A reverse 3x3 thread

Instead of posting a 3x3 made of the shows you like, post a 3x3 of the shows you dislike/hate.

Other urls found in this thread:


Still the same cancerous thread.

is there no way to save 3x3 threads?

Chilling at the airport gate, I'm bored

If the archive wasn't down I'd be able to post my hate 3x3 but oh well

Why is NHK one of your least favorites?

This thread is bait

2/3, I like Samurai Champloo

Why is Kara no Kyoukai on there?

You could have chosen a better thread theme. I don't really bother with anime I dislike, I just move on and find better ones.

Thread is cancer, good job faggot

These are some of the worst offenders. I don't want to give them the glory of having me collate images of them.
>psycho pass
>fmp: fumoffu
>mirai nikki
>phantom world

>psycho pass is bad meme

>psycho pass is bad meme
No, it's actually bad. It has awful writing, and just because some random youtuber has told you otherwise, that does not change that fact.

In a nutshell, Sybil could be fixed to solve 90% of the crimes in the series with low-tech and simple solutions, and all the while, every character in the series spouts bullshit philosophical quotes as though such issues are inevitable gray areas which represent the limit of artificial intelligence in the role of policing. It's a catastrophic failure when it comes to saying anything remotely meaningful about what it apparently intends to open discussion about.

>disliking ssy
kill yourself pleb

>counting plot holes is criticism meme

>counting plot holes is criticism meme
>there's nothing wrong with blatant plot holes in a series which intends to take itself seriously

It's so poor, user.

How so?

op here~
I dislike nhk, because I don't agree with it. I don't agree with its ideas and I don't like the ending. Also, I disliked misaki (turns out that I was right to dislike her, since she was supposed to be a negative character).

I don't like road trip style, episodic shows. I didn't find any of the characters interesting (mugen quite often pissed me off) and I don't like hip hop or any of that kinda music. So there is like nothing left for me to like in that show.

For a number of reasons, like for being most pretentious piece of shit, since the second gits movie. And I just really dislike nasus writing.

5/6. I don't know about psycho pass, I haven't seen it in a really long time. Also, is fmp: fumoffu really that bad? I just finished the first season, should I skip fumoffu and move on to the second raid?

there are 4 types of anime.
1) anime that you love .
2) anime that is good or okay.
3) anime that you dislike and forget about.
4) anime that you disliked so much, that you will always remember it, if someone mentions bad anime.
This thread is all about the fourth category.

5/7 (TTGL and trigun were okay for me)

Hate 3x3s are fucking stupid. 3x3s are a celebration of something you love and I personally find joy in assembling them. What joy is there to be found in putting effort into something you hate? Not to even mention that I mostly just feel indifferent about most bad anime.

>For a number of reasons, like for being most pretentious piece of shit, since the second gits movie.
Ah, the good ol "I didn't understand it so it was bad". Step up, I'll give you this chart to get started.

>Also, is fmp: fumoffu really that bad? I just finished the first season, should I skip fumoffu and move on to the second raid?
Let's put it this way:
You know the whole joke where the MC is too busy being an asexual solider to realize that main girl is interested in him? Fumoffu is an entire season of more of that. You're likely better off skipping to the second season, where the plot actually moves forwards.

Don't get me wrong, if that joke hasn't grown old to you already, then give Fumoffu a go, but personally I was utterly sick of it before the first season had even finished, so fumoffu disgusted me with its inane repititions of overdone gags.

>Ah, the good ol "I didn't understand it so it was bad"

no, i understood it,but it was bad.

3x3 threads are pure garbage and if given the option, I would ban everyone that posts in them, they don't have any worthwhile discussion anytime of the year, in fact, id get more of a kick watching people rate their investments and posting stocks. Literally the same garbage.

There's so much I dislike about it. The first ~10 episodes are a complete mess. Every time skip destroys what little momentum the show had gathered from the last one. Some characters seem to have nothing in common with their former selves after a time skip. Mamoru exists. The art in general is just ugly.

The last arc is indeed an improvement but it has always surprised me how much credit people give it for the Squealer reveal. It was telegraphed from the beginning and it's not like we haven't seen "they were humans all along" a dozen times before.

yeah, the joke was funny for the first 4 episodes of the first season, but then it got really dull. the latter half with all the action episodes was more interesting.

guess ill check out an episode or 2 (just to make sure) and then move on to second raid..

It would seem that they're much better at starting a discussion than normal 3x3s.

Go ahead and explain for me, then: Mystic Eyes and its connection to the Origin; the exploration of physical bodies and vessels; the very nature of magic in KnK; the whole notion of Taijitu in relation to reality; Lio's transformation being attributed to reincarnation; and the whole internal conflict of Shiki/Lio in terms of free will vs. destiny.

>the latter half with all the action episodes was more interesting.
Luckily for you, the second raid has more of that.
>guess ill check out an episode or 2 (just to make sure) and then move on to second raid.
That's a good call. Just try as many as you feel like until you're bored then move on to TSR without any regrets.

>samurai champloo
bad taste honestly senpai

Your pick of the worst of the worst and you have 4/9 solidly good shows. What a fucking failure you are.

Don't forget Rakkyo and NHK.

All pretentious bullshit that Nasu pull's out of his ass, for the fanboys to circle jerk over.

So i should like these show, because others say that they are good?

I have seen a lot of anime, but i only pick good shows. if i see something i dont like, i drop it. These are the few shows that i finished, but disliked. Basically i ranked all the shows i have seen from best to worst, and then took the bottom 9 of that list. Now im not saying that these shows are bad (except ef, ef is absolute shit), you can like them if you want, but i disliked them for one reason or the other, and that is why they are my least favourite shows.

Personally I think this a worthwhile thread. The thing to consider is that yes, I have some fucking taste and some skill in how I apply it, so I don't watch the absolute worst shows of anime.

But after 250 animes, you are definitely able to come out and categorise which ones were a mistake in hindsight. Sometimes you get suckered in and realise only at the end that the promise was a lie. Or its a frog boiling scenario where the show gets worse at the precise rate your investment in it from watching it each week increases.

Anyway, these are the 9 animes I watched that were the biggest mistakes.

Like don't get me wrong I actually review stuff like the Muv Luv animes and [K] worse than most of these but I *KNEW* what I was getting into with those. Let this 3x3 serve as a warning.

>i disliked them for one reason or the other, and that is why they are my least favourite shows
Good for you. You have awful taste; such awful taste that no-one else would ever care for your opinion.

Oh yeah, forgot to leave a review. It seems like you just hate things that are popular. Don't get me wrong I hate K-ON and Oreimo too but there's too much of a common thread here.

Kind of the same with you as well, but I must admit the world is short on people who realise that Trigun is just utterly worthless as a show. On the other hand I don't recognise 3 of yours so???

So this is the thread where I post your 3x3s that I saved?

you first

I'll post this here as well.


>trigun and shit:gate

Mah nigga. Horrible shows.

>I actually review stuff

Maybe Sup Forums isn't for you.

>disliking Shitsekai Yori
My brother.

The thread is cancer anyway.

Hating on Genshiken should be illegal.

3 years here

Fumoffu is one of the greatest comedies. I would not listen to that edgy mofo.

>Hating on Genshiken should be illegal.

why? that show had nothing going for it, whats so good about it?

Not like, for websites. I *do* keep an enormous highly complicated excel workbook for all my different ratings of shows on different criteria, but I only ever use it to automate the process of recommending anime to friends and acquaintances.

Which I can already do myself pretty accurately but I find that usually they don't want to know 3 shows they should want, they want a list of like, 20 shows in order (fucking retarded IMO), and this saves me having to remember every single show I've ever watched all the time.


>going for it

So it was just some reddit troll, makes sense I guess. Only people with taste like Genshiken.


Sure thing bud. I'm sure your "friends" appreciate your aspergers.

And by friends I mean MAL where you should be posting.

Typical Sup Forums hating on little charming shows.

Didn't find out about MAL until like, a year after I'd made it, by which point its metrics and utility had greatly outpaced those available on MAL.

The people I know mainly enjoy the spectacle of thing moreso than its utility, and I find some working on it a centering experience. Kind of meditative, much like gardening.

You should try creating something for yourself some time. You seem like you could use something to calm your tits.

Pretty good story bro, you should become a actual reviewer, people would love watching a person like you sperg on camera.

Reverse 3x3 thread?

I present the worst of the pleb tier garbage that has plagued the anime industry.


I'm curious to know how many fags will be triggered by that reverse 3x3

HotD is decent. It's playful, self-aware, and has some nice production values.

>implying 3x3 threads are not always cancer

dont care about the long running shonens, sao is horrible, haruhi is meh, elfen lied and Hotd are both fun to watch with friends and alcohol. but i rather like clannad. Its the only romance/harem/sol that i give a pass to (but only the seond season, and even that was kinda ruined by time reset happy ending bullshit).

Like a wise man once said (before he died): you can have fun, even with cancer.

Sure, I want to see if you saved mine

Good taste champloo is fucking awful



There is something of a pleb anime speedbump before children even get to the good pleb anime and you have perfectly described the contours of this cancer.

>people not posting the usual 3x3 pictures for those delicious (You)'s
Disappointed with you, Sup Forums.

Ef is one of the worst anime out there. It has so many things wrong with it,and no redeeming qualities. Its the worst anime has to offer.

>Chilling at the airport gate, I'm bored

has your plane arrived yet?

You'll fit right in newfriend.

Shit manga, some are not as bad but still shit, or at the very least mediocre.

I can understand not liking Fate but why do you dislike Samurai Champloo?

Been here over 10 year right about now bud.

I don't like road trip style, episodic shows. I didn't find any of the characters interesting (mugen quite often pissed me off) and I don't like hip hop or any of that kinda music. So there is like nothing left for me to like in that show.

webm-kun here, don't want to bother making a video version of anime I really dislike.

I hate melodramatic, messy, fan-service shows. I may remove Seto no Hayanome, because it at least made me giggle a little.
I like a lot of the ones you have in your shit list.
NHK and Samurai Champloo are decent.
I agree with these. A lot of shit in there that belongs in there.
This is super generic for a hate list. Haruhi is the least worst on that list. And hating on One Piece is alright, but I don't think it is one of the worst Shounen's out there.
How is Holyland and GTO shit? From what I read they seem promising...

Also I may give Gatchaman Crowds another chance if you guys tell me the second season is alright. I had high hopes for it and it really fell flat for me at the end.And surprisingly enough it is directed by the man that did Mononoke. Which is even more disappointing.

There's only around 4 anime I've watched that I really hate.
Pokémon Best Wishes (and some of the movies)
Eureka 7 movie
Nadesico movie
Detective Conan movie 9

Yeah, and now I just landed in Canada. Next flight is gonna blow, but at least I'll be able to watch movies.

Some shit opinions here, but I fully agree about SSY.

I enjoyed everything on the top-left→bottom-right diagonal, but I see how they can seem like calculated and manipulative feel inducers.

Low-effort bait

its not the manga that are shit, you've just got shit taste

is GTO manga that bad? the show was quite good imo.