Girls und panzer and /ak/ thread
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Translation of RW chapters 11-17 when?
Movie when?
Some time before TL
Some guy got lucky.
How the fuck did he get it that early?
What do I look forward to after I've seen the movie?
Shipping error maybe.
Is Haifuri /ak/?
The sweet embrace of death.
Hopefully an adaptation of Ribbon Warrior
I can tell you that Haifuri is shit.
I'm bracing for the mother of all post anime depressions.
The GuP setting is my ideal world and my escape from everything wrong in my life.
I love Yukari more than anything and I'm waiting for the realization that we'll never see any more of her after this.
Even if we get more GuP, it's likely just gonna be another soulless bandai property to be milked.
>Walk in bedroom
>See this
What do?
Amazon is known for that.
Panzer panzer her.
Describe in picture how it feels to wait for RW translation.
Well you have bad taste.
Forgot picture.
>Describe in picture how it feels to wait for RW translation.
Hey man Bandai properties have souls too....kind of.
>GuP sequel announced
>The GuPs are now idols or face a rival group of school idol tank girls
Book it.
>wanted to make a tank build
>pyromancy and Havels only
>tfw poise working as intended
Inb4 GuP VA gets into sex scandal and the franchise becomes poison.
Why do otaku care what seiyuus do?
It's not like they are or represent the characters they're voicing.
I don't even know if I want a RW adaptation.
As much as I love the madman, I don't really want Nogamis work to be associated with a wholesome family show like GuP.
We should find out who this is and blackmail him into posting a rip ASAP.
Disappointed that there hasn't been an early rip yet. Ah well, only another week or so.
Yukari is sexy and has a great butt.
I used to think German torsion bar suspensions were over engineered and unnecessarily complicated until I saw this.
Why do asses exist?
I wouldn't want to live without them.
I like Panther.
Maybe they're just jealous since they don't get any action themselves.
What's with the two cuts when the Churchill was trying to pass the bog?
At 5:50 by the way, didn't notice the video was 22 minutes long when I posted that.
Too bad her anatomy is all kinds of fucked up in that image.
I recommend you use this if you want to preach the gospel of Yukaris butt.
>tfw I live less than an hour from the Firefly in the video
I didn't even know she had that clumsy charm. Her trying to keep up with the Panther in the snow is adorable.
I'm a fan of this one.
She should put on some panties before she gets a cold.
Nopan is the way to go.
Hot damn
I wanna bury my face in between her cheeks.
Nopan is unsanitary.
A tanker needs to take care of her hygiene to stay in good health.
Wouldn't want her to get an infection and have to take breaks between loading shells to scratch her privates.
I'm not normally into butts, feet, armpits etc but I can't help but fetishize every part of Yukari.
I don't think such things apply to anime girls. Just imagine her casually bending over to accidentally reveal everything.
She is the best, i would do anything for her.
Its #1, this time the non-Amazon version. This is really odd. Are people canceling the Amazon version and ordering the normal version or something?
**1位/**1位 (*62,750 pt) [*,421予約] 16/05/27 ガールズ&パンツァー 劇場版 (特装限定版) [Blu-ray]
Fuck, just realized it. Amazon could be shipping out units causing the ranks to change.
Look at the price between the two. Amazon version is full price at 10,800 yen. Non-Amazon version has 26% discount and is 7,872 yen.
3,000 yen difference
Us real fans dont care. We throw money at GuP. We pay top yen and dont care.
Absolutely true for the diehard otaku. However GuP has expanded its fanbase immensely with this movie. Enough so that even the cheaper regular BD version is rank #50 right now and the DVD LE is rank #36.
It's telling that Rakuten, the normalfag online shop, even has GuP BD in the top 3. Panzers have taken over Japan.
I think this is the funniest GuP 4koma so far
If that were the case it wouldn't be consistently ranking around #5 overall for the past month. Not sure why they switched places that way. I have a feeling this is going to have stock issues on release day.
Bandai Visual is about to have a ridiculous couple of months with releases of Love Live, iDOLM@STER, Macross, GuP and Gundam related stuff all planned
Walk into Russian military base.
See this.
What do?
Wage holy jihad
How is this? There's a sale for $5 of the entire series on DVD at rightstuf. Thinking of getting it.
This turns me on too much. Help.
awoo akbar
Little Army anime adaptation.
The centipede is a nimble navigator.
Saori is a good singer!
I'm going to go ahead and inb4 someone who will get mad at you and say you're basically right.
Oh, that old chestnut.
>You will never own this
That's funny, but Shizuka doesn't care about Shenshado at all.
oh damn I'd hotglue the hell out of that
Calm down there Jingles
I'm just say, brah. I've already hotglued my Yukari, Mako and Saori figurines like a million times so I need new material.
Luftwaffe girls when
People really do this? Why?
Fetishes and desires have no reason, user.
Boys und Luftwaffe when?
fucking jingles
The standard defense of human garbage
>I-It doesn't affect you!
Does that mean what i think it does? Is my powerlevel that low that i don't know what that is?
fuck her sexually
>Hotgluing Yukari
No. Leave the fluffy alone you monster!
Hmmm, where can I find a decent picture of a Darjeeling Daki?
Damn, I sure wish I knew how to read
What did they mean by this?
all-american lesbian orgies
Kay is legit pretty and perfect.
Please post more.
I love Tanks but the anime was shit.
You have brain damage.