Ara ara, user you look so strong. Come help an old lady out with this

>Ara ara, user you look so strong. Come help an old lady out with this

Wat do?

Unzip my pant, put my penis in her mouth and cum on her face

It's a show about fighting robots for kids

>user you look so strong
0/10 completely broke my immersion

Active my burning finger

>looks younger than my 26 yr old imouto

I guess i'll have to punish you for lying WITH MY DICK


Height & weight?

Your brain is broken, and who cares for immersion?

Tell her, "I'd be happy to help a pretty lady."

180lbs 6' tall max bench 100lbs

>Your brain is broken
i know that already
>who cares for immersion?
pleb detected

>pleb detected
Your brain's too broken for you to detect anything. Autism and retardation cloud your judgment and vision harder than being buried alive six feet under, pleb-kun.

Help her with those heavy titties

i have no idea what you're even insinuating or basing this broken brain shit on because some old bitch saying i look strong is unrealistic.

here's your (You) now go away.

I hit 185 bench last week at 170 bw. we are all gonna make it sempai

fuck off normalfag retard
i want nothing to do with your platitudes and /fit/ maymays.

>i have no idea what
Because your brain is broken, even your reading comprehension is shot.
I recommend seeking professional help.

don't be a sad cunt brah, be a sick cunt

get terminal cancer and hang yourself


user pls.

>get terminal cancer and hang yourself

i think you mean "have a heart attack in a steam room after doing a bunch of cocaine"

>i have never benched anything
>don't even have a bench
>i'm never going to make it

But I look like a weak manlet.

Y-you too

>"I'll get that for you, where's the old lady?"

Help her out. Not that i will ever get anything in return.

I was going to say
>but the neozeong
but that's just 20lb

Why kids shows do the hottest moms?

nah, you and your sister just have shit genes

Not until you tell me what's in the box.

I can't stand it anymore

I need a busty christmas cake in my life NOW

I never noticed the wedding ring.
Now I cant fap to her, her husband is a lucky guy.

To attract the dads so they can watch it together with their kids.

Probably some juice and a cookie. Still worth tho

The blue hair ruins it

On the one hand
>Qt older woman
>Compliments me
>Denigrates herself as an "old lady"

On the other hand
>Woman using flattery so she can use me like some fucking tool without any compensation

I'm too redpilled to fall for this, as much as I may like keikis.

You gotta have blue hair

Your back is fine, but if you insist...

Cum inside her multiple times and then leave her

Tell her to stop lifting with her back.

You're wrong, but I'll help anyway. I do like perving on milf ass.

>blue hair


Uhh, yeah sure, where do you need it?

My nigga


how the fuck is a box full of gunpla heavy you dumb cunt

You're supposed to lift with your knees, not with your back, you fucking newfag! You're gonna slip a disc if you keep that up. Jesus Christ, have you ever done a single solitary minute of hard labour in your life? No wonder you're a fat old hag who hasn't had a dick in ten years. You can't even pick up a box how are you going to pick up a guy? If I hadn't seen your terrible form I might have considered letting you blow me for a few minutes and then cumming on your helpless slut face. I guess I'll have to settle for fucking your nearest female relative while you're on the phone listening to us making sweet sweet passionate love and fondling yourself to it like the sad, lonely loser you are. You have a son, too, right? I'm gonna wingman the shit outta that kid so he has pussy coming after him left right and centre, and I'm gonna make sure he hits every single one of those asses in your house while you're home just so you have to listen to how much sex you're not having. And, just when he moves out to start his own family and you think it's all over, I'm gonna buy and resel every other building in your area, pushing up the market value and making you unable to afford your rent, so you'll have to start selling your body to pay for it. Of course I'll be the one in charge, setting you up with the most desperate, unattractive men possible so that you can't possibly enjoy it. It'll go on for years, as your skin shrivels and your hair grays, and as you're lying in bed, gasping for Death to come and free you from your hell, I'll come to your side, lean over your impure husk of a body, and whisper: Asuka or Rei?


Make a playful comment about her not being old and then help her out.

>0 results
Could it be? Is this fresh pasta?

I almost watched GBF because of Rinko.


>I'm too autistic to realise this may be her trying to seduce me but if not that's ok because doing things for other people is nice, as much as I may like keikis.


Newly baken user

aw shit son

She is just complimenting you to break the ice, mr autismo.

I like your style, you sick cockloving shit. Come over and fuck my dakimakura.

>I have never interacted with women
>Women don't routinely use men instrumentally

ignore her for charging me up the ass for my P-Bandai imports
Hire a butler with the 1000000000000 dollars I paid for my reflector pack g self you dumb hoe

>old lady
Please stop calling yourself that.

The woman in OPs pic ain't a cake though.

>not helping her to cuck her husband
shit tier user tbqhf

Nice. A webm now too.

>Ara ara, user you look so sober. Come help an old lady out with this

>I won't be kind by helping someone out whether they need me or not, because there's nothing in it for me

Almost had it in the bag but ruined it at the last second with memeshit.

Too bad.

>mfw helping actual old ladies carry heavy shit
I'm a skinny faggot but hey at least I'm trying to get better.
With old I mean fucking old and not what Sup Forums considers old

So what if it was an elderly man struggling to carry the thing and he nicely asks you for help?

>oh that piece of shit is playing psychological games with me why else would he say something nice if not to manipulate me into doing his work for him

Jesus Christ Sup Forums you're a joke.

>Google only gives photobucket

use iqdb faggot

This is some sort of satire isn't it? Who could think someone asking for help carrying something heavy is trying to "use me like some fucking tool"?

bless you

Hm...give her a bowl of eggs but day she doesn't need to eat everything.

That's not Sup Forums, that's just autism. Sup Forums can at least make it funny.

I have never seen the show she's in, but I've fapped to her too many times to count.

Is the anime any good?

As far as I'm aware the confused brown haired alien is a shitty Sup Forums meme.

It is, but people prefer to pretend that pol doesn't exist.

*Sup Forums

I don't just mean old, though. I'm happy to help anyone who asks, but that's just me. Not going to try and force you to do anything.

It is if you like mecha, or Gundam more specifically. It's mostly focused around her (Rinko's) son and his friends, and Rinko doesn't get as much screen time as I'd like, but it's fairly entertaining overall IMO.

If it was a man, they might be saying "bros before hoes," or related drivel.

never expected a mecha show, think i'll give it a peek.


I wish there was a Christmas Cake/mature women tag on Danbooru so I didn't have to tag each Christmas cake image in hydrus manually.

mfw 215 at 170.

>Not antlion_breeding_season.gif or something similar
Ya fucked up.

/fit/ pls stay

Thanks, /fit/ senpai.


Surely there are other people here that noticed how this post that nobody paid attention to for hours suddenly got 3 replies in a row that are all over a minute apart, right?

Good work senpai

I only noticed it because I saw someone else reply to it. I think there's a term for when that happens.

That's some cluster responding, Sup Forumsnon.

Actually the first was me and the other 2 other people. Hivemind I guess.

>dat filename
Two can play that game

O-only if you suck my pee pee.

First thing I though. Being a skelly isn't all its cracked up to be.

thats pretty freshly cooked user. I shall take it and adapt that shitty ending.

Pull out my 50 and open fire, keep firing until empty and reload.