Het girls dont act like this

het girls dont act like this

Sure they do.

If you were a heterosexual 2D girl would you act like that?

Yeah, I thought so.

Yeah they do.

t. Het girl

Hetero females act significantly more touchy-feely with each other than males do and still remain platonic.

I'm a yurifag but let's be realistic.

Of course they do, and here's proof.


Madoka despises Homura.
Sayaka doesn't love Kyoko.
Hibiki doesn't love Miku.
Yuuna doesn't love Togo.
Nanoha doesn't love Fate.
Sakura has long abandoned Tomoyo.
Kumiko and Reina both want a dick and are adolescent, not gay.
All the girls in shows like Yuru Yuri, Sakura Trick, Yuyushiki and such are just in a phase and will all marry men.

Yuri is never real outside of shitty hentai for degenerates and that is never love, just lust. Lesbians are not loved by anyone they know.

you are correct, but lesbians don't act like that either.

men who wish they were girls so they could have sex with other girls act like that

Het girls don't go to the beach?

How does it feel to be the cancer killing the progress of society as a whole?

Dont even allude to 3D
They dont exist when Im on Sup Forums

I acted like this with my heterosexual friends and I am a boy.

Seems you haven't seen many girls.

Yes they do.

>first it was Sakura Trick threads
>then Love Lab
>then Can Girls love Girls
All for three years straight. Then now Hibike threads?

Can you not just stay at the Meguca threads and complain about people who are insulting the characters?

You know well that you cannot kick us out. Stop wasting your time.

But Yuru Yuri is written by a lesbian

indeed they don't


>46 KB
I see you truly hate SayakaHomura.

Go back to the Meguca threads or your tumblr account.
/u/ is here to stay :^)

All of them wrong, holy shit.

I am Japanese high school girl and we act like that.

Japanese hate people like you.


You're fucking a heterosexual female. What do you know?

Madoka never loved Homura. Here's the proof. Madoka lied to her in episode 12 about being her friend. She saw how evil she was but was tripping on hope, so she thought faking friendship could save Homura.

Homura is the most hated character in both Japan and overseas.
Homura killed the franchise, it no longer sells high numbers of merchandise.
Madoka and all characters were ruined.
Even the staff hates Homura.

I hope you never forget these facts, and I suggest you post them whenever you can. I can't remind the degenerates all day every day, so remember to attack all homuposters and yuri.

Thank you, and let's all HATE Homura.

Yes they do, your example is shit, use this instead


Is Madoka a nigger?

Well that settles it

Might as well delete the thread and never make one ever again you delusional /u/cuck

Everyone is agree Madoka loves Homura.

/u/fags how does it feel to be the most hated shitposters on Sup Forums?

But Sup Forums loves yuri.


>Q: Is Homura in love with Madoka?
>Urobuchi: It is a very twisted love, but it is love nontheless. It is kind of scary to be honest.

>Q: Does Madoka like her back?
>Urobuchi: Madoka never loved Homura. From the beginning is was just Homura's obsession. It's that kind of tragedy of never being cared for that makes you evil. In this case, Homura is evil because no one has ever loved her or ever will.

>Q: That sounds horrible! (laughs)
>Urobuchi: Some people deserve loneliness. I think Homura is one of those people. (laughs)

No one likes obnoxious /u/fags who use terms like hetshit unironically.

As representative of more than 100 people, I have to say that we all despise anti-yurifags who religiously shit up perfectly good yuri threads with their unwarranted and nonsensical anger.

Fucking stop replying to this shit

I hate that Kumiko and Reina have become a shitposting meme. It's making everyone forget how well written their relationship was and how Hibike is genuinely one of the best anime ever.

>perfectly good yuri threads
I seriously hope you don't mean Madoka threads

>Hibike is genuinely one of the best anime ever.

Here's your reply

And the funny part is that he unironically believes this.

Even 2d dykes are fugly

>Hibike is genuinely one of the best anime ever

what's wrong with you?

>Hibike is genuinely one of the best anime ever.

Here's a (you). Don't waste it.

Maybe you should watch things beyond meme Sup Forums shows.

>cutting out all hetero romantic content from talented author
>adding some goofy lesbian drama instead

>well-writen relationship
>best anime ever

Well memed, friend. Well memed.

That's not even Kumiko, are yurifags this delusional?

>>cutting out all hetero romantic content from talented author
>>adding some goofy lesbian drama instead
They didn't do either of these things. It was a faithful adaptation.

You didn't read it at all, I swear.
If you did, tell me excatly what she thinks in this scene.

That's right, only girls with homosexual orientation act like that. And since this is official art, it pretty much confirms that Reina and Kumiko are lesbians and leading a romantic relationship. I pity people who can't even deduce this.

Generic tsundere thoughts

Omg yes
Checkmate hetshitters

Ok, so you didn't read it, that's okay you shouldn't lie though.

I don't get why yurifags get so hooked on shows like Hibikek and Madoka when there are far superior works with actual lesbians in it, none of that subtext shit.

dumb frogposter leave

Why is it always that when people from the same sex interact are always called gay/lesbian at America? Is this some American culture or just mental illness you people have?

Are you denying that she's a generic tsundere? There's nothing interesting about the way she feels toward Shuuichi

that's ntrfags

I'm denying that you have read the books.

Very few shows are better than Hibike and Madoka, and none of them have actual lesbians in them. Anime is not the medium for you if you want stories about lesbians

>Sup Forums pretending to know what females do

But we're all little girls here

>Very few shows are worse than Hibike

Madoka is an awful show because of its movie that character assassinated everyone and had no story, just the evil obsessive dyke who Madoka confirmed never cared about ruins literally everything.

Lesbians aren't people and are evil.

Nice meme. Yurifriends are the majority here.

Hibikek and Madoka aren't the shows to go to if you want actual lesbian action. For if you want that you should look for shows "about" lesbians, none of that subtext shit.

And I especified "works" manga included.

You have to be over 18 to post here.

I love posting in threads about this show, but I hate threads like these.

Why do you people have to ruin this show for people who enjoy it?

>Band mostly made of beginners starts drama over the simplest things, boycotts practice routinely, and generally shoots themselves in the foot at every opportunity.
>Advance to the nationals beating other schools with established and experianced bands who actually practiced.
>Genuinely one of the best anime ever.

I'm denying that dumb frogposter read the books if he thinks the "hetero romance" is in any way an important part of them. It's a minor subplot, and there's nothing to it beyond Kumiko being tsundere. The anime stayed faithful to that.

Cool synopsis. What show is this?

Nice meme. Fujos are the majority here.

I haven't read the source material but I keep hearing that Kumiko ends up hooking with the guy pursuing her.

I can see how murricans would like this.

Because people who enjoy it are filthy /u/fags to OP.
Hetero bros hate it for reasons.

>It's a minor subplot, and there's nothing to it beyond Kumiko being tsundere
Ok, so you haven't read the books.

I'm starting to think you're projecting.

I sincerely wish someday they get a blatantly /u/ show that the creators aren't afraid of admitting so they can focus on their threads and they leave everyone else alone.
I know there are some like that but apparently they don't like them.

Het girls don't use sunscreen or get friends to help apply it to their backs?

>le projecting meme
That's okay kid, but seriously, go read the books.

Please don't respond to bait.
Please don't create bait yourself.

I'd sacrifice all the subtext and baiting dispersed throughout a seasons shows for one goood, canon series per season.

9 times out of 10 its anti yuris stirring up the shit and are easily one of the biggest cancers on Sup Forums

I once applied sun screen on my roommates back. I rarely touch people and his back felt smooth as fuck because he's a fit guy. It was a weird feeling.

How is it bait to say that they muddle every show they decide to shitpost about for even a tiny subtext of yuri?
Even when their delusions get destroyed by interviews they don't stop the shitposting, they just crank it up.
It's okay if you like girls on girls as a fetish in any series that has an all-female cast, but trying to pass it as "purest form of love" or "a way of life" is nothing more than shitposting.

Reminder that is a containment board and you should fuck right back there.

Also reminder that sage is invisible but still works.

>Even when their delusions get destroyed by interviews they don't stop the shitposting, they just crank it up.

That interview is fake.

Hetshit fuck off

>wanting degeneracy

Just end your pathetic existence, degenerate. Lesbians cannot love, they obsess and ruin everything around them. They cannot be loved by anyone.

Madoka hates Homura, get over it.

Yeah, what about the Hibike interview? That show this thread is about.

>it wasn't bait
Give me the names of two "blatantly" /u/ shows that yurifags apparently don't like.
Two because I know you're going to say Sakura Trick, and everyone's already gone over why that show sucks.


I never see as many threads about Utena and is far better than Madoka.

these fish pictures have never once been funny and they make you look underaged when you post them

That show is het, degenerate.

>I never see as many threads about Utena
That's probably because it aired 20 years ago.
Maybe it's about time Sup Forums talked more about Lodoss War and less about Attack on Titan.

No it doesn't.

>Maybe it's about time Sup Forums talked more about Lodoss War and less about Attack on Titan.
Well it would improve the quality of the board.

We're all legal lolis.