>Parents hating their childs
>all girls are retarded
>1 fag building his harem around retarded lonely girls
>what was the point of ghost-autism?
Why do people like this?
Parents hating their childs
They like the idea of vicariously living through an edgy teenager who has a seemingly tough life, but can get any girl he wants.
>Parents hating their childs?
Wait what?
>all girls are retarded
Fair point about half the girls you could argue are retarded. They have a things about broken girls In one of their earlier games they had a literally retarded girl and a girl who couldn't speak and wrote everything on a sketchbook she kept with her.
>1 fag building his harem around retarded lonely girls
It is a VN adaption in the original you can choose only 1. There was even a ending in the game going gay with Sunohara if you didn't choose any girl.
>what was the point of ghost-autism?
I have no idea who you are talking about.
I think Clannad is shit but still better than that pathetic post you made OP
It's shit because the canon girl is basically a pity fuck who is then subject to forced tragedy.
>Parents hating their childs?
Leaving child alone at home with a cold, even though the nanny called off?
Leaving child alone at home on her birthday?
>ghost-autism girl
fukko or what ever her name was
You missed the biggest flaw of the series: that its emotional torque was generated solely by contrivances rather than any meaningful plot development.
Oh yeah my mind wasn't on afterstory. Don't forget the part about abandoning her for five years to live with her grandparents then expecting to come back and just rip her away.
Tomoya was a really bad father.
Tomoyo is Best Girl
Kotomi, ryou and nagisa worst girls
Tomoyo is a degenerate. Nothing like my angel Kyou.
100 % agreed. I played the VN, completed her route then never played again.
Of all the harem shit out there you pick on the only one with a tolerable mc?
Why did he bring sick girl for a walk in winter?
Tomoya was a rather likable mc.
Sunohara is best boy.
Emotional SoL dramas are made for 18+ people who can write a word "children" correctly.
So that she could be with Nagisa of course. Tomoya is kind like that.
In this thread:
Tomoyo and Kyoufags still mad.
Clannad overall was pretty shit but it had good moments. After Story was when it got good.
You got shit taste.
>do I fit in yet, guys?
Come back after you acquired a taste.
I haven't watched it in years but didn't he do this because he knew Ushio was suffering from the same illness Nagisa did, and he couldn't save her?
>abandoning her for five years to live with her grandparents
>Tomoya was a really bad father
Tomoya wasn't even ready to be a father. He had daddy issues and was relying on Nagisa for emotional support. When she died, he lost that support and blamed himself for letting it happen to her.
It's amazing Sup Forums gets mad when people blame Shinji for his vulnerability and then turns around and calls Clannad garbage.
>Clannad garbage.
If Clannad is garbage then what are you?
A garbageman?
Don't forget that Ushio was basically Nagisa's clone and he had to work in the early years, it would probably be impossible for him to raise her as a baby when he was out working all the time too.
Actual character development
Because it's an empowerment fantasy presented as being totally realistic.
U wot m8?