Dude, the cat like totally bit her hand! It's so FUNNY.
Dude, the cat like totally bit her hand! It's so FUNNY
Yes, that is the idea.
If I were the cat, I'd let Sakaki pet me and take me home with her.
it's funny because that's how cats look when they open their mouths
It's also cute, retard.
I never found it funny so much as it's highlighting what an asshole that cat is. It's not giving just a nip, it's a full-force chomp.
Some parts with Tomo and the teachers are actually funny though. Kimura is so awesome that he spawned one of Sup Forums's absolute first memes.
Sakaki is a good girl
AMD stopped being really funny around volume 3, which is where this cat was introduced. If we're talking about the anime, it was never funny.
It's also sad.
Sakaki is a cute girl.
Here's your (You)
The jokes worked back then because it was one if the last shows before the consolidation of social networks and internet culture (also Azumanga was one of the first prominent producers of anime memes).
Back in the day we hadn't fast easy access to anime content nor we were overexposed to tropes and jokes. Comedy was easier back then. Niwadays most people already knows the punchline even before the joke.
If you didn't like Sata Andagi, then I don't think you like anything in life
>Extremely soothing music plays in the background
Based Kuricorder
Nice keys you have there, fucker. Would be a shame if they got lost or something.
it's somewhat humorous but it's not hi-fucking-larious or anything.
>trying to explain humor to people
is there a more useless endeavor? you either get it or you don't.
>dat feel when kids nowadays don't know what a great and influential man Kimura was
Or you get it and don't think it's funny.
>you either get it
There's nothing to "get" in this show you peasant.
Stop right there, Tomo.
Exactly. If you don't get it, then you're just a fucking idiot. Like OP and his horrible thread.
There is always something to get. Just because you understand by default doesn't everyone else does as well.
>back then
Oh god this shit is 14 years old, isn't it. Holy fuck, where has my life gone. Chiyo would be almost 30 today
Lets take a scene...
living the fucking dream right there
Why did they have to cut tomo's hair?
The anime's format was horrible. I get that it was one of the first 4koma anime and there wasn't much to draw from, but could they really do no better than airing the show as a short every day and only focusing on a handful of strips?
Back then I got so pissed about that, but all this time for reflection later, I guess I had shittier taste back then as really it looked kind of strange long and is better shorter. Mid was best really, not the tomboy super-short and not weird mullet-flower looking when too long.
>If you don't get it
Thank you for once again confirming your stupidity.
>girl really likes cats
>cat keeps biting her
What did she say?
Dude, she totally like didn't give Mr. Kimura a chance! It's so SAD.
You will know when you're older.
Look it was a different time and people where doing a lot more "experimental" things okay. It's not fair to hold her to a different standard than anyone else, especially since she mellowed out after graduating and is a very nice person
I never understood why it is heavily implied that she had TONS of sexual experience/experimentation throughout college since she was always getting the short end of the stick by being teased about not have a boyfriend or husband.
We all know who the real maneater is here...
Shouldn't she be the one criticizing Yukari?
>I never understood why it is heavily implied that she had TONS of sexual experience/experimentation throughout college since she was always getting the short end of the stick by being teased about not have a boyfriend or husband.
something about a cow and free milk.
>Don't worry, the industry will DIE IN OUR LIFETIME.
John Titor
good idea
I only watch super GAR animay and Azumango Dagobah is honorary GAR!
Fuck you!
That person in the bottom corner with only the back of their head visible pointed out the strangeness of the situation and replied to the others in the scene in a way that explains the joke clearly and concisely
Haha now THAT's comedy
This is why autists are shunned.
I think the most this anime got out of me was a weak chuckle and I don't even remember any scene. It was pretty shit
Damn! Her face, just her face is enough to turn me on. Why is Tomo so sexual?
I love Azumanga but I can't imagine it translates well to an anime format.
The anime was great. I personally loved it. There are just some people who have different tastes.
The anime is great.
I wonder if Yukari could get away with that in present times without getting her ass sued to hell and back.
It's japan, of course she could.
People around would think its hot.
>tfw first anime ever watched
>tfw remember hot summer days watching it and being comfy
I'd wait for her to sleep and stick my cat dick between her ass cheeks.