to her.

The autism of scanlators never ceases to amaze me. This is why I will always TL as user.

Really? If things are that desperate, the guy sure needs to get his priorities sorted.

you should be grateful he bothered to manufacture an excuse instead of "lol i'm sick again for the thirteenth time in two months"

The only reason I don't TL as user is so people can find me if there's an objective issue with something I do or if they want to help me with something. Anything else, I can just ignore.

more like
>steal shit from artist
>disfigure the artists work by adding some blog shit about your life nobody cares about and begging for money
>expect to get paid

He's a scanlator, not a mangaka, user.

>blogging and panhandling at the same time without even making a dedicated shitposting credit page

It's even worse than the TL/TS chatter "OMG look at that, DarkRazorLord-kun, he's really doing this!!!11" "Yeah, Naruto1999-dono, I'm pissing myself from laughter!!111"

Wait, fucking MANKITSU defended it?
What the fuck

Literally lost all respect for Mankitsu.

holy shit op are you actually retarded?

Literally who?

Kill yourself if you think this is acceptable.

It's hurting them for getting into a bad habit of deceit.

>Help I'm trapped in a cantonese comicbook!

As long as the comments are directly inside the panels, I really don't give a fuck. Hell you can add 10 pages of recruitment pages at the end if you want too.

>reading this fucking edgeymanga

I agree that it would be better if the lame excuses stopped.

>I have family problems of a vague nature!
>I've been busy at work!
>I've been sick!
>My aunt's husband's cousin's friend got into a car accident!
>My dog ate my hard drive!

Man, joining a scanlation group must really cause bad luck to come pouring down!

Or they just can't come forward and say "I don't feel like it", which is where the truth is.

He's not using it as an excuse for being slow, he just puts this shit on every one of his releases to beg for money.

>waste 18 years looking after your kid
>they become adults
>don't waste anything looking after your kid
>they become adults

If your kid is more important than living your life, then that's up to you, but it's still a pretty silly thing to do. When he moves out, you're going to be completely fucked depending on how much shit you devoted to him.

To be fair, work does slow you down a lot. Can't translate much if you're working 8-10 hours every day.

Except the difference is that your relationship with your child will in all likelyhood last for the rest of your life, and they carry on your legacy. It's worth doing even if they do end up abandoning you for some reason.

If that kid is going to become the kind of selfish piece of shit who doesn't give a half a fuck about you that you described, is that really an investment?

We humans take care of our tribe until it gets so bad that we can't take care of them anymore. That's one of the big strong points of our species that have allowed us to move to the top of the food chain.

They guy must have fucked up real bad somewhere if somehow he has to resort to TL'ing chink comics to earn chump change to support his family. I find it hard to believe that things are so desperate that there are absolutely no other jobs out there available for him.

It;s the first time I've seen an attempt like this, if it shows up in next chapter you know he's milking. Should post series, cause if he did it once, feels sad.

>Begging for money
Nothing wrong with that so long is it's for raws

strangest thing I've ever had working in a scanlation group was some guy offer the group $5k to translate 300 chapters of some Chinese manga in 3 weeks. Politely told him it wasn't possible given the size of our group and he donated $500 for raws.
I still don't understand how people like this exist, but props I guess

>is that really an investment?
It is if they pass on your genes. And if you aren't retarded then it's not exactly difficult to stop your kid from turning into a peice of shit.

>We humans take care of our tribe until it gets so bad that we can't take care of them anymore. That's one of the big strong points of our species that have allowed us to move to the top of the food chain.
The big strong point of that is that the elders take care of the youngers. If the elder's aren't helping the youngers (as in the sick mother scenario that started this whole thing) then they're just a detriment to everyone. The children, on the other hand, carry the speicies forward whether they help the elders or not.

see I never donate. If I do it will be the guy who just straight up says "Hey gimme some money this shit's hard work."

>translators injecting their personal opinions into their work

Just sounds like a shit translator to me IMO.

I work and go to school so it's pretty hard to find time to translate stuff.

>$5k to translate 300 chapters of some Chinese manga in 3 weeks
Why would you not do this? I'd just spend more time than usual on it.

Because our group was some Chinese guy from NZ translating who was getting married, myself cleaning/ts and a bunch of normalfags who wanted to proof but weren't fluent in English. Also it was a colour manhwa and cleaning properly in colour takes more time

I guess that makes sense. Everything else can be done easily by other people but if the translator isn't there to translate you can't do shit.

If you're gonna blog pan handle at least have the decency to make a dedicate post instead of shitting over someone's work

Don't like it? Don't read it.

>who use Chinese cartoons as their safe spaces
Well, he's not wrong.

As if they don't do the same thing.

He is though.

>implying she isn't wrong as fuck
>implying chink cartoons don't trigger the living fuck at me
As proof I'd like to submit nearly 10 years worth of collated shitposting, ordered topically and sub ordered chronologically.

In all honestly though I hope you realize how fucking stupid your point is.

No, it's really just her injecting politics into a translation where there's no reason for it.

See her post.
>Okay, so let me get this straight. Telling an adult woman that they are being a child for wanting to be an idol isn't "mansplaining"?
>I'll just assume that's just a trigger word that sets off anons for some reason.

There were several good replies for why this use of the word is retarded, e.g.

>Telling any adult humans a child for wanting to be something regarded as childish, is just a simple condescending insult. Not inherently sexist one way or another.
>Mansplaining is a non word used by paranoid SJW who thinks the patriarchy are everywhere, and wanted a word to make people see that a man being condescending towards a woman is worse than a woman being condescending towards a man.

>Even when used in that way it carries heavy connections to gender and gender politics, which is why both their example and your own initial defense of your translation in made specific mention of women.


>grandma is sick
>steal photo of cute girl from instakike
>set up gofundme with picture of cute girl and say "muh grandma dying :((( need money to keep it 100 faaaaam also I'm a bisexual Berniebro and was almost raped once"
>post link on reddit
>collect $5-50k in donations from thirsty scrubs
>grandma is healed
Absolutely no reason to fuck up my static Chinese cartoons with this nonsense when there are easier ways to make tenfold monies.

Kill yourself Kirei Cake and get a real job

I want the Kirei Cake shills to kill themselves

>$5k to translate 300 chapters of some Chinese manga in 3 weeks.
Holy shit. What a fucking rip-offs.

I must have been talking to Sup Forumsnons from a different dimension's Sup Forums then. Because the way Sup Forums behaves is like the absolute opposite of a safe space.

At the moment I need 40 dollars for raws, would it be that bad to just ask on my blog for donations towards that goal?

Except having kids is a choice.

Being born isn't.

Shit I'm pretty fluent in moon and I don't think I'd do 300 chapters in 3 weeks for only 5k. That's pretty much a professional translation project and something that time-consuming on such a short time limit would probably be a bit more. 10-12 chapters a day is nothing to sneeze at.

>Being born isn't.
Being alive is a choice.

Being born is an opportunity to make that choice.


16$ per chapter is also a total joke rate.

Yeah, it's entirely too low for a scanlation.

It's okay-tier for translation alone though (not withstanding the 20 chapters/weekday they'd need to average).

The other thing is as a non full time translator I'd have to basically quit my job to work on the project. Maybe for 9-10k and the promise of more work in the future.

It sounds like it was one of those good webtoons, which is a lot different than the chapters you're thinking of.

Considering that quite a considerable number of scanlators are SEA fags, that's quite a fortune in their local currency, so I wouldn't be surprised if some group did take the offer. Mind you, the TL quality is probably shit but that's another issue.

gookshit scanlating takes like 5 minutes a chapter if you know korean, no joke. (There are 0 redraws most of the time.) So ten chapters a day would be easy cash.

Yeah exactly what I was getting at. Gook*, not good. But those webtoons are easy translations.

How long does an average chapter take, just the TL?

If someone's in that much need of money, why wouldn't they use their time to actually earn money instead of doing free scanlations?

How long do you think it takes to read 1 chapter of manga?

>Beg publicly
>Attempt to guilt-trip people

If you have time to scanlate, you have time to fucking work.

>to support our livelihood
Maybe he should stop blogging/scan laying and start working extra hours at his job. If he even has a proper job.
>I have to stay at home and care for her
No relatives, huh?

Kirei Cake was always a mediocre group on terms of quality but this is just sad.

Depends on the Tl and the mass of text. A beginner could need around 4 hours for a single texty chapter. Someone who did it for quite sometime will reduce that to around 30 minutes if he wants to do a really good job.

I don't owe him anything just because his hobby involves producing something others can enjoy. Free of charge does not mean free from criticism.

This, he should sell his anus properly instead of hoping the money rolls in.

Fucking autocorrect

That's not how translating works.

Get a real job Nitori

It is if you're fluent in both languages. Of course it takes longer to translate still if you want to make it sound good.

This. When you read a manga and translate it into English in your head, forcing yourself to write down everything right away often ends up producing a glorified equivalent of a machine translation.

You need to understand and revise the words in your head to not only deliver the meaning you have read but to do so in a grammatical way that does not sound like a stilted pseudo-machine translation.

Depends, text heavy or information that's outside of my specialty like technical terms I don't know could take 2-3hrs for around 35 pages.

A conversation heavy or simple comedy manga would be like 30 minutes. Proofing and editing take longer. When I post quick TLs in Tomo threads or something those normally take like 4 minutes to type and make sure they're error free.

>scans with their "translation"
>doesn't release the raw

When I'm reading in Japanese I'm thinking in Japanese so it takes way more effort to translate it back to English.

If I had raws of a series that aren't public, how can I make them public without people knowing that it was me?

That's exactly his point.

Maybe reading isn't your strong suit?

What I meant was I don't translate it to English in my head at all. Though yeah I can see what you mean.