ITT: Old Anime that New Sup Forums would go into mass-shitstorm over.
ITT: Old Anime that New Sup Forums would go into mass-shitstorm over
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off we don't need a new thread.
Mitsuki best girl
there is no need to have another thread
I'm so pissed I can't find this shit with english subs. Complete dub in french, german and turkish but no fucking english subs past 6 episodes. WHY?
This isn't a general, you idiot. Go back to whichever board or site you came from.
>doesn't know what a general is
>trying this hard to fit in
You are quite the moron.
>Doesn't know how Sup Forums works
>Posts like an idiot anyways
>Gets mad at other people when they get called out
Fuck off.
hey fucktard, we really don't need constant threads of the same thing up on Sup Forums
no really
the concept of "general/ongoing" threads is fucking awful and does nothing but attract low quality shitposting
have a thread, one thread, then fucking talk about something else for a while
this shit isn't complicated
But user, that means he'd have to understand the idea behind the fast moving anonymous imageboard and how it's different that whatever shithole forum he came from!
>doesn't know how MY Sup Forums works
>sperging like a retard
Yeah you're a moron alright.
Imagine the reaction to the last episode.
Remember when Broccoli actually gave a shit towards male otaku until they fucking abandoned them?
>Just imagine a proper manga adaptation about this
>just imagine the reaction at the final 2 chapters
>tfw no dicking tonight
Same here. Found out about kabocha wine a month or two back and I'm dissapointed I can't watch cute mini-giantess anime or read the manga.
Since the series is so old I doubt anyone will pick it up to translate the rest.
Was that even aired?
I heard it was DVD only.
Berserk '97.
Just to watch the anime-only fags shit themselves inside out over the ending.
You're right. Last episode wasn't aired and was only on the DVD.
I thought it aired in America?
I hope you mean proper anime adaptation.
That is possible, but I can't find any word one way or another.
The way this ended was a fucking disgrace.
>draw a full grown woman
>call her a little girl
>show her naked every episode
Delete this
Stop trying to fit in
Lurk more.
Tenchi in Tokyo. Holy shit that would've been a shitstorm. Too bad Sup Forums pretty much ignored the latest Tenchi series 2 years ago. Granted it was 4 minute episodes shit.
Based mod.
Some nip posted all the episodes raw on youtube. That's pretty much all you're gonna get if you know basic Japanese
Why the fuck are there an influx of generals at present?
Pic related would definitely qualify
>Old Thread that Sup Forums would shit on because it's the exact same
Stop attention whoring, underage.
Learn when threads need to die newfag
>Learn when threads need to die newfag
>then bumps the thread
War in the Pocket
Maybe moreso /m/, but it'd definitely leave an impact on Sup Forums.
Why do I keep seeing this loli?
Now and The, Here and There
I'm aware of the raws but I can't really enjoy a show I can't understand.
Who remembers episode 13?
Please Teacher for sure
Sup Forums was hype as fuck for it when it was first announced, but that divebombed when they saw all of the new original characters. I haven't even seen it yet. Been meaning to, but was worried about it being painful to watch as a fan of the older Tenchi stuff.
Blue was the worst
That anime was kinda shit though. Maybe the VN was better, I dunno but we in the Muv Luv age now.
>Thinly veiled rec thread
Why you faggot keep responding to this kind of threads
Because it's not a rec thread, idiot.
It's still better than Muv Luv ever was
Did you actually have to try to be this dumb?
Episode 33
It doesn't bother me none. I've got no love for that series. If anything I feel bad for you guys, because no one fucking takes Muv-Luv seriously outside of your faggots.
If I want a mecha game there's always Armored Core.
Not even that, I think the average Sup Forumsnon would get triggered EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
CCS somehow.
That show was so fucking awful, probably in my bottom 5 all time even with that essentially porn episode.
Lighten up you peasant.
So who win? I may give it a try if Blue(hayate?) won because she was the only senpai character I like in Muv Luv alternative.
Watch it and find out. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Zeta Gundam
Why is old always better?