RIP Yuri
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
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First for best deck
Looks like Yuya has...
>Puts on sunglasses
...Odd Eyes.
Literally LDS Youth Squad v2.
Man this Sunday's episode will be hype as fuck with Joeri killing some generic students, Yugo coming back, some Yoko flashbacks, Yusho explaining what the the fuck happened three years ago, the truth about Academia's attacks, Akaba Leo talking and finally, Reiji coming back AND THE FUCKING TWINS. This will be THE episode.
I just realized those 5 have sentai/ranger colors.
that deck was crap
No judai.
Into the trash it goes
Every thread until he returns.
Someone is getting fuck in the Movie
He will return, and all unbelievers will behold his superior dueling strategies and despair!
F-floating cards?
Was Tea trying to do the Meme face too?
Best Protagonist
For some reason i want to see Kaito dead
when is the camrip coming
Whatever you say
Why do Kaiba's cards look weird in this movie? Is it part of that VR thing?
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
Thank you very much user
Kaiba's cards aren't real.
They see me rollin'
Jobber Red! The passionate one.
Jobber Blue! The cool one.
Jobber Green! The smart one.
Jobber Black! The mysterious one.
Jobber Pink! The girl.
Together they are... Jobber Rangers!
So Kaiba made a way for poor kids to play Yugioh? What a nice guy
Hey Sup Forumsrc-v, my hdd crashed and I lost my entire Yuya/Yuzu folder, would a fellow user like to help me out?
The same user from before or is this an epidemic?
>Kaito's faces
This nigga needs a hug
>Toy shop
>not doing cameos of all the crazy games played in the first manga
They blew it
Jobbing successful
Nah, I'm the one that asked last time.
So is Asuka dueling Joeri or what
No, I'm a different user that made a mistake in buying seagate shit.
So the movie is comin this june to Korea right? We can expdect to see camrips soon
What is Bakura even doing in this film?
>Yugi's hair stays up even in rain
surprised it wasn't coming through the motorbike helmit
Looks like Yuri will job again.
HAH, Joey's still wearing the furry costume.
Being surprisingly relevant.
4 yu
Is Yami Bakura in the film? I mean I'm not expecting it because of the whole dead but it seems weird the final boss of the series wouldn't even have a small cameo or something.
Yes he is. He kills Aigami's father and some other people.
How is that a surprise? It's a sequel to the manga, where he was constantly relevant after his introduction.
The version of Yami Bakura's backstory given in the film is impossible to reconcile with either the anime or manga continuity, what was Kaz thinking?
>Sure, I jobbed against Yugi and Kaiba seperately, but if I duel them both at once I'm bound to win!
Hey, wait. If what they revealed about Academia is true, what does this mean for Sora? Does he even have parents?
And how come a child his age is in what we can assumed to be a high school (since that was what it was in GX)?
Or is he MUCH MORE older than he looks?
Best boy, please come back.
>He kills Aigami's father
That was Shadi, Aigami was part of a group of orphans he was taking care of.
The foreshadowing
What? The backstory in the movie is how Bakura got the Millennium Ring and what happened immediately afterwards.
Didn't the kid who Yuzu talked with mention wanting to go to Academia after graduating from elementary school? Pretty sure that means that Academia isn't high school only.
But I do share your sentiment about wanting the best boy to come back.
Duelists locked in battle!
>killed the father of Aigami and messed up his brain with Millenium Items
>killed a curator and almost killed Yugi and his friends
>lied to Marik and said that the Pharaoh's Spirit killed his father
>stuck the Millenium eye in Pegasus to give him false hope that he would be with his wife if he remade the shadow games into a card game
Who was the true Antagonist of DM again?
Shadi seemed to have been going around messing up people's lives for no reason only for things to sort themselves out in the end
I forgot that part. But I still need to know why the fuck Sora was in Academia. I mean, did his parents sent him? WHere are them, then?
If Bakura killed Shadi how does he come back to fuck with Yugi and his friends in the manga?
Shadi was a spirit or something like that
But it contradicts how Bakura got the Ring in the Manga and Anime
Have you actually read the manga?
Nigger it didn't. Anime and manga were vague as fuck about it.
>My dad bought me it lel
Well let's forget about the anime since this movie doesn't follow anime canon but how does it contradict the manga?
Wait, how was Shadi still alive for Bakura to kill him if he was 5000 years old?
Bakura said that his father got the Ring for him from Egypt.
Kaz never mentioned that his father died and Yami Bakura killed a bunch of orphans and made regular Bakura forget it ;)
Nope. I remember reading those chapters in a shonen jump magazine a long time ago though. Like Shadi just appeared to kill that museum curator and almost killed Anzu too.
What am I looking at?
Egyptian Magic.
Shadi was ded all along bro
Some aliens giving Aigami a cube.
Bakura was also considerably older when he first got it, and I'm pretty sure we saw his father alive at one point.
We didn't. He was mentioned ti be the owner of the museum in Millennium World but that's it.
when did Joeri become a meme? so fuckin retarded
Maybe it's something like
>Theif King Bakura killed the original Shadi 5000 years back
>he reincarnated with the Millenium Items
>Yami Bakura killed him again and this time he just stayed as a spirit guarding the items instead of reincarnating again
Could be possible since Atem reincarnated into Yugi, Seto reincarnated to Kaiba, Shiamun reincarnated to Yugi's grandpa and Isis reincarnated into Ishizu
Speaking of which, what the hell happened to Mana, Karim and Shada?
I know Mahad became the Dark Magician and Kisara is the Blue-eyes White Dragon but they all died normally so they should reincarnate shouldn't they?
short version: shadi was some bullshit ex machina
long version: he was a shapeshifting spirit serving the pharaoh over thousands of years, taking whatever form is needed depending on the situation.
oh, and he can go back in time too via the puzzle.