>independent co uk/news/uk/crime/isis-london-attack-bomb-tube-parsons-green-terror-claims-responsibility-latest-news-updates-a7949681.html archive.is/jQ1OM
Grayson Parker
So you're saying it was Israel? Thanks for the update Mossad kike.
Jack Richardson
(You) said that
Ayden Evans
Anthony Robinson
>trump >crusade Lol amerijews and Hamerican sympathizers are fucking blind
America is THE MOST cucked country in the West
Justin Perez
Also for all those uppity americucks ITT: the USA has had far more Islamic terror attacks within the span of the Obama presidency than the UK has had in its entire history.
Brayden Walker
you forgot to turn your VPN off you stupid fucking faggot...
Camden Scott
shouldnt you be sucking your father's cock or something?
Lucas Perry
no. we had only 1 real attack during that presidency you retard