I want to talk about special education students. Not just the regular "gets a 70 on a test sometimes" low achieving student. The type of "student" that gets 4% on tests, sometimes forgets how to spell their own name, and eats notecards for fun.
I started teaching this year. I did it because I feel like I can make a difference and I want to help set kids up for success in life. Ive noticed a few things. >The bottom 5% of students require 30% of my time in class >The bottom 5% of students require 40% of my time planning and grading >The bottom 5% of students require well upwards of 50% of my time in displinary meetings
It's insane. When I think of how much I could better serve all of the other kids if I could devote my full time to them it infuriates me. I've also accepted that special education plans are the most idiotic things a society has ever come up with. They include things like: >Student can retake tests, again and again, until they get above a 70% >Student is exempt from all assignments they get below an 80% on >Student may use notes on all tests >Student is exempt from any assignment they don't want to do, to prevent violent outbursts >Student can have his mom "transcribe" his answers on assignments at home
That last one basically means he can take his test home and let his mom take it for him.
Should people like this even be allowed in public schools? Should we just take the bottom 5% every year and send them to a manual labor factory instead? What are possible ways to address this and create a system fair to the other 95% of students?
Personally I'm hoping to work my way into a private school where they don't have these kinds of students.
>I want to talk about special education students Okay let's talk about niggers. They aren't humans. We share a common ancestor, but they're a different hominid species. That's why they're so goddamn retarded and violent.
Sebastian Morales
Even niggers can sometimes get above failing on tests. TeacherOP is talking about literal retards that are put through the public schooling.
And yes, I agree. They shouldn't be allowed in public schools. Perhaps a special school to teach them basic needs so maybe they aren't so 100% dependent on the system. My brother is severely autistic, and I wonder every day what will happen to him if my mom dies. He can't take care of himself, I'm not even sure if he CAN.
Ryan Perez
The exception doesn't invalidate the trend, gaynon. Just because you don't have AIDS doesn't mean most faggots aren't transgressive degenerate bug chasing meth addicts.
Aiden Stewart
It's not even a racial thing. There are some racial trends like you've mentioned. But white students that are mentally slow are just as disruptive as black ones on a student-by-student basis.
Yes this. I don't want them to be completely abandoned, but I don't feel like putting them in regular public schools creates a net positive situation. What do you think would be best for your brother? A very targeted program to help give them the skills to survive day to day like you said would probably be good. If your brother went to a public school do you think it helped him?
Jack Brooks
Retards would almost be nonexistent if women wouldn't give birth after 35. Try to bring up this fact during class and it might help reduce tard prevelance over time.
Jason Robinson
He went to public school and no, it didn't help him. They basically just put him in a special needs class and they did pre-K stuff there. 'Something' happened and he started absolutely refusing to go to school, so my mom pulled him out and started trying to teach him herself.
I would love to see something like a targeted teaching program but there's just no budget anywhere for it. There's some available in the private sector, such as Family Services clinics.
Nathaniel Mitchell
>Try to bring up this fact during class >fact Like there weren't fucking retards before the average age a motherhood went up, you fucking retard. Older mothers has made the problem slightly worse, that's all.
Joshua Richardson
Show me the statistics.
Justin Nguyen
Why, so you can squat over them?
Andrew Nelson
Highschool? Elementary? what level user?
Adam Bell
Juan Perez
>I want to talk about special education students
At least the state I'm in "special education" are the literal retards, and public school districts are forced to spend retarded (pun intended) amounts of money on them.
The school I was in also had the "modified" track for the students you're talking about. Modified math classes, lower level science classes like "earth science". It was basically for all the people who werent literally retarded but still needed state sponsored daycare.
Hudson Cruz
Currently middle school but I'd like to do high school some day.
The modified track can't be used without parent permission. If a parent doesn't want their kid to feel isolated or simply refuses to accept how low intelligence they are then they will demand their kid be placed in regular classes. We are obligated to listen to the parents discretion even when we think it's detrimental.
Cameron Roberts
Retards shouldn't even be born. If they are they should be euthanized.
Gabriel Cox
Really? When I was in school they didn't. It was all based on entrance tests you took in 8th grade. Even in grade school there was the "dumb" class, which was just always grouped together for a single teacher a year. Everyone knew they were the borderline retards, and everyone made fun of them and no one cared, it was great.
The amount of money wasted on retards is absurd, especially when its at the cost of normal students, and even worse for anyone who would be considered "advanced".
That's how it was when I was in school too, but times have changed. The two largest differences are (1) No one takes accountability for everything and (2) Parents believe that their "rights" trump expert opinions.
When a kid is suspended for clocking another student in the face, parents don't punish their kid anymore. Instead they just ask "WHY DID THE SCHOOL LET MY CHILD BE VICTIMIZED LIKE THIS?" even though their little offspring just sent another student to the hospital. Parents always believe they know what's best for their student and the school has become an enemy to be conquered rather than an invaluable resource.
It's an incredibly difficult environment. One that a college degree didn't prepare me for at all and I'm only coping with because I was prepared from my years of substitute teaching. About a third of my graduating class didn't last through their student teaching positions and are looking for other careers now.
I haven't had any time to do modified work for my advanced kids yet. I wish I could. I really really wish I could give them a better education. It almost feels like I'm inadvertently punishing them with boredom because I don't have enough time to give them something better than the normal activity.
Noah Moore
I have anecdotal evidence at the very least. I have mild cerebral palsey and my mom gave birth to me at 39.
Elijah Lee
We're in NY. Kids get referred for placement, and many are placed into "self contained classes" i.e.a modified track. They generally go to school thru age 21 and try for an "IEP diploma" which has lower standards than a regular diploma, otherwise they get a certificate of completion.
To get a regular HS diploma you must have passing scores on a number of Regents exams. You can't be a moron and get those.
But I realize most states don't have exit exams like NY does.
William Cox
>(2) Parents believe that their "rights" trump expert opinions.
And that should honestly be the point where the school can and does tell them to fuck themselves and either home school them or put them in a private school that agrees with their "values"
I grew up going to low income public schools, I know all the "problems" that politicians and parents bitch about aren't the real problems in the school. Public schools are little more than glorified day cares, and if anyone sat through one for a fucking week, we'd have a lot more people behind the idea they should be gotten rid of, or at least repurposed to be actual places of education for people who want to be there.
Jackson Lewis
I was a public school teacher last year. They gave me 3 classes of capable kids and 1 of ones with IEP's and 504 plans.
I had a special ed teacher come in to assist with differentiating the lessons and things that I did not need to deal with. That teacher would be in constant contact with the parents and worried about dealing with the special needs of the kids that needed it.
5/7, would do it again.
Robert Campbell
I should clarify that there are many parents of those kids in self contained classes that wish their kids could be in regular classes, but they are denied. It's not just the parents' decision, but the whole "Committee on Special Education" which they will stack with people in case they need a majority to overcome the parents. I don't know how many of those cases really would be better off in regular classes. I am not a teacher, just a parent.
Parker Allen
>Personally I'm hoping to work my way into a private school where they don't have these kinds of students. Parents sent me to private school. Never heard of any of this before.
Evan Green
I'm a teacher too and I have never heard of special education plans like the ones you are describing. Where the fuck are you teaching? Mine are like -alternate testing locations -reduced multiple choice -extended time. None of which are that big of a deal
Jack Perez
Isn't the pay, job security and pension worse at private school, even prestigious ones?
Asher Richardson
Maybe that's a low income public school. I got a good solid education in public school that prepared me for the most demanding of undergrad and graduate curricula. But it was an educated middle class area, not a low income area.
Nevertheless, we spend a lot on low income public schools. Where property taxes don't provide what's needed, state and maybe also federal aid kicks in more. It's not great but it should be enough. The teachers are well paid and have good health insurance and pension benefits.
But the problem is the kids. If you're one of 2 or 3 non-morons in the class, the teacher is not allowed to focus the class on you. Now there are explicit "equity" concerns that make that even harder.
Owen Clark
ahhhhhhhhhhhh righhhhttt so you are one of these people responsible for >american education and the resulting problems which we can witness on this board
Easton Garcia
Matthew Young
I'm proud to say that my SJW english teacher keeps trying to indoctrinate my entire class, but every time she does, we come back with like 50 redpills.
David Campbell
American education is among the best in the world, if we're allowed to consider the results of the whites, Asians and Jews.
As always, nature >> nurture.
Jason Hughes
Actually, ELNAcYj8 is pretty spot on with SPED in public schools. I have been doing it for 9 years and it actually only gets worse. So bad in fact that we are FORCED to pass kids even though they fail everything. It is a running joke you can't fail a SPED kid. If you do, it is the teachers fault, not the kid or the parents or anyone else... the teacher did not do everything they could to make the kid "successful"... to afraid of holding them to any standard... most kids are lazy... ever lazy "special kid" I have had is black... some of the smartest ones who don't need SPED are just lazy and get it in for the free ride...
Not to mention the money they get from SSI their parents depend on and then FREAK out once the kid turns 18yrs old... then you get the begging/pleading phone calls/emails/letters asking for our notes and to write Social Security so they can keep getting their free $$$ $800 on average per month for a kid who has never worked a day in their life!
It is oh so much worse than you all know...
Bentley Myers
Like the UK and Europe cheating the scores of their tests by allowing retakes and outright throwing out low scores? Or having a completely different grading scale that allows you to pass with much lower scores?
Adrian Rogers
My wife and I have actually talked about moving to New York for exactly that reason. They have a much much better funded educational system than we do here. I would love to work somewhere like that.
I fully agree. I can't imagine what parent reaction would be if they had to sit through two days of school next to their son or daughter. I think it would devastate them and for at least some of them make them complain a little bit less.
I have a special ed teaching assistant that comes in one hour because we have a kid who needs excessive help. We don't have very many TAs like that though. There's just not the funding. I wish we had more.
Those kids normally aren't a problem. I have a handful like that and I can handle the regular accommodations. But every semester when we have our IEP meetings the parents have the ability to make demands like "Any grade below a B is exempt". If the counsellor in the meeting is too spineless to say no then it gets written down and the teachers have to enforce it.
Our counselor kind of sucks. So we have a lot like that.
Carson Bennett
OP the fact that you even plan around individual students puts you miles ahead of all my teachers when I was in school. I also think that as someone who comes on Sup Forums you could spot a student who has given up on school due to social situations that a lot of people can't spot. Kids are absolutely left to rot by the shrink school DP. You can help them, literal retards may piss you off but you're doing God's work and you can not only save someone's life, but allow them to use their abilities to help others.
Josiah Adams
"any grade below B is exempt"
What state are you teaching in?
Yes in NY we have high teacher pay, let's put the cards on the table. Why? Because the damned Triborough Amendment says that teachers are guaranteed about a 3% raise per year if there's no collective bargaining agreement.
It's killing our school. We won't pay more than 1% increase a year (that's the "tax cap" above which we lose other tax breaks) and so we have to cut, cut, cut. More pay per teacher = less teachers. But it's better than paying $$$$$ property taxes in the nearby district that has a different philosophy that the school is always right.
Carson Peterson
Public schools are run by the shittiest people on the planet. Your job is worthless. You don't help society.
Kids used to work when they were 13. 8 hours a day. 7 days a week. Instead we put them in a classroom so some failure man-child can teach them common core. It's bullshit.
You're the reason america sucks.
Ayden Miller
if you're talking about gcse and as/a level modules (year 10 -13)(ages 14-18) yes you can resit them for like £20 an exam about once a year or every six months depending on the exam but they still count low grades
I think the what makes us basically better than everyone is how specialised towards certain subjects the system is for a levels you only take 3 usually (sometimes more if you're a genius or if your subjects are worthless) A level maths and physics is pretty much the same material taught in american colleges in the first and second years
and then when you go to uni you become a wizard of whatever your field is
Adrian Bell
Thank you. On days like this that really means a lot to me. It's good to see someone appreciate teachers. I do try to help them it just feels like I'm overwhelmed by it.
Oklahoma. It's... it's not great here. Our teacher pay and really entire educational system is funded by sales taxes. In years where the state takes an economic hit the schools suffer immensely. A lot of our teachers in the state are either Teach For America teachers or emergency certified. So it's not a great situation here.
And like I said, I know a good part of our IEPs is because of our district policy of allowing parents to negotiate in IEPs. And our counselor is extremely bad at saying no to them. But it's a systemic problem that I saw across every school in the district while I was substituting.
Parker Johnson
fucking ruthless
but i think if you have a male teacher that isn't a fuckup they can make a big impact on boys
Oh shit, you're in Oklahoma too? I didn't realize the schools here got that bad. I remember how bad it was when I was a kid.
Carter Wilson
top kek
Isaac Evans
My 11th grader has male teachers this year for every subject except math.
The only subject that bores him is math, and he's good at math, it's just that the teacher is so boring he skipped that class today. Come to think of it he's had one woman after another in math, and it's been an unpleasant slog.
Adrian Thomas
Everything OP says is true.
I work in a private school so we have very few tards. But in public schools (which I have also spent time working in) this bullshit is absolutely rampant. PC coddling of violent, uncooperative minority students is extremely common, and it definitely makes the problems created by these kids (who would be difficult even in a perfectly managed system), much worse.
Most parents are OK but the self-esteem mentality and the lack of teacher authority is ruining US education. Lots of toxic parents who can't accept that their little darlings are just shits. Smart people avoid the profession because of all the bullshit, it's a vicious circle.
In my opinion we need to:
1) end mainstreaming which is a completely ridiculous practice, this is the reason Speds get put into regular classes in the first place which is actually bad for both speds and regular students, but much worse for normal students. This is yet another way that normal, well adjusted, contributors to society get fucked over.
2) Make it much easier to expel students. I have seen many cases in my own career where when a particularly badly misbehaving student was expelled, the whole year group settled down. Kids are not stupid, if they understand that it is actually possible to get kicked out of school permanently it restores a healthy respect for authority and actual learning can take place.
Chase Jones
> commie by occupation i am sorry you have to be a teacher
Jaxson Anderson
ahahahahah i remember when i was in school every time the teacher left the class we'd open up all the prit stick glues and fling the up to stick to the ceiling so the were like 20 stuck there and then we'd watch the teacher absolutely fucking sperg out when they fell down in the middle of class
Jordan Brown
Hey friendo,
I've been in the education sector now for a little while, and have had the same thoughts as you and would like to offer just one tid bit.
Just remember that every teacher that decides fuck this shit and moves off to a private school, is selling the public out.
This is how they are furthering the divide in education. Education is not just for the rich!
You either sell out and chase the money, or you accept that your job as a teacher, really, is trying to make a diamond from the rough, good students don't require much help, they can do it themselves, therefor your attention is always going to be on the ones that need the help.
It becomes a lot more meaningful to me to get great results from a previously unresponsive student in the public sector.
We need more brilliant public school teachers.
Nathaniel Garcia
Don't public school teachers make more and have more benefits and job security than private school teachers? What do you mean "go for the money"?
Average kids cannot do it themselves. The top 1% can sort of do it themselves if they get decent work habits. And that's just because they could handle a much tougher curriculum, with appropriate teaching. But there's no money for the highly gifted, it all must go to the lowest and minorities.
Justin Hughes
alright OP you absolute redditor tell me the worst experience you've had with one of these mongoloid kids
Isaac Wright
I'm from Aus so I suppose it's different for the US.
Over here private schools make fucking bank. Not only do students pay a pretty penny to go to these schools, but the government funds them as well! And if your a really good teacher, eventually one of these private schools will reach out to you and offer you a fat paycheck to teach there, slowly hoovering up all the great teachers.
As for the average kids cannot do it themselves, life is hard, everyone struggles, its pretty obvious our society has gone too far with quite a lot and is heading for a collapse, but i digress. Average kids though, they can and do absolutely make it, at least over here. I know pleeeeenty of people who averaged there way through school and is now contributing to society and living a happy and healthy life.
Also there is plenty of money for the highly gifted, you just have to follow the money and take on topical and relevant job positions, that usually differ greatly from what a young child's mind thinks up when they're young.