Let's talk about animes (even if they're considered shit or are really short,..) that made you feel happy (and why).
>Lucky Star Just because it was one of my first anime ever and i discovered the whole "kawaii" thing and as a 14 years old i was pretty excited about it. >Nichijou Was recovering from depression,anorexia,.. bullshit and that brought me so much joy i needed >Sakura Card Captor It makes my heart all warm to think about it again. Also Sakura's clothes were so adorable. >tfw CLAMP was actually my reason to begin to wear lolita fashion
Adrian Collins
Moomin, the most comfy anime ever made.
Samuel Lopez
>anime >.. wew lad
Gabriel Phillips
>Let's talk about animes that made you feel happy Yuru Yuri has the ability to distract you constantly with its wacky humour and cuteness.
Wyatt Bailey
it's po~warm
Joshua Phillips
School Rumble
Especially with the Harima episodes.
Kevin Rogers
Angel Sanders
Levi Brooks
If anime made me happy I'd stop watching it.
Jonathan Stewart
NNB does this best for me.
Also shows in general that are just really cute/have cute girls. For example while watching Spice and Wolf I couldn't really stop smiling because of Horo. I also thought the whole never backing down on love thing in Yuri Kuma was really heart warming.
Brody Edwards
I want Sakura Kinomoto to feel warm inside
Aiden Anderson
Aria was the only thing that did it for me when i still watched.
YKK manga had the same effect
Justin Cook
Shirokuma Cafe Had a really nice, pleasant Cafe atmosphere, and all the characters were unique and fun to watch interact. The heartwarming resolutions or comedic punchlines never failed to put a smile on my face.
Tamako Market has the best cast of side characters I have ever seen in anime. They feel like main characters themselves, even if they aren't the focus. This in return makes the whole Market feel alive and welcoming.
Tamayura inspires me to never give up, and to always follow my dreams and to "be aggressive".
Natsume Yuujinchou has a niche that I love, youkai stories. Not only that, the stories themselves focus on the interactions between youkai and humans, sometimes heartwarming and sometimes tragic. The entire show has a focus on loneliness and relationships.
As you can see, I love heartwarming character interactions.
Chase Allen
>Shirokuma Cafe >Tamako Market All of this. It was so goddamn sweet
Isaiah Howard
Fruits baskets and Fullmoon wo Sagashite for being among the first anime I ever watched. I could rewatch it anytime and feel the warmth brewing up inside me, so nostalgic.
Jordan Green
Bump desu
William Cook
Azumanga Daioh. Definitely Azumanga Daioh. I still remember watching this on summer 2006. I miss these days.
Ethan Perry
Not in the order I watched 'em in, so 1st and 2nd are written in the info thing. >K-On First anime ever, watched s1 dubbed for some reason, and s2 with subs. Depression got better. >Love Live First anime that made me cry. A total of 4 times. Also, waifu gotten from it. >Haganai First anime I genuinely laughed at( 2nd anime ever)
Cooper Cooper
>season 2 never
Colton Rodriguez
This and Kimi ni Todoke. It's just so sweet and sparkly and great to watch when you need something fluffy.
Ian Jackson
Came here to post this, some of the Renge moments, particulary with Candy Store were just too adorable.
Carter Ortiz
The show can be featuring a mass murderer driving around town and a high speed chase. But yet at the end of the episode, there's always feel good moment tied to the main character.
Benjamin Green
Ah i thought about beginning it, Ore Monogatari was cute but...too cute?
I love "serious" animes with some cute or funny moments.