National Socialism

Why do Nazis hate Communism/socialism and the teachings of Karl Marx if they are socialists themselves?

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Because Nazis are mentally retarded and don't even understand their own ideology

Marxian Socialism does NOT equal National Socialism, do some research cunt.

Socialism to build one race, not to mix all the races

Rope yourself.

Neo nazis should kill themselves

The Nazi's weren't even national socialists, they quickly abandoned natsoc and became fascists.

checked and..


Nationalistic socialists accept private own of property unlike communism.

Socialism as a concept originates in the Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism, not Marx or Stalin or Bernie Sanders. Hitler's socialism has nothing to do with other variants.

Are you retarded,the nazis knew capitalism was too easily influenced by jews, and communism was a fucking joke

Why do american nazis look so vulgar, while the nordfront look so tight and clean?

NatSoc dont want to cease the means of production unlike marxists and are not internationalists. Communists had bloodlust and were very expansionist. it was a direct threat to nations back then.

Today however, that communism hatred by neo-nazi is basically larping. Keep in mind that nazis leaders back then were very smart individuals but neo-nazis today are retards.

Wow it is almost like they reject marx's theories and that socialism is just political concept outside of Marxism ! Wow!








>educate yourself on the difference(s) between Nationalism and Globalism

> Zoroastrianism
If Nietzsche would have known you fags, he would have laughed so hard, he would have died another time. Look at those Nazi fags, they look like the inbreed the germs put into Ausschwitz because parents are relatives, furthermore they look like mormons.


National socialism is not the same as Marxist socialism. Is that really the point you're bringing up against Nazis?
Why not the fact that Hitler hated southern Europeans more than he hated certain black Africans (he funded and supplied Ethiopia against Mussolini), straight up wanted to enslave and exterminate eastern Europeans, thought well of Arabs and Islam, and believed Chinese and Japanese to be just as good as the British, as in only slightly below Germans themselves. Meanwhile modern a modern """Nazi""" can be named Antonio Chernov and advocate for exterminating Muslims and deportation of all Chinese.

self hating Jews, IE Jews that wanted to destroy the Jewish religion, created Marxism.

That's why the USSR helped the arabs for so many years.

Stormweenies are just meth heads

Private property is a form of capitalist property.

You probably have private property confused with personal property.


Yeah but I'm pretty Fascism and communism are just different names for the exact same type of government: a dictatorship

How does it not occur to people that maybe, JUST MAYBE, national socialism is not the same as the socialism the nazi party opposed to the point of waging war against



Socialism needs nationalism to succeed in a large nations. That's just how it goes. It doesn't work with open borders and no civic pride or collective goal.




>they have comon word to describe them therefore theyre the same
come back when youre genuine

Natsoc is more like state-capitalism with expansive social programs, existing in a limited historic territory, run by and for the ethnicity native to that territory (nativ being relative to whatever time they choose to declare is the starting point of the distinct culture the nation being formed epitomizes)

Commits are egalitarian claptrap and the dissolution of property, and the expansion of their philosophy around the world overwriting all culture with a new commie culture.

Even America knew Nazism didn't mean you were evil. Nazis got us to the moon.

Dude the name is socialism dude brb gotta hit this bowl

alright sweetie, time to move on to the next thread.

Fuck I hate these infographics sometimes.

>one is National
>and one is Global
the West whether they care to admit or not, lives under global Communism, where global Socialism is a financial tool used by the international jew & co. to reach into your pocket and take out their money

> everything I don't like is bait

Please don't use the NSM to refer to national socialism or national socialists in general.

They're redneck trash and most would probably be wiped out via a eugenics program.

Why do anti-fa have totalitarian beliefs if they claim they're against fascism because it's totalitarian?



Because National Socialism and Communism are diffrent dumbass.

>Spending your time knowingly lying on a right wing meme board thats logo is a swastika.

What's next on the shills list:
>Hitler had one testical?
>Hitler was Jewish?
>Hitler was gay?
>Hitler was black?

Marxism is the reverse of tradition and culture. The sole purpose of Natsoc is to fight; Who? Communists. Natsoc is a sword for traditionalists to pick up.

It is Excalibur.

because their not fucking socialists lol the socialism is purely aesthetic

Yeah sorry I'm not fluent in english.

I just googled it, he was Jewish

I just googled that you want to suck you father's mutilated dick or suck your mother's ashes up your crooked hook.

How'd you know?

fight fire with fire my dude. They were fighting the Jew with Jewry

You sound like an autist.
>Marxist Socialism: People working for the good of everyone with profits (in a manner of speaking) shared by everyone who is working, driven by market demands.
>National Socialism: People working for the good of the country with profits going to the owners of companies, driven by the needs of the state with all conflict between classes suppressed by a heavy-handed state.
I've seen better replies on Quora, Sup Forums is full of brainlets! Go get some education, niggers!


he's actually right rice nigger, go eat a dog

I'm a Finn.

What was his definition of socialism?

>muh naive equivocation

Because shocker, words can mean different things. Hitler chose 'socialism' and the color of the flag to subvert Marxists and other leftists. It was propaganda.

Read his book and find out, it is why he wrote it after all bro


Naziboos are such fags. Grandad killed 11 of you bitch bois

but it's it's over 700 pages long... with no pictures


Got ya beat

>(limited) government control of the economy cannot take an uncountable number of very distinct forms, in terms of both process and fundamental goals

Don't really understand his point there. Is this like relevant or something?