Objectively the best girl.
Objectively the best girl
Other urls found in this thread:
coyc please
Don't go too ahead of yourself.
Of course, she's ahead of her competition.
Official Madogatari results:
Homura > Kyouko > Madoka > Sayaka > Mami
She is objectively worst girl.
OG Mami-san fan reporting
Now this is best.
I can't decide if Mami or Homura are best OTP
Subjectively best girl
Likewise, I love her as well.
I meant Mami x Kyouko or Mami x Homura
>You'll never be as lucky as teenage Takkun
>Anime start
>Love Mami
>She dies.
>"Well, the OP showed both Madoka and Sayaka with her, so Madoka will probably wish for her to come back".
>It never happens.
>Series only gets darker.
>Episode 10
>Homura is best girl.
Solid fappy wappy material desu (>_
The user who sent me a Mami Gundam daki made my Christmas.
I love breasts but I also love long, dark haired stoic beauties.
This is a tough dilemma for me
You love breasts but also love, long dark haired stoic beauties. The latter seems more full of qualities you like.
I would happily spend all eternity cuddling Homura
Me too, user. But even if she was real, she'd only think about Madoka.
>tfw when Homura will never look at you like she does at Madoka
I wonder what the best way to win her heart would be? Then again I would just be comfortable with being a happy servant of hers
Since we got Cake Mami are there any Cake versions of the other Megucas?
Outside of being her first friend in timeline 1 before, being Madoka.
This is now a Homu thread. Buzz off, cow tits.
Don't be like that
I thought glasses Homura was incredibly cute but damn current Homura is absolutely sexy.
Moemura just adds more variety to the sex incarnate that Homura is.
Black and yellow is pleasing to the eye.
Coincidentally black and yellow is my favourite colour scheme, very patrician and aesthetically pleasing. Best OTP
I think you posted the wrong pic, OP.
麻美san is the greatest
>Shaft will never release her "Koi no Tiro Finale" debut song
I don't ship it. Doesn't mean I don't love it anyways
Why have you not joined the MamiNagi brigade yet? You know they're going to pander to it to the maximum.
I we can all agree that this is the shittiest shit post in this thread.
>You know they're going to pander to it to the maximum.
>tfw when MamiNagi gets romantic development
You act like I don't want to be pandered to.
As much as I despise Urobutcher and his works that man panders to certain fetishes of mine like women in suits
well said
I like how Mami can't be Nagisa's mother or big sister, it has got to be yuri.
Tell that to those making the official art.
You wouldn't a fat Kyouko would you?
I would only like to see it because it would leave so many Mamifags assblasted. IMO there's only one "romantic" couple in the series, and they're not doing too hot right now.
>Inb4 muh hand holding from KyoSayafags
Is Mami for hand holding, taking on nice romantic dates to coffee shops or is she for long, hot passionate nights of lewd?
>implying Mami getting a partner would leave Mamifags assblasted
Reminder that Homura is the worst girl and ruined everything by being an abusive, obsessive cunt who hates everyone.
Madoka never loved her because Homura was always evil. She deserved to be abandoned by Madoka long ago.
>muh cheese
I just hate Nagisa as a whole.
I'm pretty sure Nagisa only exists because she was used to pander to Charlotte's popularity and to give Mami an excuse to fight Homura.
Bit of both
Objectively the worst girl.
If by "worst" you mean "within the bleakest circumstances" then you'd be absolutely correct.
All of the above. 10/10, would kohai for her again.
There's still a noticable number of MadoMami and MamiPenis shippers out there. More noticable than in the other pairings atleast. I for one like MamiNagi.
HomuMami is best
Urobuchi said he did it because he was a fan of Mami x Charlotte fan art on Pixiv. I think Mami also just needed a partner.
I feel like a better pairing for Mami would be someone like her equal; a similarly motherly figure.
I agree. That's why Pink and Yellow a best.
The franchise pairings are literally opposites attract.
I want to spend all day in bed with Mami.
If that were true then why don't we have HomuSaya and KyouMado? Check mate.
I said opposites, not mortal enemies. It's even color coded.
She's chosen to be the worst girl though unfortunately.
>Nagoya Madogatari poll result
She's right above Nagisa.
I was thinking someone more worldly.
MadoHomu is very retrospective; initially, Homura was very much a broken Madoka. Low self-worth, lack of confidence, timidity, etc. And the way they play off each other is by gaining resolve from the other's efforts.
As for KyoSaya, they're birds of a feather, except when warped by cynicism due to harsh realities, whereupon Kyoko will turn hedonistic while Sayaka will ride self-destructive idealism to the grave. The major difference between the two is that Kyoko is more emotional, while Sayaka is more moralistic in terms of perspective.
What, you're saying the pairings I mentioned aren't opposites personality-wise?
Homura is a good girl who deserves love and eternal salvation.
>thinking the devil can be saved
She's too far gone. Not even Madokami could save her.
Madoka will redeem her.
Thought that's Yuno or Erio iirc. But she's above Nagisa yes.
It would be a kind of depressing if she's outranked by the Rebellion only character tho.
>Low self-worth, lack of confidence, timidity, etc.
They're similar in that regard, yet they do the exact opposite in terms of their actions. While Madoka was timid, she still had a strong moral compass, had a strong sense of duty, selfless (literally), and loving friends and family. Homura is not only timid, she is a coward (she asks Madoka to run away with her during the fight in TL1), has no sense of duty (thought it would be fine just to become a witch as long as Madoka did too), extremely selfish and has no friends or family. One would willingly give up their life for the universe, the other would gladly give up the universe for one life. They're polar opposites.
>the other would gladly give up the universe for one life
I can't believe someone's got Homura this misunderstood.
>asks Madoka to run away
More pragmatic than cowardly; Madoka wasn't going to do jack shit against Walpurgisnacht.
>no sense of duty
She was overcome by despair and basically dead at that point. When Madoka lied to her that they were out of grief seeds, she was merely accepting their inevitable death. Also, she makes a big deal about how the dream world in Rebellion was an abandonment of duty.
And Homura may be selfish, but it's twisted in a selfless way considering how much she damns herself for the purpose of ensuring a better life for Madoka.
And yes, they are foils, but I did mean to say that while they definitely developed differently, they started off in a similar place.
>虚淵 巴マミのフィギュアには、お菓子の魔女が必ずついてくるんですよ。あのセットにしてしまう感覚は何だろうとなと思いつつ、あのコンビは印象に残っていました。
The TV anime version of Madoka Magica got a lot of fan reaction, so was there any part of the new movie that changed based on that reaction?
Urobuchi: Every figurine of Tomoe Mami comes with the Witch of Sweets. Even though I wondered what possessed the merchandisers to put those two together, they must’ve left an impression on me.
>虚淵 ははは、ちなみに、ベベに関しては、劇団イヌカレーさんの監修が入っています。最初は普通にセリフをじゃべっていたんですよ。でも、魔女なので普通のしゃべり方はしない、ということで、イヌカレーさんの意向でセリフや映像の表現まですべて変更しています。ベベは完全に劇団イヌカレーキャラですね。
Is that why Bebe gets to appear?!
Urobuchi: Hahaha. By the way, Gekidan Inu Curry had a lot of influence on Bebe. At first, she had normal lines. But I was told that since she’s a witch, she can’t speak normally. Bebe’s lines and how they’re displayed are all changed because of Inu Curry-san. Bebe is a complete and total Inu Curry character.
>虚淵 魔女は真明を一切名乗らないんです。魔女が登場するときに魔女の文字で名前が描かれていますが、もし解読した人がいたとしても、魔女自身がその名を語ることはないと、劇団イヌカレーさんがおっしゃっていました。だから、みんなはベベと読んでいます。
Bebe’s true identity is…
Urobuchi: Witches never go by their true names. Runes may display their names when they appear, but even if you can read them, the witches will never use those names, according to Gekidan Inu Curry. That’s why everybody calls her Bebe.
That's exactly what she did. She threatened the stability of the universe for Madoka's life and the ramifications of her actions are still unknown. I'm not blaming her for it, but that is what she did.
She won against Walpurgisnacht and gave her life for the city. I'm not saying that's good and Homu is wrong. I'm just saying that is what happened.
Well it's not really surprising that Nagisa only exists because of the fans.
You're the worst post, faglord.
Purple and pink are complementary colors.
Red - green
Blue - orange
If we're going with colors that are opposite then I guess Mami and Homura could work out.
Complementary colors are opposites.
Purple and pink are analogous colors.
Also, in RGB, red and cyan are opposites, but also yellow and blue.
You're completely right.
Madoka and Homura are white and black now.
Her appeal is that she is for both
Yes I would help Kyouo lose weight.
>his old thread dies
>he instantly makes a new one to start crack shitposting and spamming
This is because be has no friends, everyone in his real life hates him, and everything he does revolves around attacking people on the internet.
Why is it so hard for you to understand such simple things.
Crack was never spammed in the past. You spamming it makes you stand out as it is known uncommon behavior.
Telling off shipping shitposter has always been a thing on this site. You are the only new factor here. Because when people got told off in the past spamming crack was not their reaction.
Can you please fucking stupid. I don't get why you have to constantly ruin threads.
And yes, all of these posts are yours. You are talking to yourself to make it look like there are multiple of you. But again, I explained how it's obviously a single person.
Since when was madohomu crack?
Since when was it canon?
Since never, but it's obvious which posts are yours, and the reasons why you make them are obvious.
You get called out in the past for constantly reporting the same images over and over, and that is one your tells. So to try and make it look like it was not one of your tells you started spamming the same HomuMado image over and over so it would seem like "canon shippers" do it to. Only problem is, it only started happening after you got called out on it. So it's obvious why you are doing it.
Not being canon =/= crack. It is a perfectly valid ship.
Can you retards at least sage if you are going to image dump. You could at least pretend you care about the quality of threads.
I was kidding. MadoHomu is 5 minutes (and however long this production time takes) to canon anyways.
None of the posts you quoted is mine. I was just wondering why you quoted the madohomu post, is all.
No, not a single person in the world loves you. Not a single one. You're too much of a scumbag.
Again, why do you have to do this basically every single day. What do you get out of this? Literally all you've done is make other people lose out of good threads, new scans, translations, and everything else.
>None of the posts you quoted is mine
Yes, they were. And this line is you, yet again, trying to force something to look like common behavior. Saying "I would never lie over the internet!" is so stupid, and almost no one other than you ever does it. So you have started spam saying it to try and make it look like it's normal to do.
No, really, stop.