Hispanic Heritige

So how are you guys celebrating hispanic heritige Sup Forums?

Here is some better quality since im an autist

I sure am!

Bump for heritage.

Hispanic is a term invented by faggot lefties when what they really mean is mestizos. They dont consider Spaniards fucking Hispanic because they're white for the same reason they don't consider former members of the Spanish empire Hispanic, like Filipinos.

Just call them fucking mestizos already.

it was a meme you fucking nigger

>look at the picture

I ate a taco today from Taco Bell. Does that count?

castizo here, all i need to do is get married to my gf then have kids and my race will be re-purified as full whites based on the racial caste standards of Spaniards

Had a burrito, according to "undocumented citizens" and their apologists that is the sum total of their culture and apex of Mexican ingenuity completely incapable of being reproduced by the white man. It was alright.

The government considers spaniards to be white hispanics
Hispanics were the conquistadors

Do you think beaners are brown due to their hispanic descent from SPAIN?

get off anti white

I want to spread my ecuadorian blood into my children( if I'll ever have any)


I exist although I wish I didnt

>Hispanic is a term invented by faggot lefties when what they really mean is mestizos
The problem with mestizo is there is alot of mixture to go around.

Mexicans are Spaniards mixed with Mexican Indians, Puerto Ricans are mixed with Europeans, Taino Indians and even Negros, Other place in South America have their own kind of Indians etc.

How would a Puerto Rican with some Negro blood be a 50/50 Mestizo?

Buy changing all my search standards to Bing

eating all the monkeys i can find

I'm so sick of fucking beaners. They are so fucking ugly and they are everywhere. Violence can't come soon enough.


By beaning as many white wymens as I can 2bh

fucking wew lad!

>So how are you guys celebrating hispanic heritige Sup Forums?
By watching deportation videos