You will never be Lelouch

>You will never be Lelouch
>You will never take over the world
>You will never experience another anime which tells a story as well as Code Geass did
why even fucking live

>chode gayass
>tells a good story

well memed

I fully support your decision to kill yourself, OP.

>wanting to be lelouche
He's the worst tripfag on this board though.

I don't want to be cancerous tripfag.

>code geass
>doesnt tell the greatest story in any anime aside from other classics such as cowboy bebop, flcl, tatami galaxy.
found the moefaggot

Tell me, why the fuck would I bother going through such theatrics to get myself impaled through the fucking chest?

>You will never take over the world
You sure?

You wouldnt want to take over the world for over 2 months being seen as the most evil man who ever lived only to voluntarily kill yourself to make the world a better place?

>you will never be Char
>you'll never have a brown gf to fuck and an asteroid to drop

Fuck no. Fuck the world. Besides, that'd only be temporary and it'd go straight back to shit in relatively short order.

found the casual

>flcl doesnt tell a fantastic story and ends it beautifully
How does it feel to have shit taste
post MAL bitch

eh no i doubt it, certain events really do change the world for good.
Look at WW2, since then humanity has been the most peaceful in the history of humanity.

>a hundred proxywars

lurk two years before posting

post your MAL moefaggot, I know this board has shit taste thats why i dont lurk here anymore i just finished rewatching code geass and its definitely a standout anime worth watching.

>you will never die a despised virgin
Cool, I guess.

>somebody likes something I dont
>It must be the work of an enemy meme
never gets old

>Lulu became emperor of everything
>died a virgin

tough call

Get out normie.

I will already die a virgin. What difference does it make

>died a virgin
>implying CC didn't give it to him
Lelouch is the name of her just conceived child.

>thinking LeDouche is cool
i just... what

Threadly reminder that Kaguya is best girl

Proxy wars that are NOTHING compared to WWI or WWII, that is. So it's a step up in many ways.

>thinking he isn't cool
Poor user.


WWI&II were the most violent times in the world's history except everything that came afterwards in Russia. Before or after it, of course you ain't gonna find anything similar unless you go back all the way to French Revolution or Mongols or Alexander the Great.

>you will never die

as good as it was, it sure had a lot of plot holes

>why even fucking live
At least I'm alive

Worst threat EVER

what was the point of killing himself?
couldn't he just be a good leader and have people like him in order to achieve world peace?

He had far too much blood on his hands, not to mention the mass geassing he inflicted.

Anyone have pics of Lulu's latest imouto?

>Tfw playing Civ V, going for the domination victory while listening to the Code Geass OST.

It works dammit.


Is Oz the Reflection good?