Stella is the best girl in the whole wide world!
Stella is the best girl in the whole wide world!
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Ikki please go.
She is pretty hot though.
Stella a best. A BEST.
Shoop off the twin-tails and we'll talk.
Stella a cute.
>Stellafag's daily shill and samefag thread
Mio is more cute Tbh famalams.
Just wish MC would fucking stick his dick in her instead of 24 episodes of sucking titts.
>asterisktard's daily butthurt post
Both are truly better then Stella
Why do all these fools put the panties underneath the garter belt? It's supposed to be above it so you can take them off while leaving the stockings on. This disappoints my dick.
>Lirerally Twilight tier romance
She's shit.
they never saw woman wearing them irl, what do you expect
>12 posters
>14 replies
Stella > Claire > Mio >>> Julis
You don't need to be able to see it IRL to know how it works... Clearly none of these artists have a garter belt+stocking fetish.
>Butthurt at the truth
>phoneposting as usual
H O T .D A M N
Sure is animesuki and reddit in here.
Swap Stella and Claire and I'll agree.
Now that you're here, yes.
Digibro made me realize that this show was way better than I thought it was
Why is Stella so shit? She ruined the entire show.
Mari > Emilia > Ouka > Julis > Maria > Mio > Claire > Stella
Better ranking coming through
Fuck off retards.
Good taste. Better than Stellafag's, that's for sure.
I like big ones but Mari....
Ouka > Stella > Mari > Claire (Hundred) > Emilia > Maria > Mio > Houki > Julis = Claire (BD)
They aren't truly refined enough to enjoy the beauty of the combo
>That disgusting unhealthy, literally dying of starvation body
Anyone who fucks her will snap her so quickly.
Claire is best girl pleb.
Get out of here Digibro
naruse mio a Bullshit, Slutella is CRAP
I can agree with this
Stopped reading there.
>Ouka > Stella > Mari
Mari = Lapis > Restia = Est > Emilia > Ouka > Claire (BD) > Julis > Maria > Mio > Claire (Hundred) > Stella > Houki
Made better now.
You're really easy to spot, THK. You know that,right?
>Mari =Lapis
Emperor's taste.
I see that there are still people with amazing taste here.
That's a sword, not your waifu/daughteru/whatever
You can fuck a sword if you try hard enough though.
Stell is so rapeable.
>stella that low
Kill yourself.
>Assblasted Stellafag
>choosing nonexistent supporting characters as best girl so you can show everyone how non mainstream your tastes are
>secondary mains or even more popular girls than the main girl in their respective series
>nonexistent supporting characters
Mio isn't even best girl her series and she's still better than Stella.
Disgusting taste is disgusting.
The whole image is thoroughly trolling, newfriends.
Since the last BD for Burst came out last month, I've finally gotten around to watching Maou no Testament
Stella a shit. Worse than Houki.
You're welcome.
Stella is truly the best LN heroine in recent years.
Stella a cute slut.
She's my top waifu in CM3D2
>tohsaka rin
>High class
Please tell me why she is bad.
>bad tsundere
They're not wrong, Esdeath. Kill yourself.
>Mexican ESL shitposter from TLR threads is going beyond his containment area
Almost as bad as tsunhater-kun.
In terms of tsundere quality's stella is a really bad choice, because she's actually a girl, not an archetype
Made for dicking
It's time for a lynching
Stella is an honest woman.
Thanks a fucking lot.