Should male characters be removed from anime?
Should male characters be removed from anime?
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What are you gay?
You should be removed from life nerd.
No, just cut 95% out and make every series into a harem.
They all are fucking shit except for a few ones so yes. Nothing of value will be lost.
Also, more yuri series I guess, that's good.
Anyone who say otherwise hasn't watched at least 300 titles
But if there are no males how do I self insert?
I can self insert into a little girl right?
They are fags mostly. So yes!
No, go away tumblr.
No need to hate okay?
If this isn't reddit-tier I don't know what is.
>this deep in the closet
Fuck off, manime forever !
But how will i be able to self insert without the generic harem protag attracting every woman withing a 10 mile radius by showing basic human kindness.
Traps should be removed from anime.
Filthy men have no place in anime.
Absolutely not.
But then we'd lose the best anime.
Fuck off neckbeards.
Yes. I can't think of any series that wouldn't be improved if the entire cast was female.
Even the manliest of shows would be better with manly girls beating the shit out of things.
I'm just imagining the idea of someone playing with a bunch of figurines, almost too fat to sit at their computer desk, getting upset that MEN encroached upon Anime, letting their rage move their fingers at they froth at the idea of a radically different opinion
"Fuck off neckbeards."
We should remove /u/ from Sup Forums first and then we talk about your shitty delusions
Kill yourself gay.
Males are useless.
They're only good for being fucktoys and continuing the human race.
>projection: the post
Remove yourself then, since you clearly can't do either one
I'm a girl you idiot.
No matter how hard we argue, deep down inside, we are all losers. This is why this thread is shit...
>he's not a little girl
Don't worry user-kun, you can be one of my slaves.
I don't have a penis.
remove male characters from anime
remove women from reality
remove human race
I am sorry that lying to yourself won't work, but even if could you would only be landwhales
Fuck off troglodite, go vote Trump.
Males in general should be removed from existence. This world would function just fine without them.
Of I'm only good for being a fucktoy then why no one is fucking me? Checkmate.
Never, but if you go back to tumblr and never post here again I will consider
The other way around is the truth, actually.
Anime needs burly, muscular men going through the tribulations of brotherhood together.
Pic related: A manly man. A man's man.
Why the fuck are /u/fags in full force today?
No we need more of them.
No, but all anime should be replaced with Japanese men in their fourties pretending to be anime characters (male and female).
Fuck off fujo.
I'm not gay but I'd slam dunk that left boipussy.
This triggers the Sup Forums
Their faces don't even match their bodies.
What do you mean?
Fuck off Troid.
Literally yes.
It's like they put a little childs face on a muscular man's body
They're just otter mode though, not really muscular.
Dis a brety gud b8 thrad
Is free a good representation of swimming? I've gotten into swimming, but I don't want to see fujo pandering without a good reason.
It's not retarded like """"tennis"""" in Prince of Tennis or """"basketball"""" in Kuroko.
Just remove everyone from anime, it was a mistake.
How would girls reproduce?
They could be slaves and servants.
it's anime who the fuck cares
High school boys should be removed and instead we just have shotas and mature older gentlemen.
Oremonogatari was made for you
/thread this is sad if you dont like any male characters than you have shit taste end of story.
>Katja with her own harem spinoff never
Why is this allowed
Actually, all shows should only have them.
First ban all of /u/. Stay in your containment board.
The parts with Katja are the only ones worth reading in SnQ.
Why does everyone keep responding and bumping these bad bait threads?
I hope they do because that would be the nail in the coffin for me and I can finally stop watching anime
Now now, we are all reasonable people here, I am sure we can all reach an agreement. How's this for compromise:
>Male characters vacate anime
>Yurifags vacate this universe
A female-only medium with no yuriniggers would be effectively a medium without any kind of shipperfaggotry, thus making anime discussion the most patrician hobby of all.
>making anime discussion the most patrician hobby of all
fuck off yurishitter, you can't fool me.
If Yuu-kun isn't in the show, how will I self insert?
male characters should be replaced with futas
>how to turn SnQ into a full blown h
thought Sup Forums was full of little girls
Is that why all the most popular shit on reddit are series with male self inserts?
>not liking traps
fuck off faggot
and cute effeminate boys and traps
Too much heterosexuality.
Only ones over the age of 15 or who aren't cute.
This man is a scholar.
T-tell me how, user-sama.
Timestamp or confirmed for dicks
Males are truly disposable like my femenjne towels and inferior beings, they should be kept as slaves doing hard labour and only the fit ones would be allowed to reproduce (they would be still kept on a cage most of the time).
Seriously, nothing good comes with men, ugly, loud and stupid beings, their existence is truly pathetic.
Can I suck your girly dick?
How about, I chop your balls off, tie them to ya tongue, Chop your head off and hang it up to a ceiling fan so your head and balls can swing like a chandelier. How bout that you stupid cunt?!
>there are actually people who would prefer that male characters not be removed from anime
meme answer: yes
real answer: no
Only if you replace them with futanaris and allow them to show their meter-long dongs whenever possible.